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REMINDER: Lynn Conway tp tried to get xo shut down bc we hurt his feelings    05/30/24  (246)
Rate my friend’s wife    05/31/24  (156)
Explosion in homeschooling. 1/17 kids now homeschooled. 6% of all students.    05/26/24  (141)
My firm hired two SEC sorority girls for the summer temp jobs    05/30/24  (110)
new “social” app FlyMeOut lets chicks apply to be taken on free vacays    05/29/24  (93)
Breaking: Egypt and Israel exchange fire at Rafah    05/28/24  (79)
ALL IN: Trump Verdict Predictions    05/30/24  (78)
What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza?    05/30/24  (72)
Good mayonnaise is the most delicious food there is.    05/28/24  (71)
This is a massive win for Trump. Not flame.    05/31/24  (68)
I'm like RSF but not lazy and fat (CSLG)    05/28/24  (67)
gave mcdonalds drive thru chink chick my number last night and she texted me    05/28/24  (65)
I think many posters here are legitimately incompetent as attys    05/31/24  (63)
What are the downsides of quitting white collar job and farming full time?    05/28/24  (62)
A Trump win would make conservatism way more socially acceptable    05/28/24  (60)
Leaving today for Guyana/Suriname trip, Soo CR (RSF)    05/30/24  (59)
Prole has 3 seizures on cruise, held hostage until he pays his medical bill    05/27/24  (59)
Rate this Jew whine on LinkedIn    05/29/24  (57)
Biden’s Gaza pier cost $320 million Lmao    05/28/24  (57)
How many Lynn Conway troons could Hegemon take in a firefight?    05/30/24  (56)
In ten years Social Security can only pay out at 80%. No Boomer will address    05/29/24  (56)
Best postwar American short story writer?    05/30/24  (55)
Things they don’t make commercials for anymore    05/29/24  (55)
I don't get the whole idea of 'paying for prostitutes'    05/30/24  (54)
Mad Max: Furiosa Bombs (the FF7 Rebirth of Film)    05/28/24  (54)
Rate these FAT BIRDSHITS getting Obliterated by Alpha Thai Bouncers    05/27/24  (54)
Bronny James story is infuriating. Lays to rest sports being last bastion of mer    05/30/24  (54)
Is my wife getting too fat?    05/28/24  (49)
State of Play Tomorrow (PS5 State of Gaming)    05/30/24  (48)
Renters Are Living In Hell    05/31/24  (47)
Just went for a 3-mile walk. Still trying to recover.    05/28/24  (46)
Back at my old firm there was a psycho chick who seduced partners    05/29/24  (46)
Sp: Soy un perdedor I'm a ricehoal squancher, so why don't you kill me?    05/25/24  (45)
Desperate to win back young voters, Biden enlists teen idol Robert De Niro    05/29/24  (44)
Anyone else resent their parents?    05/25/24  (42)
feds: Hunter's laptop is real and it's spectacular. (i need more chore boy)    05/26/24  (42)
why are Greeks such irresponsible pieces of shit?    05/27/24  (41)
Rate TRAVEL plans for rest of 2024    05/28/24  (40)
Legal expert says Trump acquittal is ‘out of reach’    05/30/24  (40)
realistic sentence for all dem felonies?    05/30/24  (39)
Biden shows his cards on electoral college strategy (link)    05/30/24  (39)
XO flame re: cost of raising children is not that crazy    05/29/24  (38)
So now Trump’s judge is giving the jury INSTRUCTIONS?? How is this legal?    05/30/24  (37)
Lolyers: can the Trump trial judge do this?    05/30/24  (37)
What is the charge? Squanching a hoal? A succulent Korean hoal?    05/27/24  (36)
New status signifyer should be being in great physical shape    05/29/24  (36)
Ken Burns, at Brandeis, shitting on Trump. "the end is nigh"    05/27/24  (36)
toupee came partially off during sex with new chick    05/30/24  (36)
Wife just charged $500 for “coding class” for kid.    05/28/24  (36)
What Trump policies do you actually support?    05/30/24  (36)
turns out a former slave taught Jack Daniels how to make proper whiskey    05/29/24  (34)
Are lake houses 180? If you had $50m, would a sick lake house with a dock    05/28/24  (34)
Michelle Trachtenberg was an enormous waste of female beauty    05/25/24  (33)
The Trump N-word tape is real!    05/30/24  (33)
Pope Francis: There is too much "faggottness" in seminaries (link)    05/28/24  (33)
So 180 those Trump scum Missourians were executed in Haiti    05/30/24  (32)
Jews seem to operate in a very stress-free way as if they’re assured of outcom    05/30/24  (32)
All those MLB statistics, basically decades of secular scripture, DEI'd    05/29/24  (31)
Got a tomahawk ribeye and a 6 pack of PBR tall boys, fuck u libs    05/30/24  (31)
Is real maple syrup worth it?    05/26/24  (31)
Trump receives yuge cheers and applause at Libertarian Convention    05/27/24  (31)
Passing a soccer ball with your dad has replaced having a catch in American cult    05/30/24  (31)
This woman thinks you are frightened of her. Are you?    05/29/24  (31)
Cancer treatment the poaster how is your recovery going    05/30/24  (31)
FYI everything taught about Abraham Lincoln is a complete lie    05/26/24  (30)
Wife dragged me to fucking target ($37 on fucking bs) now some shit restaurant    05/27/24  (30)
RATE Daniell Radcliffe's Babymomma (5 Years His Senior) (PICS)    05/29/24  (30)
Do biglaw people still fuck at the office?    05/30/24  (30)
Is this graphic about single men accurate?    05/27/24  (30)
It feels like the economy is about to really go to shit    05/28/24  (29)
You don’t really see bands like Tears for Fears anymore    05/29/24  (29)
Biden approves Ukrainians hitting targets inside Russia with US weapons - link    05/30/24  (29)
Explain Papau New Guinea    05/29/24  (29)
move to a small town an hour oustide of city houses = $200,000    05/30/24  (29)
Tommy t is getting boring. He just hates everyone and everything now    05/26/24  (28)
The punishment for sin is death    05/30/24  (28)
French military instructors will be in Ukraine.    05/28/24  (28)
Does anyone genuinely believe George Floyd wasn’t murdered?    05/29/24  (28)
Top 30 best selling breakfast cereals.    05/26/24  (28)
Filing motion for $6.6M in attorneys' fees on Monday (epah)    05/27/24  (27)
USA and Turkey to build 155mm shells in Frito factory in mesquite (nyt)    05/29/24  (27)
is NYC the best dating market for a man in the western world?    05/28/24  (27)
ITT: all the evidence that 10/7 was an Israeli operation    05/28/24  (27)
Voting for Biden probably    05/27/24  (27)
Tommy you should write a book    05/26/24  (27)
My haters can't even get me to stop poasting on a Web 1.0 chatboard    05/27/24  (26)
the ending of falling down was sad    05/28/24  (26)
MLB officially announces Negro League records are MLB records    05/29/24  (26)
Super Size Me guy dead at 53    05/24/24  (26)
I was always nice to SP and he harassed me for two days straight b4 I retaliated    05/24/24  (26)
99% probability to win election at midnight then hours later abruptly "lost"    05/25/24  (25)
Watching the cops arrest someone for a DUI rn. Be careful out there    05/27/24  (25)
So a 27-year-old Mexican influencer wants to be her city mayor, lmao    05/26/24  (25)
Groups of indian men have ruined the nude beach    05/26/24  (25)
Sitting in the shade in the backyard with my 5yo son. Weber Kettle going.    05/25/24  (25)
All you divorce lawyer bros help the rest of us out: is there a CR way to    05/29/24  (25)
whokebe, please go back to Africa    05/27/24  (25)
Rate, on a scale of 1-10, this chick on Twitter discussing modern dating    05/29/24  (25)
How to Watch Star Wars, Part 1: The Prequels Are Good (2:18:18)    05/29/24  (25)
37 yo soap opera star murdered during catalytic converter theft    05/29/24  (25)
David Lynch issues a vague and ominous warning:    05/29/24  (25)
CSLG 2 years ago: “I can easily conquer Denali” CSLG today: “I learned to    05/29/24  (25)
List the saddest (realistic) situation you can think    05/29/24  (25)
red states truly are trashier than blue states    05/29/24  (25)
So Northern Euro Birdshits didn't even have WRITING for thousands of years?    05/31/24  (25)
Audio of shootout in Winnetka after a resident interrupted car thieves    05/29/24  (25)
They built a fucking conference room in front of my cubicle    05/28/24  (24)
it's absolutely insane what's been done to this country    05/30/24  (24)
Muscadine wine tp seems kind of dumb honestly    05/26/24  (24)
I'm gonna down this 750ml bottle of White wine @ Turdeep Airport    05/30/24  (24)
Rate this bullying incident my friend's kid was found to have committed    05/30/24  (24)
just found out my best friend growing up as a kid died    05/29/24  (24)
gained around 15 pounds after quitting nicotine. how do i lose it?    05/30/24  (24)
Indian guy gets mobbed & beaten by pack of youths in DC:    05/30/24  (24)
Remember when Trump was like “just inject bleach”    05/30/24  (24)
anything more humiliating than working for a boss who's younger than you?    05/30/24  (23)
what do "black pillers" want done?    05/29/24  (23)
Was Dune 2 ruined by Zendaya? (link)    05/29/24  (23)
HOT TAKE: Throwing political losers in prison is a positive development    05/30/24  (23)
THIRD jury note does indicate there are Guilty + NG voters    05/30/24  (23)
Sweden just gave AWACS plus EVERY armored vehicle they have to Ukraine - link    05/29/24  (23)
Might be a multi-millionaire by the end of the year    05/26/24  (23)
why do we call it taking a Dump and not leaving a Dump?    05/29/24  (23)
Should I do a solo Irish vacay?    05/24/24  (22)
Bros, I ask for your patience with whokebe. Early onset of insanity and demen    05/28/24  (22)
Oakland teen accepted to 122 universities with $5.3M in scholarships    05/26/24  (22)
SP tp, seriously stop diddling and pedo-raping your son    05/31/24  (22)
thoughts on this AZN escort?    05/28/24  (22)
Is Salesforce -21% a buy?    05/30/24  (22)
Jury makes four requests    05/29/24  (22)
Trump should not have tried to cover up the porn star affair    05/29/24  (22)
pre-ordered my Surface Pro with Snapdragon Elite X and OLED Screen    05/29/24  (21)
women are magical, sweet angels who need to be protected    05/28/24  (21)
NYT Op-Ed: I’m an Indian Muslim, and I’m Scared to Say So by By Mohammad Ali    05/28/24  (21)
Do any libs here really think Trump may be in jail b4 the election?    05/30/24  (21)
we can agree that we're currently in ITE 2.0?    05/31/24  (21)
So if Idiot TRUMP had paid $140,000 directly to Stormy they'd be no issues?    05/30/24  (21)
Everyone is brown and weird now    05/25/24  (21)
Told this chick her pussy smelled like sewage and it’s been good since    05/30/24  (21)
Do you guys know any Suburban Women irl? Are they coming around on Trump?    05/26/24  (21)
Rate this court hearing    05/30/24  (21)
If you don’t have a strong father at home the world will swallow you up    05/26/24  (21)
Rate this old man commenting on his loneliness and failing health    05/25/24  (21)
Xo supports pro-Israel pro-GC and China lobbyist Donald Trump?    05/30/24  (20)
My parents and grandparents were first cousins, story ITT (Paralegal Mohammed)    05/30/24  (20)
Soviet leaders had odd phenotypes    05/25/24  (20)
cliffs on Trump thing? literally no clue whats going on    05/30/24  (20)
friend has a friend with terminal brain cancer @ 31    05/27/24  (20)