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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Why is NVIDIA stock so high? Is it just games, crypto, AI uses?    06/06/24  (8)
Justice Thomas literally selling his SCOTUS vote to the highest bidder    06/06/24  (36)
Joe Biden shits himself at D-Day    06/06/24  (52)
Cowstack everything is individual..I'm literally fresh completely alone fresh    06/06/24  (4)
one of the few things RFK Jr is right about: Sirhan Sirhan was an MKUltra victim    06/06/24  (1)
Seeing a lot of roofers hard at work lately. They all seem to be men.    06/06/24  (3)
What is the fbi looking for here?    06/06/24  (5)
That shitty pants Biden walk looked exactly like my toddlers before potty traini    06/06/24  (1)
🚨 cold war is back baby! 🚨    06/06/24  (5)
White Collar Recession: Any easy fields have jobs right now?    06/06/24  (22)
Biden is faking having dementia, these kikes got you real good    06/06/24  (3)
'restaurant style' chips and salsa    06/06/24  (24)
How many xo men are single no kids 40+    06/06/24  (77)
hey doodikoff are you hyped for Elden Ring DLC    06/06/24  (6)
Massive sewage gas explosion in Khakiv    06/06/24  (1)
There’s a solution to being single and childless. Just be whokebe    06/06/24  (1)
I don't get the vitriol against people who don't want kids    06/06/24  (30)
porno for pyros - pets.mp3    06/06/24  (1)
Are shitlibs still planning to do ballot harvesting for Biden this year?    06/06/24  (2)
I took the MCATs in 2010 to impress the parents of an Indian girl    06/06/24  (3)
GME mania back on the menu at DFV reveals 9 figure position    06/06/24  (4)
Is correction tp FLW or whokebe?    06/06/24  (5)
What Jennifer did (Netflix) -- spoilers ITT, you've been warned    06/06/24  (13)
Rate this trans man’s thick hog    06/06/24  (1)
ok to ask for wages in GME, AMC, and NVDA?    06/06/24  (1)
Trump narrows down list of VP candidates to seven names    06/06/24  (132)
somewhat alarming that biden no longer announces his butt is wiped    06/06/24  (3)
Russia now has turtle motorcycles - video    06/06/24  (2)
Earned $4,190.67 last month in Interest/Dividends    06/06/24  (128)
hypo: it's summer of '91, USSR still extant, you have Lollapalooza I tickets    06/06/24  (1)
you getting in on GME pt 2?    06/06/24  (11)
TX whistleblowing doc prosecuted for exposing hospital mutilating children    06/06/24  (3)
GME YOLO update – June 6 2024    06/06/24  (2)
Benzo, poop is gross. Explain how it turns you on.    06/06/24  (254)
Benzo, has poop ever just fallen out of yr ass while walking?    06/06/24  (331)
hypo: you die, enter a light tunnel to afterlife, and see this    06/06/24  (2)
Trump Can No Longer Shoot Someone on Fifth Avenue    06/06/24  (7)
Mike Flanagan on Physical Media and Netflix    06/06/24  (2)
The real estate crash is beginning    06/06/24  (36)
Ricky, is kratom any good?    06/06/24  (13)
Remember when libs came after Zimmerman and Rittenhouse and failed miserably?    06/06/24  (1)
say what you will about Franzen, dude is Tall    06/06/24  (3)
Xbox Showcase will be 2 hours and have 30 Games    06/06/24  (20)
Reminder: Lib “comedian” dropped dead on stage while on a pro-vax rant    06/06/24  (3)
Russia to run naval war games in the Caribbean, cons cheering    06/06/24  (17)
Franzen locked self in DJ booth at KPNT studio, broadcasting Buckcherry nonstop    06/06/24  (3)
gambling is fucking out of control    06/06/24  (40)
Revenge of the Nerds (movie 1984) Plot Hole: Jocks don’t bully Nerds    06/06/24  (7)
Joe says Hunter will receive NO PARDON if convicted    06/06/24  (18)
Interview with Game of Franzens scriptwriter Umberto Eco:    06/06/24  (8)
why was Game of Franzens cancelled?    06/06/24  (24)
BIZ IDEA: Mutual fund that invests so it beats the market but never loses $$$    06/06/24  (1)
Fishy slimeslits    06/06/24  (5)
"Grandpa, I read online that the only winners of WWII were faggots and kikes."    06/06/24  (1)
John Fetterman: "I am no longer a progressive"    06/06/24  (12)
Funniest tweet responses of 2024, so far    06/06/24  (1)
80 years ago our grandfathers stormed the beaches of Normandy, Today    06/06/24  (14)
luis I want your daughter and my daughter to be BFF    06/06/24  (2)
Speed Plot Hole: why didn't Keanu Reeves shoot out the tires of the bus?    06/06/24  (24)
Rate this Instagram account about living kid free    06/06/24  (51)
Haven’t seen kirbymo around much, hope he didn’t killself    06/06/24  (14)
still dont understand loafers without socks    06/06/24  (5)
"It's Yimothy, actually" You say to one of the last surviving D-day vets    06/06/24  (2)
Why is Tesla stock going up again? Company has garbage mgmt, products    06/06/24  (17)
Qyburn reanimating Fetterman in his lab after stroke    06/06/24  (48)
Tammy Duckworth warging Fetterman to hold the door at next Capitol insurrection    06/06/24  (38)
Fetterman declines move to DC, will remain at top of giant western PA beanstalk    06/06/24  (28)
Ukraine just took out a Russian tugboat in Crimea just for fun    06/06/24  (2)
How does conscription not violate the 13th Amendment?    06/06/24  (4)
It’s 180 how boomers who lived through Vietnam War draft were like    06/06/24  (32)
EPAH I need lawyering advice ITT    06/06/24  (11)
Canadian lawyer falls to death after testing “unbreakable” office windows    06/06/24  (9)
Wow the USS Eisenhower really did get fucked up by the Houthis    06/06/24  (11)
How do you check XO before like 2023    06/06/24  (5)
how are "pmc" and "umc" people still so delusional    06/06/24  (18)
The Rock (movie 1996) Plot Hole: Ed Harris knew the govt wouldn't pay up    06/06/24  (2)
This chick is a real fan    06/06/24  (17)
Rate this CoL restaurant for a client dinner    06/06/24  (5)
xoxoers who troll for marriage are bald fatasses who settled in their 30s.    06/06/24  (1)
OH LAWD! I GOTS'TA HAVE DEM RANGZ!    06/06/24  (2)
prestigefaggot just checked out of the hospital. Morgellon's is under control.    06/06/24  (1)
Great results on the "muscle protein breakdown" diet    06/06/24  (3)
USA just beat Pakistan in CRICKET    06/06/24  (8)
I'm still "Traumatized" from my IRAN Trip    06/06/24  (46)
Desantis bends the knee, Disney is victorious (link)    06/06/24  (6)
the jew did this to us    06/06/24  (1)
What action movie should I watch with my 11-yo son?    06/06/24  (20)
Permit me to be blunt. I enjoy consumer products.    06/06/24  (5)
The president of our United States SHIT HIS FUCKIN PANTS    06/06/24  (2)
BBC: Russia's entire economy is on fire right now    06/06/24  (17)
WTF? this serial killer looks EXACTLY like cowgod.    06/06/24  (5)
Azn gf leaving duck sauce trail    06/06/24  (1)
Ronald Reagan was born in 1911, if he was still alive today he'd be GAY    06/06/24  (1)
USA stuns world and beats Pakistan in *checks notes* Cricket    06/06/24  (9)
Lob grandmaster offers prawn sacrifice    06/06/24  (11)
OH LAWD IT'S HAWTTT    06/06/24  (1)
75-yo woman gets 2 years in prison for blockading an abortion clinic    06/06/24  (5)
Before and after pics of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia - link    06/06/24  (2)
Earth hit with 12 straight months of record-breaking temperatures    06/06/24  (58)
Jury duty sounds 180 if you're unemployed and on a cool case    06/06/24  (15)
It seems like all Israeli men secretly want to fuck Palestinian women    06/06/24  (1)
Back in the 1990s, the family might go out to eat once per week    06/06/24  (16)
KENNY, who do you want to win the NBA Finals?    06/06/24  (7)
Going to a Vyshyvanka dress code wedding on Saturday. Taking questions.    06/06/24  (4)
Empire Strikes Back Plot Hole: the rebels could have easily won Hoth snow battle    06/06/24  (39)
The actual Fetterman is inside the lump    06/06/24  (21)
Russians camping bodies like the Viet Cong has been a recurring scene since 2023    06/06/24  (5)
Possible to go from 0 to judo master in 40s?    06/06/24  (1)
The Huberman Lab    06/06/24  (2)
“sugar alcohols” are literal poison    06/06/24  (7)
Looks like Russia's gonna arm the Houthis and Iraqi insurgents - link    06/06/24  (1)
Me am Senator John Fetterman! If me wasn't, then why would me say me am??    06/06/24  (26)
Name one minority Republican politician/ personality married to a non-white.    06/06/24  (7)
Joe says Hunter will receive no more laundered money if convicted.    06/06/24  (1)
ITT: We Archive the Brutal, One-Shot Kills of XOXO    06/06/24  (399)
When's the last time a Ukrainian tank did anything useful?    06/06/24  (1)
Is Pakistan vs India (national team) Cricket the "Iron Bowl" of cricket?    06/06/24  (1)
LAX is spending $2.9 billion to build an Automated People Mover at the Airport    06/06/24  (1)
Sick sacrifice by Magnus Carlsen - video    06/06/24  (1)
I’m tired of having to look at ugly people    06/06/24  (11)
White Nationalist American Law Boart has two poasts abt CRICKET today    06/06/24  (1)
Is correction tp as retarded as whokebe?    06/06/24  (26)
When was the last time Rach showed up on this bort?    06/06/24  (4)
This Russian saboteur arrested in France seems pretty serious - link    06/06/24  (16)
Rach I need u to give the server a “tip” (into big pool of boiling water)    06/06/24  (1)
I wanna see the cheesy shores of cheddar bay.    06/06/24  (10)
Rach can u disguise the server as a crate of tea and send it to 18th c Boston    06/06/24  (1)
Kate Middleton definitely dead    06/06/24  (4)
Rach it’s time to blast the server with magnets like it’s the USS Eldridge    06/06/24  (2)
rach we all voted & want u to shoot Rambo 3 explosive-tip arrow into xo server    06/06/24  (4)
An 83-year-old woman was gored Saturday by a bison at Yellowstone. Experts    06/06/24  (11)
who is the resident xo orthopaedic radiologist?    06/06/24  (6)
“Ahmed’s head was never found” (vid)    06/06/24  (22)
Amazonian tribe receives first internet via Starlink. IMMEDIATE porn addition    06/06/24  (2)
Look at what libs are doing to prevent climate change    06/06/24  (1)
zelensky at hipster cafe, swiveling iPad towards biden w/ 25% base tip    06/06/24  (32)
Ukrainians looks set to become the next major domestic terror threat in the USA    06/06/24  (18)
No, 12 FBI Agents Picked for Hunter Biden Jury Isn't a Problem (NYT)    06/06/24  (3)
Can someone find and bump the thread with Halford and Jim Cramer?    06/06/24  (3)
lol Ukraine helped facilitate the Moscow terrorist attack    06/06/24  (36)
shitlib eloi "identifying with" military dudes as "antifa" is the goofiest shit    06/06/24  (6)
Biden shows off his pro sitting technique - video    06/06/24  (2)
do Trump's robust poll numbers prove 2020 was stolen    06/06/24  (1)
Gastropubs with an item called “The Burger” on their menu    06/06/24  (57)
rach D-ring clip the xo server to balloon over atlantic    06/06/24  (3)
Putin’s wise Golden Retriever mouthing to him “you can’t win in Ukraine”    06/06/24  (44)

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