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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
The Hermit King of Korea    06/02/24  (6)
What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza?    06/02/24  (77)
So spaceporn is suing the board b/c online people were mean to him?    06/02/24  (20)
Canada’s housing solution - force all >5k metros to allow fourplex zoning    06/02/24  (3)
Yippy yi yo. Yippy I a. Brief writers in the sky.    06/02/24  (4)
White people invented writing while Koreans were still walking on all fours    06/02/24  (1)
Lions used to roam north america until 11,000 years ago    06/02/24  (83)
Anyone done Steven's Trail in Colfax before?    06/02/24  (1)
Just went on a date with a 28 y/o. She implied my "shit is not together"    06/02/24  (10)
nyuug still thinks white people didn't invent writing. He's a stupid taxi driver    06/02/24  (3)
What Ukrainian propaganda looks like in June, 2024    06/02/24  (13)
I honestly think N64 might’ve won the gen in the U.S.    06/02/24  (6)
Bump if you had wife sex last night.    06/02/24  (25)
Trumpenprole all year: TRUST THE POLLS! Now: polls wrong, GRRR!    06/02/24  (1)
$200 million house in LA just came on the market    06/02/24  (13)
Mainlining where can I hike mountains and avoid bears?    06/02/24  (12)
James Comey explains how imprisoning Trump will work    06/02/24  (31)
One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after guilty verdict    06/02/24  (28)
FizzKidd, MPA, and Doodikoff are lame for not giving dating updates    06/02/24  (4)
Best postwar American short story writer?    06/02/24  (61)
LOL libs: what happened to the Georgia prosecution against TRUMP?    06/02/24  (8)
seen cuties 6 times. not seeing what is so problematic?    06/02/24  (30)
If true, this is the biggest Russia news of the month - link    06/02/24  (2)
in hindsight, i wish i had submitted and taken the vax    06/02/24  (22)
Entire US carrier battle groups runs like a faggot bitch from Houthi missiles    06/02/24  (2)
what do elected prosecutors who don't work on cases even do?    06/02/24  (2)
Just rofl at these black bitches upset Caitlin Clark is better than them    06/02/24  (46)
buying an ounce of earth grown organic weed rn for good deal    06/02/24  (3)
The Matrix Reloaded Chateau Fight IS The Greatest Scene in the History of Cinema    06/02/24  (17)
Got invited to a stroke circle today    06/02/24  (7)
Neo vs Agents | The Matrix Reloaded [Open Matte]    06/02/24  (2)
Oldmos, was Kurt Warner a fraud like Brock Purdy?    06/02/24  (16)
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here.    06/02/24  (3)
Sihking Arrangement ?    06/02/24  (1)
Consistently shocked at how many of you have useless gay female "emotions".    06/02/24  (1)
This place is a prison    06/02/24  (2)
Mexico has a Jewish president    06/02/24  (2)
Best metal album since 2020?    06/02/24  (13)
Reminder that Irish "people" starved to death on an island surrounded by fish    06/02/24  (130)
Elites & their personal FBI bodyguards hate the middle class    06/02/24  (10)
Video of xo poaster being diagnosed (short video)    06/02/24  (1)
NY show trial distraction while "D"NC quietly rigged several House races    06/02/24  (2)
American Football - American Football (1999)    06/02/24  (3)
Benzo is still made at James Comey but he can't remember why    06/02/24  (1)
FizzKidd you spark joy in everyone around you    06/02/24  (4)
Lmao at guys who shit on guys who are “friend zoned”    06/02/24  (3)
Remember, cons, you guys started all this with the “lock her up” shit    06/02/24  (3)
Trump never actually said lock her up. It was his followers who said it.    06/02/24  (2)
Had to shoot an injured deer tonight. Feels 120.    06/02/24  (26)
Laughing at you idiots who think Trump has a chance    06/02/24  (9)
FizzKidd what are you looking forward to this week in the goo bunker    06/02/24  (12)
Trump: I said “resemble” lock her up    06/02/24  (1)
Jew on Jew CIVIL WAR at NYC private school (Yes, it's Fieldston)    06/02/24  (12)
Philly gay pride parade disrupted by Philly palestinian protesters    06/02/24  (4)
“Writing a letter” to seller of House you’re trying to buy is the cuckiest    06/02/24  (43)
Texas police back down after Alex Jones threatens to shoot back    06/02/24  (1)
Welp I stumbled onto Tommy’s hidden insta account    06/02/24  (1)
How often do parents end up in this situation    06/02/24  (92)
Box vs. Dropbox - best storage?    06/02/24  (12)
nigger alert hotline. please state your emergency    06/02/24  (1)
So Northern Euro Birdshits didn't even have WRITING for thousands of years?    06/02/24  (46)
South Koreans still eat worms and snails, like Cambodians living under Pol Pot    06/02/24  (2)
Poasting from a greyhound bus    06/02/24  (111)
does anyone even watch straight porn?    06/02/24  (13)
First ever XO TAKING Qs thread from Suriname (RSF)    06/02/24  (26)
Cowgod, rate the trailer for this indie roguelike    06/02/24  (33)
Any other parents constantly dread the day they are off to college?    06/02/24  (6)
10,000 human remains found on Baumeister's property (link)    06/02/24  (6)
Hilarious footage of Luka talking shit during Game 5 vs Wolves (vid) lol    06/02/24  (4)
Roger Goodell: XFL statistics and records to be merged into NFL stats    06/02/24  (1)
Hey whok, before you have kids, read this (link)    06/02/24  (3)
Adam Silver: WNBA statistics and records to be merged into NBA stats    06/02/24  (4)
gay porn is appearing on my computer faster than i can delete it    06/02/24  (26)
oh would you look at that correction tp just called someone a nigger    06/02/24  (1)
I have never seen a homeless Mexican immigrant beggar    06/02/24  (8)
The future of video gaming is 180 (video)    06/02/24  (1)
Kurt Warner turns 60 this month.    06/02/24  (3)
any point to try ayahuasca if you've done lsd and mushrooms?    06/02/24  (9)
Russia is almost a month late in Chasov Yar    06/02/24  (8)
RIP Dick Vermeil    06/02/24  (1)
soon...the south will rise again...dont say you werent warned,    06/02/24  (45)
Jordan Peterson's neck hair    06/02/24  (3)
You should wear essentially the same outfit to work everyday.    06/02/24  (1)
"no I actually said I'm a 'fee male'"    06/02/24  (2)
is being a lawyer an important or remotely relevant part of your identity?    06/02/24  (16)
July 9 Russian ammo dump meets HIMARS thread    06/02/24  (99)
is it alpha for attorneys to use @aol.com email addresses on pleadings?    06/02/24  (2)
Myrtle Beach vs Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge vs. Wisconsin Dells - retirement home?    06/02/24  (12)
Rate this sex move    06/02/24  (3)
So the FBI is coming for FizzKidd?    06/02/24  (4)
Rate this AGWWG:    06/02/24  (2)
Rate this AGWWG couple (pic)    06/02/24  (10)
Who here uses a mechanical keyboard?    06/02/24  (38)
Fancy watchmos: recommend a cool, understated watch for >$2500 ITT    06/02/24  (2)
Jordan Petersons mascara tuns as he weeps about masculinity crisis (vid)    06/02/24  (1)
just told some chick we cant continue bc her pussy smells like a landfill    06/02/24  (10)
There's more varieties of bacteria in a "nice" vag than a Nigerian sewer pit    06/02/24  (9)
Amerikkka sucks. Not walkable. Nothing to do. Too hot. No restaurants worth it.    06/02/24  (8)
And although it seems heaven sent we ain’t ready to see a felon president    06/02/24  (3)
NY state law used against Trump is void for vagueness. No one can understand it    06/02/24  (37)
the New Human Case of Bird Flu Is So Alarming    06/02/24  (9)
“trump said ‘pussy’” engraved on usa’s tombstone    06/02/24  (13)
Russia abandons Kharkov offensive after massive failure    06/02/24  (1)
Life in Texas: State Game Officials Come & Slaughter Your Entire Deer Herd    06/02/24  (2)
"You'll love him mom. He's a racist mentally ill lawyer who poasts on autoadmit    06/02/24  (4)
girls generation - gee.mp3    06/02/24  (2)
Laura Loomer and other cons are attacking George Conway’s dotter    06/02/24  (5)
Yale 1L curriculum now includes class on Theories of Trump Prosecutors    06/02/24  (2)
Benzo's loose fuckhole backfiring like a Harley with straight pipes    06/02/24  (317)
Thinking of substituting cock for pussy.    06/02/24  (1)
Is Ricky still pretending to be Jewish or have we moved past that gay chapter    06/02/24  (5)
Thinking of substituting ice cream for booze.    06/02/24  (1)
It is 2024, and this thread is still funny.    06/02/24  (1)
"I refuse to dignify that disgusting question with a response"    06/02/24  (1)
Norm Eisen: Trump broke STATE campaign finance laws; Pumos: forget what he said    06/02/24  (1)
On xo platinum you can see other people's "by you"    06/02/24  (1)
2016 and 2020 Trump voter here. Now that he’s a convicted felon, I’m having    06/02/24  (19)
RATE my view (TSINAH)    06/02/24  (16)
I wish it were the 90s so I could stay one console gen behind    06/02/24  (7)
TSINAH: 3 jobs, 3 homes, $550k pa in compensation, WFH + freely travels whenever    06/02/24  (14)
California AI law is insane    06/02/24  (10)
Who do I even see about this, a bishop?    06/02/24  (5)
Deontay "Buck" Wilder gets savagely KO'd by enormous chinaman (vid)    06/02/24  (21)
Seeking Edible Arrangement is a cannibal matchmaking service    06/02/24  (1)
Wait so exactly what the fuck is going on w board being sued, FBI subpoena, etc    06/02/24  (3)
I have RetroArch running with all Sega 32X games and they suck    06/02/24  (13)
"Oh look, Russia captured some shithold today, har har" (refers to all of Ukrain    06/02/24  (1)
Critical news for video game bros    06/02/24  (2)
FizzKid is an asian man pretending to be a woman on the computer    06/02/24  (11)
Amazing graphic on the Absolute State of female representation in video games    06/02/24  (7)
is there any point in paying an ER bill?    06/02/24  (57)
It’s too bad the Pogs game is not big anymore. Trump slammers would be 180!    06/02/24  (1)
We’re all millionaires, but we’re not allowed to have more than $10k in cash    06/02/24  (13)
Ricky, are you still jew maxxing?    06/02/24  (5)
can they just throw trump in prison already    06/02/24  (2)
They are going to put Trump in prison    06/02/24  (12)
just woke up from 24 hour coma, is Trump in prison yet?    06/02/24  (2)
Gorgeous VIVEK: Trump can be pardoned federally for NY State Conviction    06/02/24  (21)
Are the Goo Goo Dolls punk rock?    06/02/24  (8)
Ana Navarro looking fuckable at age 52    06/02/24  (7)
Jacques Derrida: "The Truth in Poasting"    06/02/24  (1)
Great Korean novels: a list    06/02/24  (2)
nyuug transforms from a boy into a man as he crosses the Han river    06/02/24  (1)
ONLY white people have generations    06/02/24  (1)
Joseph Campbell takes a deep dive in Korean shamanism, connects it to monomyth    06/02/24  (1)
The Hole / Le Trou (1960 French prison escape movie):    06/02/24  (3)
Indian CEOs have completed dominated Gen X    06/02/24  (7)
"We gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning "    06/02/24  (10)

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