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San Jose Mayor gives interview about city, security randomly attacked by "youth"    04/26/24  (17)
Dress straps keep falling off my shoulders. Any tailoring mastermen here    04/26/24  (11)
Why so many feral blacks in Nor Cal?    04/26/24  (8)
Rate this "police auditor" interaction with a Tall Alpha Chad MP    04/26/24  (7)
ukrainians are zionists now? but putin said they're nazis.    04/26/24  (6)
is this blonde girl real or AI?    04/26/24  (5)
NATO blew $500bn on Ukraine and still lost    04/26/24  (5)
Jung is fucking my whole shit up    04/26/24  (4)
5am and baby is sleeping soundly but smells like she pooped    04/26/24  (4)
Stay alive. When the server dies, I will find you *throws laptop in ocean*    04/26/24  (3)
gained a chill 5000 TikTok followers today    04/26/24  (3)
LOL WTF is the EU even founded on?!?    04/26/24  (3)
Rate this Japanese video game ad (link)    04/26/24  (2)
Why does it take 3 fucking days for my idiot bank to post my loan payments?    04/26/24  (2)
Pork chops and applesauce    04/26/24  (1)
Karlstack - do you consider yourself a whore?    04/26/24  (1)
“We will now protest…” *libs cheer* “against Israel!” *GOP boos*    04/26/24  (1)
Jonah and the whale parable was probably the OT fable most predictive of Christ    04/26/24  (1)
1930’s Germany    04/26/24  (1)
“Hamster Lives Matter” 🐹 protests shut down XO server architecture (link)    04/26/24  (1)
fyi Spinelli is posting as Retard Event Horizon TP    04/26/24  (1)
Hell yeah brother she's vaxxed, fat, tatted up, doped up on SSRIs    04/26/24  (1)
Portugal is the most XO place to live    04/26/24  (1)
It's a partial server failure, try loading old threads when server is doing ok    04/26/24  (1)
Rate my TURDISH travel plans next few months    04/26/24  (1)
God damn Faggot Jew Nigga bitch feminazi cunt whore faggot Jew    04/26/24  (1)
Why hasn't the government stepped in?    04/26/24  (1)
Are we not but XO Servers in the ghastly delayed punishment that is LIFE?    04/26/24  (1)
i still cant believe they had dancing tiktok nurses    04/26/24  (1)