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Replace One Name In A Movie Title With 'Rupinder'    05/04/24  (35)
why again does US middle class have to bankroll israel/gaza & ukraine/ussr    05/04/24  (34)
Fit guys with obese women. How does this happen?    05/04/24  (21)
Muslims + LGBTQs for Palestine gives an image reminiscent of old zombie movies    05/04/24  (16)
Men who don’t get married and start families + gays should be be taxed more    05/04/24  (16)
Libs have IDed the monkey guy at Ole Miss    05/04/24  (13)
Attractive 30 year old with gray hair is really into me. Can’t afford hair dye    05/04/24  (12)
Which cities have a SHIT problem?    05/04/24  (11)
is civil war worth seeing? thinking of going to see it tonight    05/04/24  (11)
have we talked about the 24yo female teacher who made out with 5th grader?    05/04/24  (11)
Today is my MBA Commencement. I'm wearing a Cap and Gown (cowgod)    05/04/24  (9)
How to defrost 7.5 pork butt?    05/04/24  (9)
Marlon Brando loved cats    05/04/24  (9)
watch this cute girl serenade a cow with a nice song    05/04/24  (8)
Started lifting — is the StrongLifts app any good?    05/04/24  (8)
Cons at least libs are out there protesting    05/04/24  (7)
just got called racist irl    05/04/24  (7)
Fiing your own taxes??    05/04/24  (7)
STICKY: Plz note Tommy T hereby identifies as a PAKISTANI    05/04/24  (7)
flaccid cock shoved in dry pussy    05/04/24  (7)
A website made a nice little nut instructing how to remove your nuts    05/04/24  (7)
watch these calves cuddling with a cat    05/04/24  (7)
I’m sick of being treated like subhuman because penis isn’t a pornstar 8 inc    05/04/24  (5)
Lex Fridman sucks imo    05/04/24  (5)
SHOW ME YOUR FACE hisses the rat-faced man    05/04/24  (5)
César Lattes was 100% right about Albert Einstein    05/04/24  (5)
Underrated 50 Cent song: "Many Men"    05/04/24  (5)
Tell me what new floor to get for my NYC piedatterre    05/04/24  (4)
Pakistan Zinzibad! 🇵🇰    05/04/24  (4)
Univ Protests = proof that "cancel culture" only applies to what pisses off jews    05/04/24  (4)
holy cow, TT just outted himself on twitter! (pic)    05/04/24  (4)
What are cr sports for girls to play growing up & not become lez    05/04/24  (4)
odd case "American" media focuses on the worst of anti-israel protestors    05/04/24  (4)
I've befriended three different golden retrievers named "Emilio" in my life    05/04/24  (4)
Brit Birdshit arrested in Thailand after importing Cocaine IN his Passport    05/04/24  (4)
vote ITT: is disco fries real or flame    05/04/24  (4)
MPA is there any escape from this age of barbarism    05/04/24  (3)
2026: VP Kristi Noem sparks UK-US war after beheading royal corgis    05/04/24  (3)
Imitating a monkey/gorilla hits a little too close to home for blacks    05/04/24  (3)
Frontline on Dems and Goldston fictionalized film about 1/6    05/04/24  (3)
This is why women choose the bear    05/04/24  (3)
Hate traveling in South Asia cause Turds talking to me in their Turd lingo    05/04/24  (3)
YouTuber visits last Hawaiian island stuck in the 90s (video)    05/04/24  (3)
Pompeo's lawyer called Tucker Carlson to tell him to back off on JFK story    05/04/24  (3)
cute art hoe you never made a move on explaining praxis to a distracted bear    05/04/24  (3)
luis & i partying in Chennai tonite. hit me up if u want 2 join. Suprinder will    05/04/24  (3)
CEO of Misogyny calling you to his office for a quarterly review    05/04/24  (3)
I asked my wife, she said bear    05/04/24  (3)
The big day is here! Dinner party! Come over!    05/04/24  (3)
Abrams tank gets blasted multiple times, crew services (vid)    05/04/24  (3)