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Googles new AI is insane (link)    05/15/24  (24)
King Charles official painting signals end of the monarchy    05/15/24  (16)
There is NOTHING i do in law that AI could not do better, today    05/15/24  (14)
Bye bye cheddar 😘 bay biscuits and free McDonald's refills    05/15/24  (13)
Biden refuses to debate Trump, says he doesn’t debate convicted felons    05/15/24  (12)
Are people really as dumb as they sound even at the "top"?    05/15/24  (10)
Slovak POTUS has been shot, wounded    05/15/24  (9)
Death of Red Lobster signals the end of America    05/15/24  (8)
evan39 would you bottom for the men messaging me on Grindr at 5 in the morning    05/15/24  (7)
To the pumo that stalks the “mentally retarded jewish” quotemo    05/15/24  (7)
McDonald’s is getting rid of free drink refills — and more fast-food chains    05/15/24  (7)
Had dream that $cott $wift was chasing me around the Power & Light with a rake    05/15/24  (6)
What does a Staff Attorney do in biglaw?    05/15/24  (6)
"Reddit" is pretty stupid low level shit isn't it?    05/15/24  (6)
The secret to women is being a misogynist and treating them like absolute shit    05/15/24  (6)
evan39 are most people as retarded as they sound? Even top billionaires    05/15/24  (6)
Judge “Eboni” Johnson in Louisiana is the future of the judiciary    05/15/24  (6)
Even basic acts of Masonry are prohibited under the Bass Pro Shop pyramid    05/15/24  (6)
Anthony Blinken opening for Zelensky's 2024 world tour    05/15/24  (5)
German politician literally stuffs Koran into his anus - link or no link?    05/15/24  (5)
Cons you have to admit Trump is going senile    05/15/24  (5)
Exclusion of Jewish Jurors Prompts Review of California Death Row Cases    05/15/24  (4)
Ukraine hahols tried to assassinate Slovak Prime Minister Fico    05/15/24  (4)
The science is gay.    05/15/24  (4)
All fraud! Stop eating at American restaurants! F red lobster&McDonald's!    05/15/24  (4)
Zuckerberg jacked w gold chain, alpha posture, "carthage must be destroyed" Tshi    05/15/24  (4)
Have $6k to invest where to put it    05/15/24  (4)
If I met King Charles IRL I wld tell him I like King Charles Spaniels    05/15/24  (4)
Paula Cole - Where Have All the Games Gone? .mp3    05/15/24  (3)
Karlstack has played a part in this wonderful development    05/15/24  (3)
45 year old lawyer haunted by flunking pre-calc back in HS tp    05/15/24  (3)
Julia revitalizing career with 5 part expose of the Diffident Right    05/15/24  (3)
Why do men message me on grindr even when I open it at 5 am    05/15/24  (3)
Todd Howard has no idea wtf is going on imo    05/15/24  (3)
Destroyed equipment at Russian base hit by ATACMS- link    05/15/24  (3)
"Some folks got jizzed on." -- Obama    05/15/24  (3)
Sydney Sweeney's gigantic areolas    05/15/24  (3)
russian airbase in Crimea got lit the fuck up (video)    05/15/24  (2)
evan39 go read reddit&other crap..this is now dumb people truly are    05/15/24  (2)
good morning    05/15/24  (2)
ANOTHER French cop shot dead:    05/15/24  (2)
Does Hamas know how to make good hummus?    05/15/24  (2)
US to Ukraine: hit Moscow with US weapons - link    05/15/24  (2)
sTTTock markeTTT is fraud... only going up to spite TTTommy    05/15/24  (2)
It's truly mostly dumb luck, theft and fraud..    05/15/24  (2)
Based on a couple hours of WebMD research, pretty sure my wife has "diarrhea".    05/15/24  (2)
Just spent $71 on a concert ticket advertised at $51. LJL @ this fraud    05/15/24  (2)
Recommend some ETFs to get invest in    05/15/24  (2)
The retarded masses are insane obsessing over "Swift" truly moronic    05/15/24  (1)
Hope the homeless loot and burn America to the core..why is it not happening now    05/15/24  (1)