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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Latest combat video from Ukraine - link    05/06/24  (2)
Anyone else here listen to the Twitter space w Elon & Fuentes last night?    05/06/24  (19)
Why did Columbia become center of protest? And not Harvard/Yale?    05/06/24  (2)
is tehre a list of most legendary poasts of all time somewhere    05/06/24  (7)
only five (5) posters have ascended out of wagecuckerery since 2017    05/06/24  (13)
Best homemade margarita mix recipe    05/06/24  (29)
should i fuck a 4 ft 7in 40 yr old woman later?    05/06/24  (7)
Canadia to CHARGE Canadians $25,000 for leaving their shithole country    05/06/24  (22)
If you mock, defame, or threaten frat boys who make monkey movements ur trash    05/06/24  (1)
Frat kicks Ole Miss monkey boy out (link)    05/06/24  (4)
ISRAEL IS TRASH    05/06/24  (3)
Boom/Mainlining/evan39 non-stop spamming KC Chiefs shit 24/7    05/06/24  (1)
Rate Fizzkidd's cousin playing Pirates of the Caribbean theme on piano    05/06/24  (1)
Fuck the "Cheifs"..how do they Still even have that "name"? Lol    05/06/24  (9)
Free money: Knicks to NBA Finals    05/06/24  (4)
Replace One Name In A Movie Title With 'Rupinder'    05/06/24  (46)
Sad how lonely and sad everyone is with all of the people in america    05/06/24  (24)
It was all over before it begun..your choice to flip 🙃 the script    05/06/24  (1)
MAGA roofer says he charges liberals more (link)    05/06/24  (6)
Is there any reason to care about money aside from attracting/supporting women?    05/06/24  (13)
bros, hr cunt jsut reached out on linkedin. she wants it    05/06/24  (1)
chilmata screaming "Hi yah!" as he karate chops maggot-covered ikea table    05/06/24  (27)
Do white trash/white proles engage in low scale thievery a lot?    05/06/24  (22)
any of you bozos wrap your car?    05/06/24  (2)
BAML associate dies from overwork    05/06/24  (6)
why brioche burger buns    05/06/24  (6)
Discreet here - 100% closeted    05/06/24  (19)
Thoughts on the ongoing Kendrick vs. Drake rap battle    05/06/24  (88)
I used marijuana to cure my sanity    05/06/24  (1)
hey ricky, u forgot something at the gym ...    05/06/24  (4)
It's Ricky to Rock a Rhyme, Rock a Rhyme That's Right on Time    05/06/24  (3)
Dream blunt rotation: weed smoker tp, cancer diagnosis tp, zurich tp, ricky tp    05/06/24  (27)
Imagine if Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, USA were just NUKED off map    05/06/24  (1)
a couple 30 something jewish women are trying to get me to impregnate them rn    05/06/24  (1)
should i take acid and rip through my to do list?    05/06/24  (1)
Just live life on the Appalachian Walking Trail for free. You can forage & fish    05/06/24  (5)
The Economist: Russia permanently losing gas export market share - link    05/06/24  (25)
That kid getting expelled & kicked out of frat is surreal even for current year    05/06/24  (44)
MPA is there any escape from this age of barbarism    05/06/24  (19)
Is Trump going to Clay Davis his way out of jail? Because the DA has money shot    05/06/24  (1)
Evil kike here, it's very important you stop doing what you're doing and engage    05/06/24  (1)
I've watched dozens of hours of documentaries about the Foreign Legion    05/06/24  (9)
$150K in student loans gone -- BAM! -- just like that!    05/06/24  (18)
NYPOST: It's Frat Boy Summer, also fuck women!    05/06/24  (12)
Life is an emotional Ponzi scheme    05/06/24  (212)
Isreal and Palestinemos have sucked all the energy out of US election    05/06/24  (25)
Rafah about to disappear    05/06/24  (3)
$14 croissant    05/06/24  (2)
"Meet the perkiest cheerleaders in the Pacific" (KHON)    05/06/24  (6)
*limps up to desk at end of pier* *turns on COM782* "Twins. If ur out there. If    05/06/24  (26)
will this Jew get cancelled?    05/06/24  (20)
Democrats lie and say I'm "rich" to justify stealing from me    05/06/24  (1)
J.D. Staples, Esquire    05/06/24  (1)
"The JP Staples Toyota dealership is right nearby," the realtor winks    05/06/24  (10)
Can any libs explain why Mayor Pete isn't actually a deep state conspiracy?    05/06/24  (6)
Any 1%ers / outlaw bikers posting rn    05/06/24  (6)
Egypt: We will discard the peace treaty with Israel if IDF invades Rafah    05/06/24  (5)
That DE judge stole my Tesla comp. package Groyper (not Elon)    05/06/24  (1)
*HR sets meeting* *puts on yarmulke and keffiyah*    05/06/24  (1)
still no Czech shells for Ukraine. "Maybe" in June, they say.    05/06/24  (5)
finished reading the new Delicious Tacos book after XO recommended it    05/06/24  (6)
There are people with 40 year internal monologues    05/06/24  (12)
13 federal judge join pledge refusing hire any Columbia graduates    05/06/24  (4)
A lot of women don't even seem sentient    05/06/24  (2)
Zoomer IQ is lower than past gens    05/06/24  (18)
Good places to live in Washington state? Oregon?    05/06/24  (2)
How did Tom Brady's career survive Deflategate?    05/06/24  (11)
JP's Hot Sauce: Guranteed to get you hootin' and hollerin' too. Safari in every    05/06/24  (1)
Family man survived the Special Forces. BofA FIG associate hours killed him.    05/06/24  (21)
JP Staples Toyota announcing it's "DEFINITELY OPEN" during MLK Day    05/06/24  (5)
vonoskar's IQ is too high, it should be lowered&difference distributed to blacks    05/06/24  (116)
i can basically tell you the origin of every xo meme since 2004    05/06/24  (561)
Country ballad about the Nembutal Needle    05/06/24  (1)
your internet friend twins giving you 'o.k.' hand signal as you throw the switch    05/06/24  (71)
BREAKING: Karlstack wins Pulitzer Prize    05/06/24  (1)
Pompeo's lawyer called Tucker Carlson to tell him to back off on JFK story    05/06/24  (9)
CHINA is a Shining Beacon of how a Country SHOULD be RUN    05/06/24  (1)
Killing my neighborhood shitpits with Ricky tp    05/06/24  (7)
Rug pads: goy trap or necessary expenditure?    05/06/24  (5)
Hot take - 22-25 year olds shouldn't be teaching high school kids 5 years younge    05/06/24  (7)
Many people forget that geno tp won the xo fantasy football league    05/06/24  (1)
Wife caught me with a knife at the wrist    05/06/24  (1)
"Yeah I got booted outa Ole Miss for hootin' at a nigra."    05/06/24  (15)
Huey Luis and the Jews tp    05/06/24  (3)
Ever fucked a woman significantly taller than you?    05/06/24  (63)
jersey big mike's subs tp    05/06/24  (3)
Jewish Groups Get 94% of Homeland Security Grants    05/06/24  (19)
which twitter account is twins? he posts there prolifically    05/06/24  (3)
Interviewing @ jap company--should i hit em with dat bow?    05/06/24  (4)
"U made a powerful enemy" Rat-faced man hissed to 8yr old girl making peace sign    05/06/24  (15)
So why is the only democracy in the middle east banning media outlets?    05/06/24  (13)
Total Frat Removal    05/06/24  (1)
You'll always get fair prices and no Monkey Business here at JP Staples Toyota    05/06/24  (15)
Often overlooked fact: girl in LBJ "Daisy" ad couldn't even count    05/06/24  (1)
Sam Hyde just annihilated Fizzkidd on his podcast    05/06/24  (14)
The rat faced demon is promoting anti-Israel threads by going crazy in them, 180    05/06/24  (1)
life imitates art, that's why they look like rats    05/06/24  (4)
35 y/o fizzkidd giving you a half-hearted handjob after 12th date    05/06/24  (1)
Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie Louie Louie    05/06/24  (10)
Russia says massive air attack by Ukraine is imminent - link    05/06/24  (1)
Turd delivery driver in elevator called me a buff guy and asked how tall i am    05/06/24  (3)
I am a Filipino twink    05/06/24  (3)
Rate NYPD blasting a TURD away in front of his MOM    05/06/24  (14)
Indian lawyer files an “objection” accusing judge of racism every time she l    05/06/24  (144)
are crows nigger?    05/06/24  (2)
“Daisy” ad but it’s Israel purposely targeting peaceful girl with nuclear    05/06/24  (2)
(((they))) all need to go back until we can figure out what the hell is going on    05/06/24  (3)
the Jewish quotemo never leaves xo. his mental illness is hilarious.    05/06/24  (1)
Sounds like Israel is going into Rafah - link    05/06/24  (4)
Happy Friday! Have any women raped their highschool students today?    05/06/24  (6)
gold servo skulls trailing Barron down lapis lazuli hall    05/06/24  (2)
Neo-feudal aphorisms    05/06/24  (27)
only chance of avoiding ww3 = elect Trump the Peaceful?    05/06/24  (1)
Do black clothing brands use white models?    05/06/24  (1)
Cons, why did God create mars?    05/06/24  (3)
I remember the first time I enjoyed Simply Red's "Holding Back the Years"    05/06/24  (3)
Asked wife what was worse: fall of Constantinople or Library of Alexandria    05/06/24  (28)
FizzKidd, update us with your latest Tales of Woe    05/06/24  (5)
Berenstein Bear books accused of “bearsplaining” (link)    05/06/24  (1)
New frat i'm establishing: Kappa Iota Kappa Epsilon    05/06/24  (29)
day 3 of nodrink in the books    05/06/24  (30)
Taking linear algebra and differential equations this semester    05/06/24  (73)
so yelling "lizzo" is chill at least?    05/06/24  (1)
A JEW IS GOING INSANE ON XO, WHY?    05/06/24  (4)
Please, Trump, save me from the Democrats and their ghastly tax hikes    05/06/24  (2)
"Twitter pls cancel this person" is some of the gayest shit imaginable    05/06/24  (1)
are you high enough T go to this "urban" pool party?    05/06/24  (28)
hysterical hooknosed jewtroon crooning for bear rape tp    05/06/24  (1)
POST ITT if you dislike Israel    05/06/24  (4)
Dive into a new Mitsubishi today at JP Staples    05/06/24  (1)
ITT: the obese negress gorilla who provoked XO JP Staples    05/06/24  (8)
Gif of buttfaggot walking as if he took HUGE COCK up his ass night before    05/06/24  (34)
Karlstack: "this info could kill me" *unwraps 20" dildo labeled 'this info'*    05/06/24  (4)
JP Staples Toyotas are quick as greyhounds, hard as Krupp steel, tough as leathe    05/06/24  (1)
Timberwolves v. Pacers Finals    05/06/24  (2)
I have a structured settlement and I need cash now! Call J.P. Staples!    05/06/24  (2)
JP Staples & JB Smoove buddy cop flick    05/06/24  (2)
JP Staples Toyota offering "Tausend Jahr" discounts    05/06/24  (2)
No Bear Ever Interrupted Me To Explain How I Can Actually Solve My Problems    05/06/24  (13)
Describe life in TAMPA, FL    05/06/24  (69)
Had a dream about law school last night for some reason - please evaluate!    05/06/24  (3)
JP Staples Toyota announces non-aggression pact with Japanese car companies    05/06/24  (2)
Christos voskrese!    05/06/24  (6)
JP Staples Toyota: "Two in the front, 6 gorillion in the ashtray!"    05/06/24  (2)
JP Staples Audi Lexus and Maserati dealership flying Axis flags out front    05/06/24  (2)
Imagine being a Chink dad paying $10,000 to smugglers so your son can be NOWAG    05/06/24  (8)
peterman: “That’s not a virus. *shows Kaposi sarcoma* THIS is a virus.”    05/06/24  (21)
Anyone berating GORGEOUS CHINA shld have their brain bashed in    05/06/24  (3)

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