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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
"But I'm straight," Caitlin Clark protested. "So is spaghetti until it gets wet,    06/11/24  (10)
"don't understand why chinks and gooks still vote for democrats" (republican)    06/11/24  (4)
Holy shit at this $500 putter    06/11/24  (12)
Qanon flag at Alito’s house just moved to half mast    06/11/24  (19)
netflix hitler show called hitler's vacation house "hitler's mar-a-lago" πŸ˜‚    06/11/24  (1)
Hunter conviction raises odds of trump imprisonment a lot, no?    06/11/24  (15)
Kevin Spacey: "I'm broke and homeless"    06/11/24  (29)
Tommy's character arc for next season of XO: his conversion to Judaism    06/11/24  (13)
CNN: Alito beach home now flying “An Appeal to Cowgod” flag    06/11/24  (2)
Why does everyone on this chatblog suddenly want to attack me?    06/11/24  (29)
Without religion, Ruinous shitlib darkness will envelope us    06/11/24  (5)
I intend to consume pornography this evening    06/11/24  (10)
Me and alzabo nude, 69ing on a lime e-scooter through the tenderloin    06/11/24  (96)
did millennials bring anything to the table culturally speaking    06/11/24  (13)
Young Thug's lawyer gets 20 days in jail for contempt (insane story)    06/11/24  (126)
If a 2nd Einstein were alive in his prime today would he contribute anything coo    06/11/24  (11)
538 showing Biden’s chance of victory now most likely, increasing by the month    06/11/24  (61)
Lime scooters now automatically shut down if driven on a pride flag    06/11/24  (13)
rickie is like luis DLC    06/11/24  (28)
Law prof: Pedos born that way; pedophilia not a crime    06/11/24  (52)
Godzilla vs Long. Covid    06/11/24  (2)
looking back at it Vice City was the most fun game of all time    06/11/24  (28)
why are they pushing gay stuff so hard    06/11/24  (58)
Defacing pride flag mural = jail unless you deface it with "FREE GAZA"    06/11/24  (1)
MASE why are you predicting so strongly that Trump doesn't have the votes to win    06/11/24  (5)
Biden taunts 2nd Amendment supporters (vid)    06/11/24  (2)
Lmao at this shitlib trying to secretly record Alito (WSJ)    06/11/24  (1)
Tommy, I think your memoir would be a bestseller    06/11/24  (8)
Ricky and I are at a local hip suburban coffee shop pastrymaxxing right now    06/11/24  (29)
Lynn Conway: Trans Icon and Computer Architecture Pioneer, 1938 – 2024    06/11/24  (1)
ricky and i give each other hand jobs as an act of civil disobedience    06/11/24  (3)
this is what happens when you fuck kids and jews have the tape to prove it (link    06/11/24  (10)
evan39 gamefaqs megathread    06/11/24  (1)
Ukraine plans to lease Turkish power ships - link    06/11/24  (1)
whok, are you ready for your dose of bullying today?    06/11/24  (7)
In retrospect, 90s movies, music and TV all totally sucked    06/11/24  (26)
Bboom on addiction hotline: "I need a program for dog dick recovery."    06/11/24  (1)
OYT/evan39 do you like my 32x threading    06/11/24  (2)
i hate myself and want to die 180 cr xoxohth tp    06/11/24  (2)
Is 42 a good age to start getting into alejandro jodorowsky (Ricky)    06/11/24  (9)
gibberish tp is one of the best Korean posters on xo. Mase is the best Viet poa    06/11/24  (12)
How many dates before asking appgirl to be GF? Assume I'm autistic and gay    06/11/24  (11)
Milo Yiannopoulos just murdered Karlstack    06/11/24  (26)
Did Blink 182 steal Barenaked Ladies' birthright?    06/11/24  (3)
Kristin Cavallari: I was a hotter skinnier bitch when I was married Jay Cutler (    06/11/24  (9)
nyuug may be about to lose Korea    06/11/24  (4)
Just matched with a 37 year old white girl. Surprisingly cute. Taking ?s ITT.    06/11/24  (75)
Teens do burn outs on homosexual colored street in WA. Now facing 10 years priso    06/11/24  (60)
Lol but srsly it really does feel like the world is about to cave in    06/11/24  (16)
BALI is actually pretty CHILL place    06/11/24  (12)
Tranny homebrews gene therapy to make testicles produce estrogen (link)    06/11/24  (12)
Remember when libs predicted Twitter would collapse after Elon fired all the SJW    06/11/24  (5)
Hot girl asserts Clique Theory    06/11/24  (35)
LOL: Trump reports Hunter's conviction as an in-kind campaign contribution    06/11/24  (3)
Watergate was a CIA Operation to take down Nixon    06/11/24  (10)
jewish darkness tp is a ricky alt    06/11/24  (48)
the godzilla theme plays as luis grabs a bag of kale at whole foods    06/11/24  (2)
20 blank bumps and i'll take a pic of my catdood killing a huge bird    06/11/24  (1)
Beginning of The Warriors but its luis getting reps from every fast casual chain    06/11/24  (1)
jew..i mean uh new poaster    06/11/24  (1)
you can log in anytime of day and find a ricky alt poasting about weed now    06/11/24  (6)
Stopped Payment On $100 Check For Shady Prole Goy Sprinkler Guy    06/11/24  (72)
ricky should i go pick up a pre-rolled blunt from the weed store    06/11/24  (16)
Ricky has a reminder where a tool song plays on his iPhone b4 new rogan episode    06/11/24  (15)
Hey shabbosstack hit me up if you need some backup on Twitter    06/11/24  (1)
if you could go back in time to college and choose a different career path, wwyd    06/11/24  (12)
almost half past blunt o'clock    06/11/24  (3)
im a blunt smoking machine tp    06/11/24  (2)
caitlin clark is WNBA'a 🚎 rosa parks?    06/11/24  (5)
Paul Ryan says banana “fit for my orifice” - link    06/11/24  (1)
Paul Ryan says Trump "unfit for office" - link    06/11/24  (2)
Suge Knight confirms P Diddy is an FBI informant (link)    06/11/24  (1)
Pornhub found that the term "Asian women" was searched for 17.9 million times    06/11/24  (13)
Absolutely had it with people who can't speak English    06/11/24  (9)
If xo poasters got paid as influencers, who would be the hihghest paid?    06/11/24  (15)
Gayest countries in the world    06/11/24  (25)
US to give Ukaine new Patriot system- it's already in Poland - link    06/11/24  (1)
Shitlaw boss offers clients choice between settlement check or "the mystery box"    06/11/24  (2)
All my twitter followers are sexy women with pussy in bio.    06/11/24  (6)
why are dagestanis so good at fighting?    06/11/24  (2)
I'd rather be dead than have low Reddit karma    06/11/24  (1)
Girl on left seems perfect - sfw    06/11/24  (68)
Congrats libs, well played re: the Hunter verdict    06/11/24  (36)
What happened to the ass cancer poster?    06/11/24  (5)
LMAO @ this video of police cracking down on Gazatards    06/11/24  (7)
Whats your fav cream pie: banana, chocolate or coconut?    06/11/24  (6)
when i say Asian, you say Pussy    06/11/24  (23)
I'll be at La Scala Saturday. Swift show Friday.    06/11/24  (1)
ITT: a Jew who predicted the rise of Nazism 100 years early    06/11/24  (3)
Alien Soldier megathread    06/11/24  (2)
1-bedroom go down in price in MFH?    06/11/24  (67)
Trump about to catch felon in possession of a firearm charge    06/11/24  (7)
*sews disco fries and correction tp together ass-to-mouth and drops em in ocean*    06/11/24  (5)
cowgod tp is essentially now the Don King of abandoned poaster monikers    06/11/24  (1)
1-2 months away from making my first mil as a solo    06/11/24  (18)
rate how this chinaman gets rid of a wasp nest (clip)    06/11/24  (3)
Should I drop 10k on NVDA?    06/11/24  (9)
xo Bernie Sanders: "Oh, that tattoo? It's just a Hindu symbol"    06/11/24  (64)
I think it's clear the nazis are still entrenched in europe and thats why they    06/11/24  (5)
Kasich: "Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Was she a... great big fat person?"    06/11/24  (139)
disco fries is like that fat insecure nerd who always needed validation    06/11/24  (7)
NYT best seller list is biased against conservatives    06/11/24  (3)
Indian lawyer files an “objection” accusing judge of racism every time she l    06/11/24  (192)
benzo: "I'm broke and homeless and also a gay hicklib felon"    06/11/24  (1)
Any other accelerationists here?    06/11/24  (7)
every zoomer male is fagg0t & every zoomer female is a tatted up fat    06/11/24  (13)
Poll: support for the war still high in Ukraine - link    06/11/24  (9)
Congrats bitch bois - ur precious crypto scam coins are tanking again    06/11/24  (11)
Raytheon caught discriminating against olds (aka people over 40)    06/11/24  (1)
did i dream that Hunter fucked his underage niece & everyone knows    06/11/24  (20)
Finally, Biden takes lead over Trump in one particular poll (link)    06/11/24  (1)
Why are so many rich people butt ugly?    06/11/24  (15)
Young Thug Lawyer Brian Steel nominated for Nobel peace prize (link)    06/11/24  (1)
Started a new dating service called TallMenHike.com    06/11/24  (4)
Reading Shakespeare's Sonnets for the first time. It's the faggiest shit    06/11/24  (22)
A Deadly French Ambush, a Giant Manhunt and 3 Weeks With No Arrest (NYT)    06/11/24  (11)
disco fries is the whiniest faggot of a man I have ever seen JFC    06/11/24  (15)
Why don't LIBTURDS make up fake conspiracies against conturds?    06/11/24  (7)
I've been watching quite a few of those videos by that mousy anti-Disney chick    06/11/24  (3)
Pants button flew off when I stood up to celebrate Hunter Biden ruling    06/11/24  (3)
even MASE tp seems like he's slowly coming around to TrumpπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ    06/11/24  (1)
Consuela in hospice bed ranting about Covid online    06/11/24  (6)
Problem with this WOrld: men shld NEVER be give easy life    06/11/24  (2)
Prole Goy Messrs Fix It: What Does It Mean To "Rough In" Something?    06/11/24  (17)
Elon cucks, drops his lawsuit against OpenAI    06/11/24  (2)
your internet friend twins giving you 'o.k.' hand signal as you throw the switch    06/11/24  (72)
Mearsheimer: Ukraine should be a nuclear armed state (link)    06/11/24  (3)
MULCH is a "homeowner hack"    06/11/24  (25)
fyi, Barron is 18 now which means he’s fair game for the media this election    06/11/24  (3)
HEY STEVE BANNON - when you go to jail we'll know which moniker u used    06/11/24  (1)
Hello Birdshits I found your Dream White girl to have Aryan babies with    06/11/24  (3)
Tommy T TedTalk: "And that's why they are all shit: Birdshits, Niggas, Jews, Muz    06/11/24  (1)
MESH is a “homosex hack”    06/11/24  (4)
shepard tone of contempt for everything    06/11/24  (8)
damn, hunter biden's wife is pretty fucking hot    06/11/24  (3)
#freehunter    06/11/24  (1)
Wait a minute … we’re supposed to celebrate fagg0try this month?    06/11/24  (4)
Does this plane have a doctor? *raises hand* I'm a Juris Doctor!    06/11/24  (4)
disco fries, how do you feel about growing your own food?    06/11/24  (3)
Disgusting things going on in Antarctica right now    06/11/24  (2)
Real talk: Hunter had the biggest cock in that entire courtroom. It's a log.    06/11/24  (2)
A "Democracy" of Old Senile Birdshits wearing Diapers if you can keep it    06/11/24  (1)
Look folks there's turds they shit on the street thats bad come on man we know    06/11/24  (1)
ITT working list of all things fagg0t    06/11/24  (13)
Maybe $90 afterhours from ORACLE stock after earnings, u MAD Birdshit?    06/11/24  (3)
βŒβ­•βŒβ­•πŸ‡­βž•πŸ‡­    06/11/24  (4)
Tori Spelling grew up in one of the most expensive homes in America    06/11/24  (1)
why did that dumb ape Hunter Biden smoke crack cocaine? is he black?    06/11/24  (2)
Been smoking my PERSIAN Shisha every night    06/11/24  (1)
when is Gay Shame month    06/11/24  (1)

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