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Europeans are so, so poor    05/11/24  (42)
Never retiring would feel more doable if time off were permitted    05/11/24  (26)
Why does XO hate Andrew Tate so much?    05/11/24  (23)
Let's talk about our impostor syndrome in this thread    05/11/24  (22)
Why would you ever buy blinds or drapes for your home's windows?    05/11/24  (22)
How do you constantly exist in the American hell hole?    05/11/24  (18)
Video of dude getting shot and robbed in Chicago (he later died):    05/11/24  (16)
remember when the Feds got a NM cop killed by a psycho Mexican?    05/11/24  (13)
Disco is right.."retirement" is a yuuuge weird scam    05/11/24  (12)
Roger Marshall (R-KS): Designate student protestors as terrorists and no-fly lis    05/11/24  (12)
Israel Flubs Eurovision As Televoters Turn Back On The Now-Pariah State    05/11/24  (11)
Henry Winkler’s net worth is $40 million according to this site    05/11/24  (9)
Recommend a good old school home stationary exercise bike under $1k    05/11/24  (8)
Bought small lunch today at Chick-fil-A for $30    05/11/24  (8)
Pretty crazy that there are guys who literally fuck their wives    05/11/24  (8)
I fucking hate my wife. If you’re single don’t bother with marriage    05/11/24  (8)
r/LawyerTalk is filled w/ insurance defense lawyers w/ absurdly depressing jobs    05/11/24  (7)
Disco let's catch a minor league game and hit up an AMP    05/11/24  (7)
what would boom be doing right now if he weren't bald?    05/11/24  (7)
Scott Stapp and wife divorcing after 18 years    05/11/24  (6)
Basic human attributes are IQ, will to power, and charisma    05/11/24  (6)
ooh ahh the “northern lights”, soooo pretty    05/11/24  (6)
Serious Q: Does anyone other than barbaric freaks enjoy watching “MMA”?    05/11/24  (6)
I borrowed money from a loan shark and put my ass up as a guarantee    05/11/24  (5)
Yall can’t tell me she’s not one of the best looking girls on earth (pic)    05/11/24  (5)
Disco are you for me? I am you!    05/11/24  (5)
Rowed a 6:35 2k today. Prestigious?    05/11/24  (5)
This is what a $17 billion chip plant under construction looks like - link    05/11/24  (5)
for the love of god, someone pls put this "Literally" guy outta his misery    05/11/24  (5)
Luka doncic Dallas Mavs white power baby    05/11/24  (4)
rate this new GC scam for birdbrains    05/11/24  (4)
They’re not actually human    05/11/24  (4)
I'm going to pound a load into my wife's pussy at 11 pm    05/11/24  (4)
I call BS 70% of my teachers are still working at my High School on and on    05/11/24  (3)
wife has 75IQ, kids are cowed by me, minivan in shop, taking Qs (paralegal moham    05/11/24  (3)
Reminder most people are so retarded they can't remember basic names lol    05/11/24  (3)
Poll: Are you familiar with the term "nigger chaser"?    05/11/24  (3)
Random golf movie from 90s theme song is better than all modern music    05/11/24  (3)
I excel at +1 events    05/11/24  (3)
Reminder to all bitchbois: The Georgia vote tallies were 100% on the up and up    05/11/24  (3)
All of the tats are unnesscessary    05/11/24  (3)
Boom you fucking fraud    05/11/24  (3)
Bill Clinton assails woke politics - video    05/11/24  (3)
The biggest fail=associating yourself with others! You're an individual    05/11/24  (3)
you think you're smart, but you're not even at midwit level    05/11/24  (3)
Disco if you had fresh start/slate like me now what would you do?    05/11/24  (3)
Got a bottle of Aperol, prosecco, and club soda. Don't need to vacay in Europe    05/11/24  (3)
found of EunichMaker.com receives his sentence from British court    05/11/24  (3)
Ever have a dream where you're planning something huge, and then die?    05/11/24  (3)
Will you fuck your wife in the ass for Mother’s Day?    05/11/24  (3)