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Lots of Russian oil burning in Smolensk right now - video    04/20/24  (17)
HYPO: You're making $330k/yr but got offered a prosecutor position    04/20/24  (15)
ITT: Video PROOF that I didn't cause transkids (Imgur)    04/20/24  (13)
don't date a girl who hikes    04/20/24  (12)
Kissinger sucked. Ideas are bad. Never did shit    04/20/24  (8)
What is DrakeMallard's twatter @    04/20/24  (7)
This chick in the movie Anna on Netflix is so unbelievably hot    04/20/24  (7)
Happy Birthday my friend Hitler    04/20/24  (6)
there should be a word for what happened to GoT    04/20/24  (6)
95yo "Swift" "singing" about her diapered nursing home breakups    04/20/24  (5)
Have any of you ever even met a Jewish person IRL?    04/20/24  (4)
Boeing fired 65 competent white males for being “hateful”    04/20/24  (4)
Fuck these 2 frauds imprison and execute them! That's where they belong    04/20/24  (4)
So Newsom raised wages to $20hr for fast food employees but no one else?    04/19/24  (3)
Cucked husband blows cheater's face off - video    04/19/24  (2)
How do you articulate Bobbi Althoff's sex appeal?    04/19/24  (2)
Uncensored video of the nude Jamaican airport freakout by US dentist - link    04/19/24  (2)
Have you ever been BEANED, ie smacked in the head by a baseball?    04/20/24  (2)
Everything Swift and the Cheifs touch turns very horrific and grave    04/19/24  (1)
Less than an hour and I'm having a birthday 🎂 celebration bash for Hitler    04/19/24  (1)
Looks like I can’t get a refund from Whatnot. Brothers do not use this app.    04/20/24  (1)
Mahomo and Kelce are fake ass frauds..product of system cheating&rigging    04/20/24  (1)
Every year is a Revolutionary Year Zero b/c we have better legal scholarship    04/20/24  (1)
we should exterminate chimps just to stfu Rogan    04/20/24  (1)
example of how Rufo’s strategy is working (link)    04/20/24  (1)
Google 1999: town square. Google 2024: Tiananmen Square.    04/20/24  (1)
UAW wins election in TN, Sealclubber crying losing hoap    04/19/24  (1)
I want to work well into my 70s, at least until I have to start taking RMDs    04/20/24  (1)
antisemitism = antisatanism    04/20/24  (1)
don't date a girl    04/20/24  (1)
correct ratio for ur immediate progeny?    04/20/24  (1)