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We’re gonna get a national law banning “antisemitism”    05/01/24  (41)
Only stupid city people are "horrified" by what Kristi Noem did    05/01/24  (37)
What do you want to be redpilled on?    05/01/24  (35)
Move to the sticks two years ago, family couldn't be healthier    05/01/24  (30)
Rate this homeowners insurance BS    05/01/24  (30)
So Nixon was right about everything?    05/01/24  (30)
Google lays off hundreds of ‘Core’ employees, moves positions to INDIA    05/01/24  (29)
How much does Erika Kullberg (31-yo corp lolyer) makes on IG?    05/01/24  (22)
Most expensive shoes you own?    05/01/24  (21)
Rate this judge sentencing you for posting on xo    05/01/24  (19)
HS principal just called to announce that my oldest is class valedictorian    05/01/24  (17)
I think I'm going to Russia in june    05/01/24  (15)
Shld I visit BIN LADEN's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan?    05/01/24  (15)
Trump is fucking up this Palestine protests thing    05/01/24  (14)
NYT: "To Escape the Male Patriarchy, White Women are Turning to Dog Love"    05/01/24  (13)
Would you let your wife EDGE a dude with a handjob for $50k?    05/01/24  (13)
"Know shes a whore, right? You like whores?" Olivia Rodrigo says holding ur fone    05/01/24  (13)
ITT: Rating poasters as quotes from Spaceporn's future disbarment opinion    05/01/24  (12)
U Chicago Pres issues great statement on protests    05/01/24  (11)
Whyd we let Germany off the hook for Hitler when he was democratically elected    05/01/24  (11)
Eating at McD’s at the airport and getting furious about the Covid Farce    05/01/24  (10)
For now we see through a screen, darkly    05/01/24  (10)
Why are British people so unattractive?    05/01/24  (10)
RATES UNCHANGED FOR MAY    05/01/24  (9)
Post-1880 immigrant Scum suck imo    05/01/24  (9)
"You haven't been with any women before me, have you?" Taylor Swift growls @ u    05/01/24  (9)
Take a tour of the "Gaza Liberated Zone" at Harvard (link)    05/01/24  (9)
Who is the leader of the pro-Palestine protests?    05/01/24  (8)
My wife threatened to throw away my AV receiver and surround speakers    05/01/24  (8)
Trumpmos will you donate to UNC frat bros who defended the flag?    05/01/24  (8)
Simone slipped puppy murder into Kristi Noem’s book to sabotage her    05/01/24  (8)
The best part of waking up is we indicted trump    05/01/24  (8)
new xo wining political strategy "lecture suburban women why we have to kill dog    05/01/24  (7)
none of these people had any issue with the 2020 "protests"    05/01/24  (7)
Hahols publish video of 4 ATACMs hitting nothing    05/01/24  (7)
mistook a Labrador for a golden retriever should I grow a beard?    05/01/24  (7)
Robert DeNiro arrested    05/01/24  (7)
xo Vigano: JFK assassination was step 1 in the globalist coup of society    05/01/24  (6)
Costco pizza or hot dog for lunch?    05/01/24  (6)
Are Chinese restaurant Chink employees usually illegal aliens?    05/01/24  (6)
Look if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that Jewish people are Unsafe in    05/01/24  (6)
“So without you, Content wouldn’t be Created?” she gasped, wide-eyed    05/01/24  (6)
jews must boycott the ivy league    05/01/24  (6)
Imagine a PRO-AMERICA rally at Columbia    05/01/24  (6)
TT: how’s your new paki BF Anil treating you?    05/01/24  (6)
Uke avoids grenade frag and then takes out two moskals.    05/01/24  (6)
Chinese illegal border crossings spike by 7,000%    05/01/24  (5)
Was FDR an American emperor? Seems like it.    05/01/24  (5)
A Room with a Screen    05/01/24  (5)
Remember libs, if Trump is acquitted on one case you're guilty of a witch hunt    05/01/24  (5)