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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Best US strat I've seen to defend Taiwan - link    06/10/24  (42)
Why is Hyman allowed to poast personal info without repercussions?    06/10/24  (7)
Karlstack might be one of the dumbest white people in existence    06/10/24  (4)
there's *one* thing RSF is more secretive of than his extreme judaism    06/10/24  (7)
so basically its impossible to get laid if u have over 130 iq w/o alcohol/drugs?    06/10/24  (2)
Pope Francis changing "a mantilla is" to "a mantilla was" on Wikipedia    06/10/24  (9)
How are you bros weathering the Zyn crisis?    06/10/24  (23)
Sort of blew it with my “work wife” not sure if I should try to fix it    06/10/24  (44)
women want to get married to take your money when you die    06/10/24  (17)
Bassmos how sick is this guitar    06/10/24  (2)
"DIE FOR ISRAEL" scrolling on a permanent loop in Times Square now    06/10/24  (94)
Watchmen scratching "Gucci" onto a Truvada pill with a used syringe    06/10/24  (180)
Joe Biden’s Campaign caught paying people to attend his rallies    06/10/24  (32)
i am so fucking mentally ill i dont even know what to do about it anymore    06/10/24  (2)
Teens get advice on homosexual racist chatbort. Now facing 10 years biglaw    06/10/24  (2)
MPAs exwife receiving lump sum payment in 2056 after he dies with no next of kin    06/10/24  (3)
Luis in rehab scribbling on nude fat girls during "art therapy"    06/10/24  (3)
Classy A-Cups will always be elegant and regal on a slim woman    06/10/24  (16)
Black guy stolen bike futures    06/10/24  (1)
Xbox now has SEVENTEEN confirmed first party games in the works    06/10/24  (28)
Stopped Payment On $100 Check For Shady Prole Goy Sprinkler Guy    06/10/24  (50)
Jewish i-banker (52yo MD and Tufts graduate) KOs woman on Brooklyn street    06/10/24  (73)
Frog and Toad refusing to pass you TP after you run out in work stall    06/10/24  (1)
Civil War movie: guys hanging looters, liming corpses, respecting women    06/10/24  (1)
looking back at it Vice City was the most fun game of all time    06/10/24  (16)
XO ROAD TRIP to South of France starts TOMORROW (RSF)    06/10/24  (64)
Watched a college girl do squats today...bricked my shorts    06/10/24  (1)
i dont get why guys that do looksmaxx surgery just dont buy whores with the $$    06/10/24  (9)
Ricky telling his Kabbalah teacher he’s naming his Saas startup demiurge    06/10/24  (17)
Whoever invented potato salad deserves a statue    06/10/24  (9)
ricky should i go pick up a pre-rolled blunt from the weed store    06/10/24  (13)
karlstack runs his "posts" through AI at least 10x, lmao    06/10/24  (1)
Gastropubs with an item called “The Burger” on their menu    06/10/24  (88)
satan has won, i am wholly separated from god and the light    06/10/24  (88)
Lime scooters now automatically shut down if driven on a pride flag    06/10/24  (7)
Official list of unvaxxed xoxo’ers?    06/10/24  (22)
o no my stiff boner    06/10/24  (2)
A dissident history of the Trump campaign and presidency (Part 2)    06/10/24  (10)
whats inhouse at big tech (meta, google, amazon etc.) like?    06/10/24  (65)
life is such a fucking cartoonish nightmare from hell without family money    06/10/24  (45)
i can't, my MASE    06/10/24  (2)
the actual living god (gnostic kike archon demiurge) wants you dead lol    06/10/24  (32)
how do i get money but not interact with people or the market?    06/10/24  (34)
i can't, my muse    06/10/24  (2)
must be 180 for a woman to burn thru your money and tell u your broke lol    06/10/24  (38)
Sorry, this is the fuck store    06/10/24  (62)
jewish darkness tp is a ricky alt    06/10/24  (45)
Loling hard at "Jewish blunt"    06/10/24  (8)
poast any cr R&B joints itt    06/10/24  (1)
New JJC post on r/MBA    06/10/24  (3)
Shogun's Joys of Banking    06/10/24  (1)
Bank node health report now signaling green    06/10/24  (1)
RATE my yard (TSINAH)    06/10/24  (6)
My Tesla FSD tried to enter 4-way on red light bcs tree branch blocking signal    06/10/24  (1)
backdoor Roth strategy seems like more trouble than it's worth    06/10/24  (1)
RSF plz respond    06/10/24  (2)
d;$ dollars pinging around a kernalized pachinko ballpit
   06/10/24  (1)
"There's just one rule," Caitlin Clark says. "I tell you what to do & you do it    06/10/24  (11)
#700.6545'7531 dollars for closed loopsailor biowaste recycle-ingestion systems    06/10/24  (1)
How many dates before asking appgirl to be GF? Assume I'm autistic and gay    06/10/24  (8)
Texas prosecutor arrested for pointing gun at roomate during fight over porn:    06/10/24  (24)
Every minute of every day ur tax dollars go to stupidest fuckoff shit imaginable    06/10/24  (5)
I will never buy anything Made in America if a Chinese counterpart exists    06/10/24  (3)
Saturnian vampires stealing your gods away, selling them back to you 50% off    06/10/24  (2)
Former Google CEO starting AI drone company, is testing in Ukraine - link    06/10/24  (27)
XO Consensus: Best 2-3 Films over past 5 years..GO    06/10/24  (47)
*yarmulke-wearing drone delivering you brain-damaging “weed” gummies*    06/10/24  (24)
Just matched with a 37 year old white girl. Surprisingly cute. Taking ?s ITT.    06/10/24  (34)
Xo is rebranding as a prestigous bort and it is 180.    06/10/24  (8)
Is the Netflix Hitler show any good?    06/10/24  (9)
correction💢    06/10/24  (2)
"it's like Misfits Market but for women"    06/10/24  (1)
This is why you don't fuck with Belarus - video    06/10/24  (1)
Trump Manhattan Grand Jury to go on one month hiatus    06/10/24  (71)
Life as rodentine scurry for Mason Paper and Breeding Hole    06/10/24  (1)
Going to be Soo CR when xo Marine Le Pen takes away RSF's French citizenship    06/10/24  (2)
Started replying "Zug Zug", "Dabu", "Lok-tar", "Your command mast    06/10/24  (41)
Macro multi asset hedge fund managers of xo (of which there seem to be a lot)    06/10/24  (2)
Trusted wife to make tacos and she fucked it up.    06/10/24  (11)
Ricky and I are at a local hip suburban coffee shop pastrymaxxing right now    06/10/24  (17)
Head of mfh "collegiate" school has to step down to pander to jews    06/10/24  (1)
Burger King is rebranding as a high end place and it is 180.    06/10/24  (49)
good goyim, vote for Trump, Israel's preferred candidate    06/10/24  (2)
is Alex Honnold free-soloing El Capitan the greatest human achievement ever?    06/10/24  (2)
After losing dozens of ships to country w/ no navy, Russia using subs in black s    06/10/24  (1)
If Christians were a little bit nicer to jews they wouldn't have to do this    06/10/24  (5)
Jeffrey Epstein staring at abominable son correction tp: haha wow holy shit!    06/10/24  (6)
'thee you on a bark night' (lab friend going as grimes for howloween)    06/10/24  (2)
Shooting long creamy ropes on your wife's ass cheeks    06/10/24  (1)
Trusted wife to post “I’m gay” with my username and she fucked it up.    06/10/24  (5)
disco fries, how do you feel about growing your own food?    06/10/24  (1)
TONS of biglaw burnouts end up lost in kickboxing underworld    06/10/24  (215)
3:30am, a Seattle grocery PA system. "Die Fahne hoch, die Reihen fest geschlosse    06/10/24  (17)
Jeffrey Epstein and Roseanne Barr had a baby named "correction" tp    06/10/24  (44)
Whenever I am down, all I have to do is look at pics of Emilio tp to pick me up    06/10/24  (4)
lol shitskin "correction" tp is fuming MAF for being shitmodded    06/10/24  (39)
Whoever is shitmodding correction tp is 180    06/10/24  (41)
what are some good podcasts    06/10/24  (14)
jewish pedophile "correction" tp is not whokebe, it's Henry Aaron    06/10/24  (8)
JD, MBA, CFA, MPH, CFP, CPA, GFE, CIM, BBBJ, DATY, M.Phil    06/10/24  (4)
Ricky has a reminder where a tool song plays on his iPhone b4 new rogan episode    06/10/24  (10)
Thinking about replacing the text in my "objective" section on my resume with    06/10/24  (5)
*whistles hoping Emilio hears and comes running*    06/10/24  (15)
Justice Thomas visiting private gay resorts with GOP donors.    06/10/24  (10)
you can't take down *these* posters or flags or deface *this* monument    06/10/24  (4)
Giving Up is Your Best Weapon    06/10/24  (1)
Chito v Figueiredo announced    06/10/24  (1)
Christ was born in Gemini according to Jung    06/10/24  (1)
The Three Aeons & The Relating Function    06/10/24  (1)
nbd bro everyone gets rejected lol    06/10/24  (1)
Ricky’s favela    06/10/24  (75)
what happened to the mod who was shitmodding all of correction's posts?    06/10/24  (2)
Goo-slicked trachea, plasticized aorta, clockwork white blood cells    06/10/24  (1)
The fat stay fat, the poor stay poor, the ugly stay ugly.    06/10/24  (3)
A cybernetic space where reanimated feds call other reanimated feds feds    06/10/24  (4)
Karlstack and Will Stancil are collabing on "the worst thing ever written" (link    06/10/24  (4)
Former horrorcore rapper now an ERISA service partner at Kramer Levin    06/10/24  (19)
It would be fair game for Ukraine to take out these Russian warships in Cuba    06/10/24  (1)
Crimes of Illegibility    06/10/24  (1)
So to talk frankly about America you have to live outside of America?    06/10/24  (3)
Bboom's penis and the dog. Interlinked. Penis and dog. Interlinked. Interlin    06/10/24  (2)
(zack de la rocha shout) "TYRWHITT IT NOW"    06/10/24  (83)
*ggtp spinning like Sailor Moon as Charles Tyrwhitt accessories latch onto him*    06/10/24  (38)
ricki giving T2 thumbs-up as hegemon tearfully feeds him into woodchipper    06/10/24  (67)
Jazz Commerce    06/10/24  (1)
just stating facts but whopper jr > whopper    06/10/24  (6)
The IDF began rescuing your big-titted future wife at 10:31 am    06/10/24  (2)
"The words that described abstracts made my penis shrivel"    06/10/24  (1)
Hot girl asserts Clique Theory    06/10/24  (25)
More hilarious lie: RSF denying being jewish or Hegemon denying being vaxxed?    06/10/24  (52)
Pornographic displays of "the Scoop" down at Quantico (a Jerusalem subsidiary)    06/10/24  (1)
Nights on Bald Mountain    06/10/24  (1)
Only assholes have people take their shoes off in their houses    06/10/24  (11)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/10/24  (26)
Talc tier benefits    06/10/24  (1)
"My urinehole is infested with commerce, doc"    06/10/24  (1)
"my policy preferences are the only thing i consider when ruling" (alito)    06/10/24  (4)
Breeding Taylor Lorenz with Lex Fridman to create the perfect 112 IQ person    06/10/24  (4)
***OFFICIAL XOXO*** Would you fuck a [X] tranny or a [Y] female thread    06/10/24  (12)
"I've got a bad case of Business" down at the STD clinic    06/10/24  (1)
🚨 Noa was required to wash dishes 🚨    06/10/24  (5)
The final scene of XO The Movie is Consuela stepping outside and the sun eviscer    06/10/24  (3)
floating lex fridman zardoz head spitting out copies of harvard business review    06/10/24  (1)
my most racist Twitter follower is ''Golden Retriever Nationalism''    06/10/24  (5)
Lex Fridman at Davos saying "Humanity is amazing" to thunderous applause    06/10/24  (3)
2001 monolith but its lex fridman saying 'a challenge is also an opportunity'    06/10/24  (1)
Your future wife adjusting her mantilla    06/10/24  (1)
Lex Fridman tediously explaining the Monty Hall problem to your future wife    06/10/24  (1)

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