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Had my son take a container of my weekend stew over to my buddy    05/12/24  (28)
XO feels like it has been somewhat reconstituted after a long decline    05/12/24  (16)
#NotAllBaldMen    05/12/24  (10)
Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-Closet) says he supports Israel dropping Nuke on Gaza    05/13/24  (10)
Homeless woman lives inside a strip mall sign for a year    05/13/24  (9)
Dog losing his shit watching me eat these ribs    05/13/24  (9)
Do u think the average adult male cango 30 days without MASTURBATION or orgasm?    05/13/24  (8)
Most consequential casting decision in history    05/13/24  (7)
Anybody here get shingles as an adult    05/12/24  (6)
Is it possible to pinpoint the moment that the entire Earth slipped into Hell    05/13/24  (6)
That boomer idiot couple you know with 1.5 million dollar House    05/12/24  (6)
Girls bragging about their pussy slime on TikTok (video)    05/13/24  (6)
these chicks are thermonuclearly hot    05/13/24  (6)
So are goth girls ever coming back or what    05/13/24  (5)
Both of my dads had great poasting weekends    05/12/24  (5)
Trump has like 10x more open support than he did in 2016 and 2020    05/13/24  (5)
Are the Planet of the Apes sequels from the 70s any good?    05/12/24  (5)
Always laughed at those B list celeb books “Being XYX..”    05/12/24  (4)
Wife made me make MANICOTTI for Mother's Day.    05/12/24  (4)
Howard U cancels graduation mid-ceremony after black families chimp out    05/13/24  (4)
Iran blows up their own ship- kills 19 sailors - link    05/12/24  (3)
Trump the preferred candidate of ISRAELIS (poll)    05/12/24  (3)
Thinking of buying my first home and don't know how to do it. Any tips?    05/12/24  (3)
daily reminder, Jesus is LORD and Christ is KING    05/12/24  (3)
got my 37 yr old wife pregnant on first attempt. age is flame    05/13/24  (3)
XO military. You literally fight for good people like me. Hth.    05/12/24  (3)
Trump Refers To Jimmy Carter As Jimmy Connors (VID) #tennis    05/13/24  (3)
Peeing while sitting down in bathroom stall at a fancy steakhouse is truly 180    05/12/24  (3)
Karen's brief music career as bassist in the Genitorturers    05/12/24  (2)
Post WW2 America would have been heaven without nukes    05/12/24  (2)
Think a leopard could win a fight against 100 monkeys? Vid    05/13/24  (2)
this hostel has a bad raccoon problem    05/13/24  (2)
NPB tp, I'm loling rn that the sparrows have a pitcher named Cy Sneed    05/13/24  (2)
when did the kiwifarms guy start poasting here? can... you be our new rach?    05/13/24  (2)
Lifehack: kill frustrating children    05/12/24  (2)
Oh, you're bald?    05/12/24  (2)
Watched all of curb your enthusiasm season 11    05/12/24  (2)
Cliffs on Novi Sad, Serbia?    05/13/24  (2)
Ending of Office Space defies Clique Theory    05/12/24  (1)
Power bottoms are technically generating all the power by doing most of the work    05/12/24  (1)
Anyone watching John Mulaneys Netflix Talk Show    05/12/24  (1)
OYT is Bald    05/12/24  (1)
Dangling The Carrot: Wagging The Tongue    05/12/24  (1)
This Cow Started a War    05/12/24  (1)
Trump NJ rally had 100,000k attendees    05/12/24  (1)
Going jetskiing soon but I lost my swim culottes. FMA.    05/13/24  (1)
Both of my kids had great soccer weekends.    05/12/24  (1)
LIL PEEP    05/12/24  (1)
Quality of life is much higher for Gen Y and Z than Boomers    05/12/24  (1)
Thinking of slamming my balls on altar of moloch & dk how to do it. Any tips?    05/12/24  (1)