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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
One of the weird things about growing up in a blue state and turning con    06/18/24  (70)
Why is the lib pumo allowed to post facts I don’t like on the bort?    06/18/24  (10)
Are F500s Smart To Not Promote Anyone, Or Is It Short Sighted?    06/18/24  (20)
News networks will be too afraid to lie this election after $700m Dominion thing    06/18/24  (1)
This Boston team is probably the worst championship team I have ever seen.    06/18/24  (36)
AZNGirls meet Handsome in China but berate him for being American    06/18/24  (1)
Correction TP: Here is conclusive proof I am in construction    06/18/24  (6)
Why didn't last year's 5 Titan sub bros Just Jump upon implosion onset?    06/18/24  (1)
Netanyahu is pissed at lack of US support    06/18/24  (13)
Jews crying on TV about antisemitism as they genocide innocent children    06/18/24  (5)
NYC Politician proposes charging residents to use Central Park (link)    06/18/24  (1)
Who are these guys who can’t get wives or GFs    06/18/24  (28)
Q: Why hasn't the jewish pedophile who posts here been banned yet?    06/18/24  (1)
I actually not flame think Hillary would do better than Biden in 2024    06/18/24  (1)
lmao nearly half of summer is already gone    06/18/24  (4)
Lessig: "Electoral College should choose Hillary Clinton"    06/18/24  (37)
My wife’s boyfriend says some people need medications    06/18/24  (1)
"Eating pussy" has become a ridiculous emperor has no clothes situation    06/18/24  (88)
Black Bump this if you agree that Israel is America's #1 Geopolitical Enemy    06/18/24  (1)
Daily reminder that Doctors are glorified, cartel-ized car mechanics    06/18/24  (72)
Con Air Plot Hole: why were there all those guns in the Airplane cargo bay?    06/18/24  (4)
Do jewish ppl believe anyone buys their "jews are discriminated against: nonsens    06/18/24  (8)
beating ricky to death with a talmud on live TV    06/18/24  (27)
And the dr said he was *sniffles* *crying* he was smoking *tears* marijua    06/18/24  (1)
“America” and the stupid fucking faggots who live here deserve bankruptcy, s    06/18/24  (2)
this hooknosed 90 iq post wall dog woman is keeping her name    06/18/24  (4)
correction tp = a jewish pedophile. don't engage.    06/18/24  (38)
Jerry Sandusky, butt raper, thinking about Joe Paterno's scrotum and jerking off    06/18/24  (2)
Wife took son to the doctor. Doctor told her that son will be drug addict.    06/18/24  (12)
Took a walk in the park yesterday, cost me $25.12.    06/18/24  (4)
annihilation,    06/18/24  (1)
holy shit, just got a text message upgrading me to first for flight tomorrow    06/18/24  (8)
pestilence, famine,    06/18/24  (1)
Crazy scenes from Kyiv right now. No wonder elections have been suspended (link)    06/18/24  (3)
holy shit, just got a text message updating me on fist fight tomorrow    06/18/24  (1)
ITT: the GOAT version of “Because you’d be in jail”    06/18/24  (9)
30 Hahols hide in 1 hole and meet 1 Russian drone    06/18/24  (1)
Fuck this faggot country    06/18/24  (2)
Remember when Hillary had to take a massive IBS shit in the middle of a debate?    06/18/24  (47)
It’s crazy how Twitter is more racist than xo now    06/18/24  (10)
Lol, Hillary took a massive shit during the break in one of the debates    06/18/24  (26)
Lmao remember when Hillary's head spun around like some satanic shit    06/18/24  (27)
More Cities Feel Strain as Migrants Move In Seeking Better Prospects(NYT)    06/18/24  (11)
Seattle to begin hiring illegal aliens on the police force as cops    06/18/24  (10)
Remember when Hillary Clinton sauntered back on debate stage after taking a shit    06/18/24  (1)
Hezbollah pulls a Ukraine on Israel    06/18/24  (1)
"And, Becky, at the courthouse he gets to use the 'Lawyer Only' line. It's so    06/18/24  (1)
Remember when Hillary Clinton got tossed into a van like a side of beef?    06/18/24  (38)
I've shit in 34 different courthouses    06/18/24  (21)
Where is the best place in the world to live?    06/18/24  (30)
I just want to leave open air concentration camp nightmare torture prison usa    06/18/24  (2)
Auto insurance up 42% in 2 years    06/18/24  (43)
ITT: GIF of Hillary Clinton getting thrown in a van like a side of beef    06/18/24  (1)
ITT List Forcememed "Favorite" Candidates Who Totally Flopped In Primaries    06/18/24  (78)
did they really throw a limp and lifeless Hillary into a van like a side of beef    06/18/24  (27)
holy shit @ the last 24 tab. xo really is dying :(    06/18/24  (22)
Hillary Clinton cackles, arches her back, and spiderwalks into Dem convention    06/18/24  (67)
Germany: quoting libs about COVID is a criminal act. (dood was acquitted.)    06/18/24  (8)
people who make $12.75 an hour talking down to u like ur some kinda retard    06/18/24  (15)
President Perry clearing pubes on Niggerhead Ranch    06/18/24  (14)
Cleared a whole bunch of brush in my yard today    06/18/24  (10)
Why should Trump even have to debate Biden?    06/18/24  (1)
RSF's DD titties are just SO FUCKING MILKABLE    06/18/24  (11)
US Army officer: Patriot systems in Ukraine have been a disaster    06/18/24  (16)
emilio did you ever wind up checking out Sandman?    06/18/24  (33)
Could I at nearly 40 learn enough “tech” in 18 months to get a 100k job?    06/18/24  (41)
Barron Trump spearheading new Trump coin on Solana block chain    06/18/24  (1)
Jimmy Johns v Cousins Subs v Subway - thoughts?    06/18/24  (3)
NCR to hit on women at gym at 6am?    06/18/24  (8)
NY COA refuses to immediately hear Trump’s gag order appeal    06/18/24  (1)
*whistles* "Oh Lawd, dem rangz..." *looks in fridge* "Dem rangz of powah!"    06/18/24  (5)
oh i'm afraid the existential terror will be quite operational when the morning    06/18/24  (12)
RATE current view (RSF)    06/18/24  (30)
Another week slaving away 4 satan in the united faggots of dogshit    06/18/24  (1)
WaPo op-ed: “It’s still HER turn”    06/18/24  (31)
The Legend of ZoZo: Rach’s Awakening 🐳🎢    06/18/24  (18)
TT if you creampied all over SE Asia, could they cum after you or no    06/18/24  (1)
“Can u host?” The exhausted server hamster 🐹 asked, and rachmiel delivere    06/18/24  (15)
Pretty Hispanic women with Hello Kitty car decals, tp 🌈    06/18/24  (28)
I just want to return to pre lib nightmare USA    06/18/24  (3)
Redwall but it’s golden mice find Martin the Warrior’s emergency war diaper    06/18/24  (5)
was reading partner’s notes 2day & apparently he spells it “peenus”    06/18/24  (13)
The Marathi Michel de Montaigne moonlighting as a Bollywood hitmaker (link)    06/18/24  (1)
PE associate accidentally writing "we're penis down on this deal for now"    06/18/24  (5)
you can eat peas    06/18/24  (4)
Sorry cons there’s no way CA libs living in AZ are voting for Trump    06/18/24  (4)
Statues have such small penises    06/18/24  (1)
Wouldn't a large % of Italian Americans have supported Mussolini?    06/18/24  (3)
rsf.exe has no drive associated with it    06/18/24  (111)
hi brand new poaster, what is this place    06/18/24  (13)
Journalists in Russia subject to increasing government restrictions and pressure    06/18/24  (3)
Justin Timberlake too poor to afford Uber very sad.    06/18/24  (6)
The Cuban Mark Cuban with a wholesome happy harem of Ana de Armas clones (tp)    06/18/24  (1)
Unhinged NY Mag piece on Republican womyn    06/18/24  (3)
A buddy comedy staring RSF and Hunter Biden on vacation    06/18/24  (6)
RSF's dad to 42-year old unemployed son at Thanksgiving: "Any new projects?"    06/18/24  (51)
As a lifelong activist for Reepicheep Lives Matter, I    06/18/24  (2)
1990s common sense that society has Forgotten    06/18/24  (17)
New York Highest Court to Trump: Eat shit orange freak    06/18/24  (1)
Service partner falls to death after Shitlaw boss dares him to test window    06/18/24  (2)
Rate this fast food franchisor's plan to catch the Zodiac Killer    06/18/24  (4)
Trumpmos was this a “mostly peaceful” terrorist attack on the US Capitol?    06/18/24  (85)
Celebs starting the day at 5am w 2oz of hot water, cayenne, lemon    06/18/24  (1)
"More like COONteen--hi, who just joined?"    06/18/24  (2)
Singing 'chipwich' to the tune of 'shitlist' by L7    06/18/24  (1)
You’re not getting forgiveness from heaven    06/18/24  (2)
CNN: Calling the US a Republic Is “A Conspiracy Theory”    06/18/24  (3)
biglaw is an intellectual feast!    06/18/24  (126)
George's "Italian" Parents Putting Cheese On A Raw Burger Patty    06/18/24  (8)
how often do you crave chipwiches?    06/18/24  (6)
had a dream where I had TWO chipwiches for dinner    06/18/24  (5)
Poll: should I eat a chipwich?    06/18/24  (2)
frog and toad share a chipwich    06/18/24  (3)
I'm on an all chipwich diet    06/18/24  (3)
guise I'm on a diet, need someone to eat other half of chipwich    06/18/24  (2)
washing down a chipwich with a tall glass of boiling water    06/18/24  (2)
gen x complaining about eating pussy while gen z has moved on to eating ass    06/18/24  (4)
open registration now    06/18/24  (6)
how big is the current xoxoxhth.com text file?    06/18/24  (3)
Haha wow this is stupid & doesn't make any sense (every single fucking thing eve    06/18/24  (10)
Karlstack on Coffeezilla expose of Avi Eisenberg    06/18/24  (1)
I've talked shit in 34 different dimensions (the jewish fire)    06/18/24  (1)
elites openly mocking us with movie about fake moon landing now    06/18/24  (2)
No 40 yo guy should be dating a chick older than 27    06/18/24  (8)
Tommy T btfo: Chinese women are massively feminazi cunts    06/18/24  (13)
Why Gyemoims Work in South Korea    06/18/24  (1)
Had anyone looked in Chomsky's basement for hostages?    06/18/24  (1)
Ukraine gearing up for a major offensive to break the stalemate    06/18/24  (1)
"Yeah for sure, 6 million died after landing on the moon- hi who just joined?"    06/18/24  (7)
"Juneteenth: Wetin be dis 'new US Federal holiday?'" (BBC Pidgin)    06/18/24  (10)
Corporations don't benefit from "Women" in the Workplace, Libs are full of SHIT    06/18/24  (7)
Most egregious Jewish propaganda I’ve seen in a while (link)    06/18/24  (12)
elites and their gaming simulations    06/18/24  (2)
Videos of Jewish men picking on women and children (link)    06/18/24  (15)
Trad wife who dropped viral N-bomb now feuding with Nick Fuentes followers    06/18/24  (3)
MY Therapist. MY Recovered Memories of Satanic Ritual Abuse.    06/18/24  (4)
Cons if voter IDs will stop blacks from voting why won’t gun licenses    06/18/24  (7)
Schopenhaeur settled the free will question like SBFs mom did the    06/18/24  (2)
Trump can't win for one simple reason: he vilified mail-in voting    06/18/24  (4)
nyuug have you been to Hambak Village?    06/18/24  (2)
"--very chunky and nutriti--hi, who just joined?"    06/18/24  (15)
No one is going to accept SCOTUS decisions from here on out    06/18/24  (13)
I (52F) am regularly sexually abused by my grandfather (110M)    06/18/24  (16)
Libs, where is the east coast heat wave?    06/18/24  (2)
Bu$ine$$man πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’Ό fraud$ $hould be forced to pay πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ up    06/18/24  (28)
Democrats fucked up so bad    06/18/24  (8)
XO Thailand to legalize fag marriage    06/18/24  (8)
Swim Bros: Been Swimming In 12 Yard Home Pool. Still Good Exercise?    06/18/24  (6)
I've shit in streets in 34 different states of Bharat    06/18/24  (3)

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