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A Trump win would make conservatism way more socially acceptable    05/28/24  (60)
In ten years Social Security can only pay out at 80%. No Boomer will address    05/28/24  (52)
Rate this Jew whine on LinkedIn    05/28/24  (43)
Rate TRAVEL plans for rest of 2024    05/28/24  (40)
Leaving today for Guyana/Suriname trip, Soo CR (RSF)    05/28/24  (39)
turns out a former slave taught Jack Daniels how to make proper whiskey    05/28/24  (33)
New status signifyer should be being in great physical shape    05/28/24  (31)
It feels like the economy is about to really go to shit    05/28/24  (29)
You don’t really see bands like Tears for Fears anymore    05/28/24  (28)
Desperate to win back young voters, Biden enlists teen idol Robert De Niro    05/28/24  (28)
the ending of falling down was sad    05/28/24  (26)
Biden shows his cards on electoral college strategy (link)    05/28/24  (25)
Back at my old firm there was a psycho chick who seduced partners    05/28/24  (25)
They built a fucking conference room in front of my cubicle    05/28/24  (24)
All you divorce lawyer bros help the rest of us out: is there a CR way to    05/28/24  (24)
thoughts on this AZN escort?    05/28/24  (22)
women are magical, sweet angels who need to be protected    05/28/24  (21)
RATE Daniell Radcliffe's Babymomma (5 Years His Senior) (PICS)    05/28/24  (20)
what do "black pillers" want done?    05/28/24  (20)
told my therapist to fuck off, feels 180    05/28/24  (20)
Serious brain drain on the right the last couple of years    05/28/24  (20)
XO flame re: cost of raising children is not that crazy    05/28/24  (19)
Bobby Lee says a director once called him a "pan-faced gook"    05/28/24  (19)
David Lynch issues a vague and ominous warning:    05/28/24  (19)
What did they think would happen from letting Muslims into the West en masse    05/28/24  (18)
no one wants to watch girlpower movies anymore, good    05/28/24  (17)
How to Watch Star Wars, Part 1: The Prequels Are Good (2:18:18)    05/28/24  (17)
I approve of the jew on jew violence    05/28/24  (16)
Leo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, DDL, Matt Damon, Christian Bale have 0 appeal to youngs    05/28/24  (16)
TT what are some places cr to bail to from ameica to save ones life?    05/28/24  (16)
Trump verdict this week    05/28/24  (16)
People who criticize OYT for his low NW don’t understand how high CT COL is    05/28/24  (16)
Melinda Gates going the Mackenzie Bezos route with her ex’s money    05/28/24  (16)
Neighbors of PGA dude who killedself lucky he didn’t gas them too    05/28/24  (16)
Married xoers: How long would marraige last if you played Saturn in open-concept    05/28/24  (15)
17 yr old migrant kills 28 yr old German for laughing at his limp dick    05/28/24  (15)
Legal expert says Trump acquittal is ‘out of reach’    05/28/24  (14)
"Civil War" movie is incredibly disturbing    05/28/24  (14)
there is pretty much zero "investigative journalism" anymore    05/28/24  (14)
MLB officially announces Negro League records are MLB records    05/28/24  (14)
i miss that fucking retarded coke out whore    05/28/24  (14)
Do biglaw people still fuck at the office?    05/28/24  (13)
Jayson Tatum is the perfect lib male.    05/28/24  (13)
Molly Ringwald: "I Was Taken Advantage of by Hollywood Jewish Predators"    05/28/24  (13)
WTF - Biden to address the nation after Trump verdict - link    05/28/24  (13)
H U S T L E    05/28/24  (13)
Where did the West's anti-polygamy stance come from?    05/28/24  (13)
Fed whole family for the cost of 1 salad at fast casual salad place.    05/28/24  (12)
How are people surviving? My credit card bill is 7,500 a month and i shop at Wal    05/28/24  (12)