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I can't even stay in ONE place for ONE furking month    06/17/24  (56)
I would date any chick who sucked off Zurich tp in the champagne room    06/17/24  (37)
2025 4runner seems 180    06/17/24  (36)
Edward Snowden: Every XO user other than Benzo is about to get FUCKED    06/16/24  (36)
There’s no way Trump loses now after Schumer put cheese on a raw patty    06/17/24  (35)
Auto insurance up 42% in 2 years    06/17/24  (33)
where to find a literary whore gf with thick plastic glasses and a thicker ass    06/17/24  (27)
Vietnamese women are pretty hot    06/17/24  (24)
Looks like Chuck Schumer got grilling tips from Disco Fries (link)    06/17/24  (24)
should we keep women in zoos?    06/17/24  (21)
TRUMP: "Ukraine will get the funding it needs when I win. Money train will flow"    06/17/24  (20)
McIlroy choking down the stretch at a Major, per usual    06/17/24  (20)
Maldives clarifies its ban on Israelis    06/17/24  (18)
Libs are weaponizing Community Notes again    06/17/24  (18)
Cruise ships are getting absolutely insane    06/17/24  (17)
It’s 2024, what kind of Neanderthal travels without packing cubes and AirTag?    06/17/24  (17)
Thinking about renting out Fizzkidd's affections    06/17/24  (16)
TIL: Cubans became HEALTHIER after running out of food post-USSR collapse    06/16/24  (15)
Who remembers playing 4 player split screen Goldeneye on a 27" TV?    06/17/24  (15)
feminism 5.0: mothers openly grooming daughters to be online sex-workers    06/17/24  (14)
Besides Tennis, Have Olympics Been Held In Iconic Non-Olympic Venues?    06/17/24  (14)
that moment you realize you are the "40 y/o loser" Jordan Peterson warns about    06/17/24  (14)
Jeep owners: Please explain this shit.    06/17/24  (14)
Chase Ink Unlimited is Soo CR    06/16/24  (13)
When Euros showed up, Tasmanian bros traded all their women to them for DOGS    06/17/24  (12)
This Ukrainian model is 11/10 -sfw    06/17/24  (12)
There was 2 years where main Republican talking point was "Soylndra" lol    06/17/24  (12)
why do some people like "running"    06/17/24  (12)
Anne Hathaway just walked into this coffeeshop. Should I camp in women’s bathr    06/17/24  (12)
This Asian hiking girlfriend isn’t gonna happen    06/16/24  (12)
Indian guy running for office in TX creates fake FB profile "Antonio Scalywag"    06/17/24  (12)
"I'm ready to settle down" *sits down in office chair and opens XO in browser*    06/17/24  (11)
Just found out there's typically no egg in egg rolls. What else is China lying    06/17/24  (11)
What are the “heavyweight” degrees that impress women?    06/16/24  (11)
A dissident's history of Filipino girlfriends    06/17/24  (11)
No one is going to accept SCOTUS decisions from here on out    06/17/24  (11)
Episcopal priest draws praise after blessing tray of buttplugs at Pride Mass    06/16/24  (11)
Top 3 albums since 2019    06/17/24  (11)
Videos of Jewish men picking on women and children (link)    06/17/24  (11)
Pop music is at its moral nadir    06/17/24  (11)
NYT: What Have We Liberals Done to the West Coast?    06/16/24  (10)
why did the American South end up so shitty compared to the North?    06/16/24  (10)
So Mark Cuban sold the Mavs because he got wiped out on scamcoins?    06/17/24  (10)
CNN: Black voters remain committed to President Biden    06/17/24  (9)
Ricky has a “surrogate activities” section on his resume    06/16/24  (9)
Who was that turd poster that was friends w/CharlesXII and insanely VIRUSBAD?    06/17/24  (9)
My Teewinot practice: walking drunk to McDonalds    06/16/24  (9)
Sad that Inside Out 2 made lots of money, pixar and disney suck fuck them    06/17/24  (9)
Sam Hyde reads poasts from the box tp's Facebook (video) (real)    06/16/24  (9)
Should I rewatch Prometheus? Was too high to recall movie in the theaters    06/16/24  (9)