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reminder: Punky Brewster grew up to have these huge tits (pic)    04/26/24  (17)
i’m interviewing people for a bullshit email job. almost everyone is black.    04/26/24  (12)
Why so many feral blacks in Nor Cal?    04/26/24  (12)
weirdo faggot “gunnerattt” determined to turn xo into a tranny board (link)    04/26/24  (8)
Karlstack SCOOPED. New Columbia President plagiarism SCANDAL    04/26/24  (8)
(rachmiel finally debuting zozo 12.0 elasticsearch) "Unrealized gains realized."    04/26/24  (8)
LOL WTF is the EU even founded on?!?    04/26/24  (6)
NATO blew $500bn on Ukraine and still lost    04/26/24  (6)
Stay alive. When the server dies, I will find you *throws laptop in ocean*    04/26/24  (5)
"Hi its IT. I'm seeing a 35,000 page print job? something called autoadmit.com    04/26/24  (5)
5am and baby is sleeping soundly but smells like she pooped    04/26/24  (4)
Jung is fucking my whole shit up    04/26/24  (4)
Are we not but XO Servers in the ghastly delayed punishment that is LIFE?    04/26/24  (3)
Why does it take 3 fucking days for my idiot bank to post my loan payments?    04/26/24  (3)
POWERGOY Seller Left Ring Doorbell Camera. What a GOY SCAM    04/26/24  (3)
Server seems good this morning, how long will it last?    04/26/24  (3)
i still cant believe they had dancing tiktok nurses    04/26/24  (2)
Dirge for my Diaper    04/26/24  (2)
good morning    04/26/24  (2)
Adam Schiff gets a warm reception on a trip to San Francisco    04/26/24  (2)
Blonde-haired Zendaya androids bring world peace in 2049 (time travel link) 🔮    04/26/24  (2)
"I don't care WHAT it takes. I want autoadmit shut DOWN" *Biden angrily slams ph    04/26/24  (2)
First day of chemotherapy this morning. Here we go….    04/26/24  (2)
Why are we forced to believe that Taylor swift is wonderful and kind    04/26/24  (2)
Rate my TURDISH travel plans next few months    04/26/24  (1)
God damn Faggot Jew Nigga bitch feminazi cunt whore faggot Jew    04/26/24  (1)
Why hasn't the government stepped in?    04/26/24  (1)
Ukraine withdraws M1 tanks from active service    04/26/24  (1)
Suck my fat boner, baby.    04/26/24  (1)
Ukraine front line is collapsing. Ukraine can't stop the Russian advances    04/26/24  (1)
wtf does laggy autoadmit auto-redirect to "1-877-KARS-4-KIDS" for anyone else?    04/26/24  (1)
Jonah and the whale parable was probably the OT fable most predictive of Christ    04/26/24  (1)
1930’s Germany    04/26/24  (1)
"Call mah two inch peepee tree!" Xi demands Biden salute China's 'rise' (CNBC)    04/26/24  (1)
Fitting that xo was founded by a bald Jew and destroyed by an Indian tranny    04/26/24  (1)
TT can you give us the inside scoop on why there is so much TURDSPAM on twitter    04/26/24  (1)