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***Official NFL Draft Thread***    04/26/24  (24)
What exactly are you living for?    04/25/24  (18)
GOP = free shit for farmers, Israel, and billionaires    04/26/24  (17)
Hypo: Trump elected 2 million Americans killed; Biden reelected 500 dead    04/25/24  (15)
Pro Trump mod abusing his mod access yet again    04/25/24  (13)
San Jose Mayor gives interview about city, security randomly attacked by "youth"    04/26/24  (12)
Anyone else just taken aback by the incredible prestige of biglaw M&A partners    04/25/24  (7)
Had to just yell a bunch of profane stuff in my car today since XO is down    04/25/24  (6)
Rate this "police auditor" interaction with a Tall Alpha Chad MP    04/26/24  (5)
Spaceporn used to call his clients 'niggers' all the time    04/26/24  (4)
Rate this German climate activist girl - video    04/25/24  (4)
your wife "on the clock" for 15 years trying to decide on you    04/25/24  (3)
There is a theory we started making villages before we evolved enough to do so    04/25/24  (3)
what if you could bid for poasting priority on xo    04/25/24  (3)
Dress straps keep falling off my shoulders. Any tailoring mastermen here    04/26/24  (3)
feel an epic sex addiction spree coming up soon boyos    04/25/24  (3)
dead ancestors smiling as kenny "better dead than red" PWNs shitlib threads    04/25/24  (3)
By the time you hit 40, if you don't have kids already you have like 24 months    04/25/24  (3)
gained a chill 5000 TikTok followers today    04/26/24  (3)
evan39 irl I don't see anyone watching this sport fraud except degen "gamblers"    04/25/24  (2)
Abbott/DeShabbos and the WOKE RIGHT hate you talking about Israel    04/25/24  (2)
Caleb Williams is the name of a novel that criminal defense lawyers shld know    04/25/24  (2)
Rach said we have to start posting “in shifts”    04/25/24  (2)
Haha wow, holy shit. It looks like the Kyiv Independent web site has a new owner    04/25/24  (2)
'hegemon offering to bury the hatchet with spacepedo'    04/25/24  (2)
Rate this Japanese video game ad (link)    04/26/24  (2)
is this blonde girl real or AI?    04/26/24  (2)
Trump has lost Ben Garrison    04/25/24  (2)
poorfag genetic dead-end here, franchise should be limited to propertied fathers    04/25/24  (2)
Freddy Krueger to Spaceporn: “You’re in MY playroom now…”    04/25/24  (2)
Haha Drumpf’s gonna get convicted    04/25/24  (2)
Anyone else been balling out of control in 100% beast mode recently?    04/25/24  (2)
getting really fucking high rn and working late    04/25/24  (2)
havent followed ukraine/ussr "war" at all. are there female snipers like ww2    04/25/24  (1)
Pro-Palestine activists tell Jewish students to “Go back to Poland”    04/25/24  (1)
GJR grinding her hairy, gushing pussy all over Evan39's face    04/25/24  (1)
Why would the Bears not get another QB at 9?    04/25/24  (1)
Reminder: being healthy and exercising is the most important thing you can do    04/25/24  (1)
Are you a strong typist or do you prefer oral dictation?    04/25/24  (1)
Only 1% of Arizona's population is "rural"    04/25/24  (1)
In early life I had a plan, now middle aged and I am miserable and lost    04/25/24  (1)
I can't babe I'm busy hypothesizing aliens because I saw some gray blob video    04/25/24  (1)
FUCK THE GOP for being a political party centered around free stuff for Israel    04/25/24  (1)
Does Karlstack have a sense of duty/ honor?    04/25/24  (1)
Karlstack here, please also follow my new shrew's account "Karlshag" (link)    04/25/24  (1)
Pork chops and applesauce    04/26/24  (1)
Karlstack - do you consider yourself a whore?    04/26/24  (1)
“We will now protest…” *libs cheer* “against Israel!” *GOP boos*    04/26/24  (1)
All of this is easy fraud bullshit..the "NFL" is a joke    04/25/24  (1)