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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
"Haha Trump will win now! This only helps!" people, explain yourselves    06/03/24  (1)
Fauci is destroying congressional Republicans at his hearing today    06/03/24  (22)
WTF has the US only built ONE major new AIRPORT in 40 years    06/03/24  (51)
my trump-hating NPC liberal friend thinks trump conviction = he'll win election    06/03/24  (9)
End result of NCAA settlement is women rowers, soccer, etc. making millions    06/03/24  (1)
Best postwar American short story writer?    06/03/24  (62)
M Night Shmalayan's nepo daughter making movies now, lol    06/03/24  (11)
Max IQ to believe the Earth is round and full of fire?    06/03/24  (4)
Djoker pretending to be injured again    06/03/24  (1)
rate my creek side apartment rental in Burundi (TT in 2029)    06/03/24  (1)
ITT: I name a poster. compliment the poster    06/03/24  (77)
How many "continents" are there?    06/03/24  (13)
white woman thinks Israel is a Muslim country    06/03/24  (2)
So Northern Euro Birdshits didn't even have WRITING for thousands of years?    06/03/24  (48)
Earned $4,190.67 last month in Interest/Dividends    06/03/24  (85)
Mexico gets first female prez before USA    06/03/24  (8)
MLK / Gandhi / Mandela / Lenin / Hitler / TRUMP    06/03/24  (2)
What kind of fucking queer still supports Fauci today    06/03/24  (6)
If you’re not watching the show Patriot on Prime ur literally insane and gay    06/03/24  (24)
Trump doesn't drink but loves Addy and Ambien...180?    06/03/24  (5)
“Writing a letter” to seller of House you’re trying to buy is the cuckiest    06/03/24  (76)
Hockeymos, I am going to watch the Stanley Cup finals and try to get into it.    06/03/24  (7)
So spaceporn is suing the board b/c online people were mean to him?    06/03/24  (27)
A dissident history of the Trump campaign and presidency (Part 1)    06/03/24  (7)
Mick Jagger: "Luis, Luisssss When will those clouds all disappear?"    06/03/24  (1)
Guitarmos, thoughts on the EVH Frankenstein Relic guitar? Too fake??    06/03/24  (5)
Tears for Fears - Every Jewess Wants to Rule the World    06/03/24  (3)
xo currently deader than doodikoff/fizzkidd/MPA/TT's bedrooms    06/03/24  (3)
just 9 weeks till CFB practices start    06/03/24  (11)
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, make a ZoZo poaster your wife    06/03/24  (5)
Fighter pilot girls - video    06/03/24  (1)
HIMARS feasts on S-400 battery in Belgorod- seems GPS jamming there is weak-link    06/03/24  (14)
If you wanna be my daddy, you gotta get with my friends    06/03/24  (8)
Holding a boombox playing the ABC CFB theme as libs wither all around me    06/03/24  (2)
Dream Theater to release 2-disc concept album centered around ABC CFB theme song    06/03/24  (2)
In college I told girls my dad played the guitar riff in the ABC CFB theme    06/03/24  (2)
ABC College Football Theme (1996 - 2006)    06/03/24  (6)
ABC CFB theme goes with everything - George Floyd arrest (YouTube)    06/03/24  (2)
On the Republican Caucus    06/03/24  (3)
any other bros pretend to be bald to sandbag life?    06/03/24  (17)
how long have you known, how long has it shown, forever, forever, forever    06/03/24  (2)
$0.01 DOS bot takes out trillion dollar scholarship repository (link)    06/03/24  (1)
ok birdshits kkk heil hitler here's my first youtube video rant (TT)    06/03/24  (3)
🚨Houthis hit and SINK USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier! 🚨    06/03/24  (54)
Thousand dollar drone takes out 100 million dollar radar - link    06/03/24  (1)
Karl VERY upset that McDonalds still accepted breakfast orders at 11:02 AM    06/03/24  (2)
Anctarctica is a fully populated & lush continent lived on by the elites HTH    06/03/24  (6)
ricky's done way more drugs than benzo but has avoided jail    06/03/24  (2)
πŸ‡²πŸ‡½Claudia ((Sheinbaum)) elected POTUS of Mexico πŸ‡²πŸ‡½    06/03/24  (5)
50 y/o guy in oversized 90s stripey shirt at Ride concert in 2024    06/03/24  (5)
LMAO libs: trump trial courtroom flag had gold fringe (pic)    06/03/24  (1)
TT your tweets are excellent, keep it up    06/03/24  (3)
Does Trump still have to go to prison if he doesn’t want to?    06/03/24  (8)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    06/03/24  (16)
Which Apple Watch to get? 41mm or 45mm?    06/03/24  (1)
Why aren’t the libs backing down?    06/03/24  (39)
Who pays Norm Eisen for this    06/03/24  (8)
Cons how worried are you that Dems are sitting on the Trump N-word tape?    06/03/24  (1)
Tommy for president    06/03/24  (7)
Killed a baby rattlesnake    06/03/24  (2)
life is a clown honk of terror fear disappointment, then you die    06/03/24  (5)
faggot birds are always fighting. 0 chill.    06/03/24  (2)
2020: The Wall, Tariffs Against China, No DREAMers, Hillary in Jail    06/03/24  (2)
Rate the Big Bad Wolf’s disguise    06/03/24  (2)
Is correction tp FLW    06/03/24  (10)
beam me up, hizzla    06/03/24  (1)
its weird that tommy is living the life of a sexpat but without the sex    06/03/24  (5)
Biz idea: auto-enroll customers in 20 email lists, require "unsubscribe" to each    06/03/24  (1)
Three Guyana PICS MEGATHREAD (RSF)    06/03/24  (20)
this video sums up modern dating in a nutshell for all women    06/03/24  (1)
XO consensus=U.S. annex Australia, Greenland, I$rael, Taiwan    06/03/24  (2)
ride - like a daydream.mp3    06/03/24  (2)
Final Lib Plan is to recreate Pangea using tectonic forces    06/03/24  (4)
Libs we aren’t going to forgive you for making Trump have sex w/ that porn sta    06/03/24  (1)
U.S. needs to annex some territory....been too long..what is ripe for taking?    06/03/24  (33)
Australia is both a country and a continent? Doesn't seem fair?    06/03/24  (5)
South Island giant moa 180 creature...why humans kill everything 180 :(    06/03/24  (5)
Karlstack exposes MASSIVE plagiarism in “Writing a letter” to seller of Hous    06/03/24  (8)
Juror in $250M Somali covid fund theft trial bribed with $120k cash    06/03/24  (5)
Just got back from Antarctica...HOLY SHIT BROTHERS the Antarctic pu$$y is tight!    06/03/24  (1)
Sorry libs we are buying fucking GREENLAND    06/03/24  (35)
TSINAH vandalizes the law office of prominent Michigan attorney    06/03/24  (2)
Ricky’s mom, has got it going on    06/03/24  (2)
How does Jimmy Carter spend his days in "hospice"? He defeated it    06/03/24  (4)
Lions used to roam north america until 11,000 years ago    06/03/24  (92)
DeepFuckingValue megathread    06/03/24  (7)
MONDAY MORNING ππˆπ†π†π„π‘ TIME πŸ¦πŸŽΊπŸŽ‰πŸ‰    06/03/24  (50)
I think many posters here are legitimately incompetent as attys    06/03/24  (83)
Jimmy Carter pulling out his rock-hard 8-incher, staring at hospice lady    06/03/24  (3)
George Floyd is the most important nigger in history. Gavrilo Princip of niggers    06/03/24  (13)
is it true disco fries has never feuded with other posters?    06/03/24  (4)
Wheel of Fortune is one of the last vestiges of old America    06/03/24  (16)
The hilarity of Biglaw "men" getting multitools/tools for presents    06/03/24  (7)
Best dividend growth stock?    06/03/24  (15)
Cold Pizza is 180    06/03/24  (5)
disco fries what are some tips & tricks re purchasing a motor vehicle    06/03/24  (3)
Jimmy Carter is still alive    06/03/24  (5)
Charles Murray 1000x more upset by medical bill waivers than white genocide    06/03/24  (6)
Mainlining where can I swim oceans and avoid sharks?    06/03/24  (14)
Karl upset that McDonalds worker DID NOT WASH HANDS after using bathroom    06/03/24  (1)
Cons what do you think about Laura Loomer    06/03/24  (4)
Karlstack records & posts horrible video of JAYWALKER, liked by Bill Ackman    06/03/24  (2)
Turned a third grader in today for copying his classmate’s work (Karlstack)    06/03/24  (8)
benzo: "YESSS!! TRUMP GUILTY!!!" <can't afford food, does more drugs, goes back    06/03/24  (3)
Literally just ordered a sandwich w/ gabagool, provolone, and vinegar peppers    06/03/24  (6)
Why are so many right-wing bros destitute criminal drug addicts    06/03/24  (1)
34% of Americans according to a ((poll)) think mutilating genitals of minors OK    06/03/24  (2)
Due to the push toward Net Zero, the surge in copper prices is only starting    06/03/24  (7)
Palliative technologies    06/03/24  (2)
Caring abt Russia-Ukraine War is so stupid, do u care abt gorillas fighting in N    06/03/24  (24)
oh would you look at that correction tp just called someone a nigger    06/03/24  (3)
Warren Buffet’s company down 99%    06/03/24  (9)
So the sham conviction fixed Trump's funding woes and libs are upset?    06/03/24  (2)
Nayib Bukele "we don't jail political opponents here"    06/03/24  (7)
Ricky, what's the best breakfast place in Tampa?    06/03/24  (1)
Trump in trouble for bribing witnesses in his criminal case    06/03/24  (6)
One fried nigger heart, please!    06/03/24  (1)
good morning    06/03/24  (4)
Señora Sheinbaum tearfully pleading for reforma migratoria at US border    06/03/24  (2)
libs can't let people just enjoy the summer    06/03/24  (15)
I wonder whether Mexico's new Jewish president will choose silver or lead - link    06/03/24  (4)
Trump didn't commit "crimes" you dorks    06/03/24  (10)
hillary literally going to jail    06/03/24  (9)
Hey libs— all of your heroes are going to jail. Enjoy!    06/03/24  (3)
Facts Trumpmos hate: Biden is POTUS, Trump lost, Trump is going to jail    06/03/24  (3)
Trump going to jail LMAO    06/03/24  (8)
So Andrew cuomo is going to jail before trump? Lmao.    06/03/24  (48)
almost 1000 rioting Trumpmos going to jail, Bannon next, then Trump    06/03/24  (10)
Biden is your POTUS, Trump is going to Jail. Reality, Sorry Trumpmos.    06/03/24  (3)
People going to jail: Hillary, Comey, Rosenstein, Lynch, Holder    06/03/24  (8)
So Hillary really is going to jail.    06/03/24  (8)
Spotify increasing subscription price again    06/03/24  (4)
How many xo men are single no kids 40+    06/03/24  (20)
Off-duty Chicago cop shoots shitpit to death    06/03/24  (6)
lol mexico just elected a jewess as their president    06/03/24  (4)
NBA players make hundreds of millions but all impregnate the same few women    06/03/24  (1)
Where the fuck did our lives go? 🀯 πŸ”«    06/03/24  (16)
Police quickly remove car wreck, because two injured drivers were not "people"    06/03/24  (1)
McConaughey telling u: "I think ur lawyer phase has run its course, man."    06/03/24  (56)
Ukrainian special forces fighting Russians in Syria - link    06/03/24  (1)
He's going to jail, Kenny. You can mod all you want. Your dumb ass isnt going t    06/03/24  (2)
watched Soylent Green last night, it was OK    06/03/24  (3)
Both Jared and Ivanka have felons for fathers    06/03/24  (7)
Mel Brooks is an overrated kike    06/03/24  (22)
Nothing but stupid fraud&you're paying for it all    06/03/24  (2)
Does the time you're existing in feel really weird right now?    06/03/24  (8)
Best metal album since 2020?    06/03/24  (18)
just disgusted by this insanity and hope Trump wins    06/03/24  (1)

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