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Are F500s Smart To Not Promote Anyone, Or Is It Short Sighted?    06/18/24  (45)
Where is the best place in the world to live?    06/18/24  (40)
RATE current view (RSF)    06/18/24  (31)
Do jewish ppl believe anyone buys their "jews are discriminated against: nonsens    06/18/24  (26)
holy shit @ the last 24 tab. xo really is dying :(    06/18/24  (25)
AZNGirls meet Handsome in China but berate him for being American    06/18/24  (23)
Wife took son to the doctor. Doctor told her that son will be drug addict.    06/18/24  (21)
Netanyahu is pissed at lack of US support    06/18/24  (18)
Most egregious Jewish propaganda I’ve seen in a while (link)    06/18/24  (18)
Statues have such small penises    06/18/24  (16)
lmao nearly half of summer is already gone    06/18/24  (16)
I actually not flame think Hillary would do better than Biden in 2024    06/18/24  (16)
More Cities Feel Strain as Migrants Move In Seeking Better Prospects(NYT)    06/18/24  (15)
Corporations don't benefit from "Women" in the Workplace, Libs are full of SHIT    06/18/24  (14)
How do so many people raise multiple children? Its expensive AF    06/18/24  (14)
literally heard no one at my firm discussing the NBA finals    06/18/24  (11)
POLL: should i coach toddler's t-ball team    06/18/24  (11)
WHERE THE FUCK IS TBF    06/18/24  (10)
literally heard no one at my firm discussing the Autoadmit MPM results    06/18/24  (10)
Awesome day...8 hours of race and social justice training!    06/18/24  (10)
If you’re not working as a tree feller you’re insane    06/18/24  (9)
NCR to hit on women at gym at 6am?    06/18/24  (8)
Germany: quoting libs about COVID is a criminal act. (dood was acquitted.)    06/18/24  (8)
holy shit, just got a text message upgrading me to first for flight tomorrow    06/18/24  (8)
Jerry Sandusky, butt raper, thinking about Joe Paterno's scrotum and jerking off    06/18/24  (8)
open registration now    06/18/24  (7)
Correction TP: Here is conclusive proof I am in construction    06/18/24  (6)
Justin Timberlake too poor to afford Uber very sad.    06/18/24  (6)
Unhinged NY Mag piece on Republican womyn    06/18/24  (5)
PE associate accidentally writing "we're penis down on this deal for now"    06/18/24  (5)
remember how Anthony Weiner saved America in 2016    06/18/24  (5)
"Wow I love eating puss-" (throat cancer tumor spills out)    06/18/24  (5)
Pajeet Goldberg hasn’t tweeted in a couple days    06/18/24  (5)
Team USA Opening Ceremony uniform revealed    06/18/24  (5)
Jews crying on TV about antisemitism as they genocide innocent children    06/18/24  (5)
Why are you letting them do this to us    06/18/24  (5)
Someone posted 200mb of Kirkland & Ellis client correspondence on Kazaa in 2001    06/18/24  (5)
New sitcom "My Wife's Computer Job" premiering on CBS this Thursday (link)    06/18/24  (5)
Sang well at firm karaoke, now known as The Tamil J Timberlake at work 🐶    06/18/24  (5)
gen x complaining about eating pussy while gen z has moved on to eating ass    06/18/24  (4)
you can eat peas    06/18/24  (4)
Rate this fast food franchisor's plan to catch the Zodiac Killer    06/18/24  (4)
Amazon "The Boys" - why did the suddenly made the French dude super gay?    06/18/24  (4)
Trump can't win for one simple reason: he vilified mail-in voting    06/18/24  (4)
"Wow, I love eating Ghee" (briefcase full of Rupinders spills out)    06/18/24  (4)
Who will become the new masters following Jews being knocked off high horse?    06/18/24  (4)
fulano, my zoomer gf is legitimately insane. what should i do?    06/18/24  (4)
Is $25.12 what the homeless person conned you out of in the park? 4 drugs&booze?    06/18/24  (4)
CNN: Calling the US a Republic Is “A Conspiracy Theory”    06/18/24  (3)
Remember when Hillary Clinton sauntered back on debate stage after taking a shit    06/18/24  (3)