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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
WHIP IT THRU THE GLASS....NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!!    06/07/24  (3)
Rate this mid-30s party girl whose confident in her bikini body    06/07/24  (2)
😭 ALEX JONES 😭    06/07/24  (3)
Blood Meridian death scenes being filmed on location in Ukraine as we speak    06/07/24  (3)
'How's *THIS* for a surprise!" Fetterman shouts as he pulls u onto his erection.    06/07/24  (3)
Drinking alcohol is retarded. The only reason people get hooked is because    06/07/24  (2)
When you can afford anything, you desire nothing.    06/07/24  (9)
Not flame: my local Burger King switched from CNN to Fox    06/07/24  (82)
RIP Booker T    06/07/24  (1)
Did concentration camp tattoos have any consistency or verifiability?    06/07/24  (1)
Homo erectus    06/07/24  (3)
Rate my new standup comedy bit    06/07/24  (1)
OYT you're getting better at using imho, iirc, afaik et al    06/07/24  (10)
You ever take a RED EYE flight?    06/07/24  (6)
im sad. let’s talk bros.    06/07/24  (5)
Do you guys feel like we avenged 9/11?    06/07/24  (3)
What if Ukraine had Yuma Indians from the 1850s embedded in its forces?    06/07/24  (1)
Who has more credibility left: FBI or CIA?    06/07/24  (15)
Texas is a polluted shithole    06/07/24  (8)
More Trumpmo WINNING! So much winning    06/07/24  (6)
Lol libs: Hunter Tweets judge "is corrupt," and the AUSA is a "Biden Hater" (lin    06/07/24  (49)
Well well well...    06/07/24  (1)
Can't believe some asshole is trying to make a move out of Blood Meridian    06/07/24  (3)
"Moonchild" blaring as you and Emilio ATV the dune of Rub' al Khali    06/07/24  (22)
Judge Holden dragging TDNW in a leash and collar across the border into Poland    06/07/24  (1)
Putin should offer a $100 bounty on Ukrainian scalps    06/07/24  (1)
We had no idea we were living a good life back then.    06/07/24  (3)
What's your baseline knowledge of Aztec and/or Mayan cosmology right now?    06/07/24  (8)
Civ lit bros, I need some help suing American Airlines    06/07/24  (52)
This is interesting re: Hamas - link    06/07/24  (1)
I'm the least gay xo poaster    06/07/24  (6)
What’s more ignominious, taking the bus or driving a corolla?    06/07/24  (4)
at least jewish women can handle my mental illness pretty well to be fair    06/07/24  (4)
I’m probably the most desi xo poaster    06/07/24  (3)
I’m probably the most decorated xo poaster    06/07/24  (5)
covid mass hysteria was nuts but the George Floyd shit was on another level    06/07/24  (17)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    06/07/24  (32)
'now that's what I call an 'earth rise'...' *SPLAT*    06/07/24  (1)
Schindler's list plot hole    06/07/24  (1)
What is the best green bottle pilsner?    06/07/24  (5)
journalist exposing teens for leaving skid mark on rainbow painted street    06/07/24  (6)
Earthbound and Down    06/07/24  (9)
OK bill will give HS students credit for attending church    06/07/24  (1)
correction tp seems alright to me. why are people complaining?    06/07/24  (9)
nyuug is still considered "young" in his 40s in Korea    06/07/24  (1)
is Little GTO the best surf rock car song    06/07/24  (1)
if given the chance women would fuck the Balrog from Khazad-dûm    06/07/24  (2)
Benzo, has poop ever just fallen out of yr ass while walking?    06/07/24  (332)
have you seen these moody, B&W auto-fellating NYT commercials on youtube?    06/07/24  (11)
lololol Ukrainian Americans who visit Ukraine will be conscripted now    06/07/24  (2)
My wife literally put one child to bed, then took the oldes to the pool    06/07/24  (1)
Trump mistral incoming: juror leaked verdict day before announcement (link)    06/07/24  (28)
Bruce Willis made $114 million from The Sixth Sense    06/07/24  (9)
Golf bros, I finally caved in and shortened my driver shafts    06/07/24  (3)
correction tp needs to be banned for his own mental health    06/07/24  (77)
Whoever is shitmodding correction tp is 180    06/07/24  (40)
Hey correction tp, you're a worthless fucking piece of shit, go away    06/07/24  (15)
Correction TP is whokebe having a mental breakdown (link)    06/07/24  (31)
Rate this Aztec religious belief    06/07/24  (4)
hedge fund runs poultry futures strategy in the "cock sleeve"    06/07/24  (3)
The only thing I like about children is they go to bed at 7:00 PM    06/07/24  (4)
Day 2 of no drink done. Anyone else doing a dry June?    06/07/24  (32)
Lord of the Rings plot hole    06/07/24  (23)
DoorDash driver assaults female staff for not having his order ready    06/07/24  (5)
So cons is Trump getting a mistrial or were you just being retarded as usual?    06/07/24  (4)
Is Trump getting a mistrial?    06/07/24  (17)
What is the ideal amount of time to spend time travelling each year?    06/07/24  (1)
What is the ideal amount of time to spend travelling each year?    06/07/24  (26)
Astronaut who took famous earth rise photo forgot to jump    06/07/24  (7)
Libs prosecuting Hunter doesn’t show you’re fair, it shows you’re weak    06/07/24  (25)
Lefty Chinese friend got back from China, now redpilled on social conservatism    06/07/24  (101)
Is Biden further gone mentally than Reagan near the end of his 2nd term?    06/07/24  (2)
How much AZN pussy is there in NYC vs other cities in the US    06/07/24  (13)
Should I buy this Morristown, NJ house set on 5.7 acres with a private lake?    06/07/24  (29)
Chef OYT maeking Kung Pao Chicken tonight (pic)    06/07/24  (24)
rate these clear ambassadors @ sfo    06/07/24  (2)
1-bedroom go down in price in MFH?    06/07/24  (16)
What's the point of dying? Why do we allow it?    06/07/24  (2)
Lord of the Ring Hole    06/07/24  (1)
What vehicle travel time is your cutoff in lieu of "flying" faggotry?    06/07/24  (9)
Mainlining where can I orbit Earth and avoid micrometeoroid and space debris?    06/07/24  (3)
Fucked out of it all..salvaging what i can    06/07/24  (10)
What business does "France" having possessing nuclear weapons?    06/07/24  (1)
Rate me (Wilbur Mercer)    06/07/24  (2)
Last known statuses of former long time posters    06/07/24  (318)
luis, might go get a blunt wrap in a sec    06/07/24  (1)
The Fall Of Minneapolis - documentary on the George Floyd hoax (link)    06/07/24  (42)
Bad news cons. George Conway says you’ll need to be deprogrammed like 1984    06/07/24  (7)
Very relaxing: Joe Sample album “Invitation”    06/07/24  (1)
literary historians unveil cache of Bear erotica penned by teenage Bronte girls    06/07/24  (2)
Just got $30,000 referral fee for a PI case I passed to bro last year    06/07/24  (10)
did a great job today, gonna hit a blunt and drive drunk around town    06/07/24  (11)
Joe Biden shits himself at D-Day    06/07/24  (69)
love ain't nothing but two people feeling sorry for each other    06/07/24  (1)
Russian BTR-82 and Yankee M2 fight close in. BTR wins.    06/07/24  (1)
Rubio's "Fish Taco" Restaurant files for Bankruptcy    06/07/24  (12)
I never hit a women but I slap the shit out of a bitch    06/07/24  (1)
She used to work at sperm bank, got fired for drinking on the job    06/07/24  (1)
i love destroying womens lives    06/07/24  (1)
Good news, lsd. Election fraud discovered in Arizona    06/07/24  (2)
This country is a total failure & I hate how stupid our entire fucking lives are    06/07/24  (1)
Weird conism: lockdowns lasted for two years    06/07/24  (1)
O VAGINE! Cover me in thy slime, thy stank grease!    06/07/24  (4)
writing prompt: start a story using the words bucolic and quadroon.    06/07/24  (2)
Did u ever say “thank you” to an automatic paper towel dispenser?    06/07/24  (8)
one Moroni angel leg can feed family of 5 at Red Kolobster    06/07/24  (103)
So spaceporn is suing the board b/c online people were mean to him?    06/07/24  (85)
Trump narrows down list of VP candidates to seven names    06/07/24  (133)
Libs: why is Russia's economy so strong right now? Where are they getting money?    06/07/24  (15)
My poasting: a Museum of Moments, a Nirvana of Niggas    06/07/24  (3)
Ricky narrows down list of blown out whores to have kids with to seven names    06/07/24  (3)
Rate this NEW Jew rappers Macklemore diss    06/07/24  (43)
Good news, Trumpmos. There was juror misconduct in the Trump trial!    06/07/24  (2)
Danny McBride to star in Eastbound & Down sequel "Eastbound & Down Syndrome"    06/07/24  (1)
TT's Twitter account was taken down by Mossad (proof)    06/07/24  (3)
so bio women 100% attracted to men are claiming "LGBTQIA+" now?    06/07/24  (39)
Need a 23 yr old jewish chick who wants to individuate hard tp    06/07/24  (4)
If a pharmacist insisted on being called "doctor" would you?    06/07/24  (6)
180 thing about blacks: they instinctively pick up on who can be trusted    06/07/24  (58)
EMERGENT Q: Which ZIP code has the highest % of Shoshana Lonsteins?    06/07/24  (6)
MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA wants YOU to be first in succession to a NEW HIGHLANDER    06/07/24  (14)
Anyone watch Under Siege (1992): seems so easy to take over a Navy ship    06/07/24  (11)
Ayo, this place is fucking back btw    06/07/24  (19)
Guy who never thought Trump would do 30 seconds of jail time here, 'sup    06/07/24  (1)
What was the exact moment you realized you've been had?    06/07/24  (11)
PREDICT: Will Trump be imprisoned by Merchan?    06/07/24  (16)
Trying to watch sumo wrestling again, still don't get it    06/07/24  (2)
listening to Green Day - When I Come Around on a school bus tp    06/07/24  (1)
Nigger tech millionaire    06/07/24  (1)
so much easily to stay hard when having sex with men    06/07/24  (1)
What net worth do you need to hit financial escape velocity    06/07/24  (18)
how do i tell clients im willing to fuck their teenage daughters?    06/07/24  (5)
"i dont pay for pussy" *listens to wife talk nonsense for hours per day*    06/07/24  (18)
Met CSLG, his wife and staff at his restaurant last night - all 180000 (Ricky)    06/07/24  (51)
Ricky can I get a look at your posted in/by you    06/07/24  (6)
literally in awe that dudes are starting relationships with 36+ yr old women    06/07/24  (8)
hope a bunch of you that got Covid vaxxx die asap    06/07/24  (6)
Luis, Eden Project book by Hollis is a must read so 180000    06/07/24  (2)
i miss that fucking retarded coke out whore    06/07/24  (15)
Lol I’m sorry but fuck this jewish god thing    06/07/24  (7)
you don't even need a wife or gf with the right robot mop vacuum    06/07/24  (2)
women consume relentlessly, never replace anything and just go on to next thing    06/07/24  (5)
Im not sorry for speaking my truth, but Im sorry u allowed yourself to be hurt    06/07/24  (2)
life is about me    06/07/24  (4)
LOL no YOU HANG UP! HAHAH    06/07/24  (4)
i mean damn, look how i keep putting this shit together - it's incredible    06/07/24  (2)
not only did i take it too far i built a house there, you should come visit    06/07/24  (2)
The Most High | The Banks | The Plug    06/07/24  (2)
getting urge to quit working, ghost everyone, move to new city & start new life    06/07/24  (9)

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