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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
In the girth of history Birdshits were not in North America for long    06/15/24  (4)
My name is FizzKidd, and I am addicted to screens    06/15/24  (7)
Is AI even really AI    06/15/24  (24)
Is this the first time in human history where nerd clique was ascendant?    06/15/24  (1)
Any downsides of using Zyn all day everyday?    06/15/24  (1)
not a single tarantino movie holds up even halfway decently    06/15/24  (12)
a story about thing-doing    06/15/24  (8)
Has JD Vance been inside Amy Chua and/or vice versa?    06/15/24  (1)
Remember when the though of AZ and GA going blue was absurd and far-fetched?    06/15/24  (24)
hired pro dominatrix, laughed the whole time because i couldn't take her srsly    06/15/24  (2)
DRAGULAAAAAA    06/15/24  (7)
If I'm honest JD Vance basically did everything Tom Cotton did but Tom Cotton >>    06/15/24  (1)
Car dealer tried to scam me    06/15/24  (2)
Rate my vape tricks (CSLG)    06/15/24  (53)
No Senator I never called him a hot piece of ass.    06/15/24  (1)
TSINAH here taking baby name suggestions    06/15/24  (3)
Bernie: "No, absolutely not. Never made it to Grand Dragon. That's a lie."    06/15/24  (43)
are there any herbal remedies for insecurity    06/15/24  (5)
I would love to live in a cul-de-sac!    06/15/24  (3)
NYT interview with JD Vance. He explains how he became MAGA.    06/15/24  (106)
Where are we on parallels to the late Roman republic? Gracchi brothers?    06/15/24  (11)
The Biden regime declares pro-white groups to be TERRORISTS:    06/15/24  (10)
German study: vast majority grow out of transgenderism - link    06/15/24  (4)
Twitter is really slop garbage    06/15/24  (19)
How many new poasters have we added this year to date?    06/15/24  (15)
i read all of luis' poasts/threads in the voice of Sadhguru the Guru    06/15/24  (2)
Did slaves litter on the plantation?    06/15/24  (3)
The Roman Republic died with the murders of the Gracchi    06/15/24  (5)
do you lube up your dick when you jack off or do it dry?    06/15/24  (5)
the Gracchi brothers were pretty much just aspiring thieves    06/15/24  (2)
iPhone 15mos - which version do you have?    06/15/24  (10)
US Soldier Private First Class Wei Fung Rodriguez Patel-Goldberg    06/15/24  (2)
Kid asked me today why so many people in the world are complete faggots    06/15/24  (1)
Rate this American Rednecks $500 a month house in Thailand    06/15/24  (8)
xo Bernie Sanders: "It translates to 'My Struggle.'"    06/15/24  (48)
Reporter: "Senator, my name is Chaim Levine and I'm--" Bernie: "Oh here we go"    06/15/24  (152)
If you're not a retard you can shoot as fast as a bump stock just with ur finger    06/15/24  (2)
Why does Old Literature not discuss furking Slimpits? (hint: cause it wa sick)    06/15/24  (1)
who here has a couple of spare accounts? for historically important poasters    06/15/24  (7)
Weekend Asian pussy thread    06/15/24  (10)
Do you know any men who use their wives maiden name lol    06/15/24  (21)
TIL Cuba's Per Capita GDP is $11,255, that's furking way higher than I thought    06/15/24  (13)
At what net worth level does it start making sense to see tax avoidance consulta    06/15/24  (2)
xo Bernie Sanders: "I'm just saying, they get kicked out everywhere they go."    06/15/24  (26)
Despite pretending to be an ARE country prole online, HAtp thinks barley = corn    06/15/24  (1)
Normie white guys really care about the “legality” of “bump stocks”    06/15/24  (2)
Penis implants the best? Know anyone happy whom has one?,    06/15/24  (8)
How hot should and Asian hiking gf be?    06/15/24  (2)
fulano explaining to his husband what he does at biglaw for the 97th time    06/15/24  (18)
girls generation - gee.mp3    06/15/24  (3)
Teewinot Mountain is only fraud "Class 4"..no rope required    06/15/24  (6)
I met my Asian Hiking Girlfriend while climbing Teewinot Mountain    06/15/24  (8)
Is that Karen Read woman guilty or innocent?    06/15/24  (1)
nice surrogate activity brother    06/15/24  (45)
Does this plane have a doctor? *raises hand* I'm a Juris Doctor!    06/15/24  (8)
Mainlining in an apron, baking pepperoni chip cookies    06/15/24  (7)
Did Antebellum Deep South plantation shrews ever "travel" up to Boston?    06/15/24  (4)
Under Armour 06' "we must protect this house!" commercial but it's Jos. A. Bank    06/15/24  (1)
White women care more Abt "Genocide" of pigs than their own race (vid)    06/15/24  (1)
New Caledonia (France) is nice..middle of the pacific yet fine wine & cheese    06/15/24  (5)
Screaming Trees - I Nearly Lost Snoot    06/15/24  (5)
stopped lifting because i don't see the point    06/15/24  (11)
I think a lot about the upcoming college enrollment cliff    06/15/24  (27)
srsly considering moving back to MFH, how fucking retarded?    06/15/24  (21)
Saw some extremely SICK shit in Marseille today (RSF)    06/15/24  (63)
Michael Obama to star in The Shining remake    06/15/24  (1)
Prediction: Drinking will be unfashionable within 5 years    06/15/24  (5)
Uncovering The Tragedy At Columbine High    06/15/24  (7)
EPAH can you cover my expenses while I take a mental health break from work?    06/15/24  (1)
you ever fuck a chick so off-putting you keep a hard dick but dissociate?    06/15/24  (9)
Manhattan office towers cheaper than Jupiter Island Florida McMansions.    06/15/24  (28)
Billions must shave    06/15/24  (1)
Would you rather bang Angie Harmon on her daughter?    06/15/24  (3)
Dylan Klebold was the puppet master? Let's look into it.    06/15/24  (5)
Is there any benefit to walking 3.5 mph on an incline treadmill for an hour?    06/15/24  (5)
NBC has dedicated stream for Tom Kim & Bhatia but not Aberg/Dechambeau    06/15/24  (1)
dbdr megathread    06/15/24  (1)
Tucker Carlson: Koreans are my favorite group of people but they are dying off    06/15/24  (20)
I understand economy better than any man or woman alive or dead ime    06/15/24  (2)
Maximum Pussy Allocator    06/15/24  (3)
Masturbating Penis Agreement    06/15/24  (4)
Nude Luis on the Edge of Forever    06/15/24  (1)
Proof that Shitlib nonsense "Greeks were ok with Gays" is BS    06/15/24  (2)
"Real estate is insanely overvalued fraud now    06/15/24  (2)
wife hasn't had period yet but no other signs of pregnancy    06/15/24  (26)
so niggers just sell drugs, kill each other, dance and make beats?    06/15/24  (12)
smoking weed constantly for 2 decades straight tp    06/15/24  (7)
Spaceymaxxing will include predatory sexual aggression against middle aged men    06/15/24  (1)
Birdshit girls make a video about NYUUG    06/15/24  (1)
8 IDF soldiers mercy’s in a single vehicle    06/15/24  (7)
A MIND MELD WITH THE LAW    06/15/24  (5)
Raise your datter right so she can get pipe raped by prestigious Turd Doctor    06/15/24  (1)
No wife, no friends, no job, no kids. Just XO. Should I go on living?    06/15/24  (22)
boner police makes men like alain delon look like obeezy when you compare them    06/15/24  (4)
The Current State of Every Xbox/Microsoft Franchise    06/15/24  (6)
any other xoxo posters down with the Remy Boyz 1738 crew?    06/15/24  (9)
Ayo it's your boy Fetty Wap, Mr. 1738, Mr. Trap Queen.    06/15/24  (2)
1738. Aye. I'm like hey, what's up, hello.    06/15/24  (2)
1738    06/15/24  (2)
Wait so the G7 is basically just countries that have presence at Disney EPCOT?    06/15/24  (3)
Wow these Ancient Greeks sure look Birdshit!    06/15/24  (26)
'thee you on a bark night' (lab friend going as grimes for howloween)    06/15/24  (23)
59% of XO poasters were born in India    06/15/24  (7)
Nate PLATINUM: Biden is gonna get schlonged and it’s obvious why    06/15/24  (1)
Ass play now. Ass play tomorrow. Ass play forever.    06/15/24  (5)
they’re still trying to force meme “covid” ljl    06/15/24  (2)
On taxes why can't u just claim foreign wife to get higher deduction?    06/15/24  (7)
Uber is prime exampleee of Fraud here's a story    06/15/24  (11)
JFK to Pelosi: Ur, eh, yeah bitch, deepthroat that er, ah caaaaaack    06/15/24  (33)
So many stupid fucking retards with "money" lmao    06/15/24  (1)
How was JFK able to be such a massive player?    06/15/24  (14)
RSF is a Jewish Joke    06/15/24  (11)
Based US Cop Tells Man in Skirt: "It's not allowed for a man to wear a skirt"    06/15/24  (5)
cslg is a Jewish Joke and is clearly Shorter than 5`7`` 🔒    06/15/24  (3)
If gentrification has a sound, it's silence (The Atlantic)    06/15/24  (17)
Fraudulent euthanasia doctor found with elaborate 'hell room' for female victims    06/15/24  (3)
Captain's Log, supplemental. Starfleet Command reports no unusual activity    06/15/24  (2)
"Pope" Francis on God: "Go ahead and mock that motherfucker."    06/15/24  (21)
Found XO's DREAM AZNgirl    06/15/24  (20)
Karma sushi reviews - now with subtle wgwag trolling    06/15/24  (1)
when ur tranny holds the router just right and xo loads at lightning speed    06/15/24  (1)
Oh you travel is right. Cowgod is washed up as a film curator.    06/15/24  (14)
Varial Flip at 40 years old (CSLG)    06/15/24  (27)
This Boy's Life mustard scene but with Halford, Doobs, and a pissjug.    06/15/24  (6)
Why do black app delivery drivers wander around your neighborhood looking for u    06/15/24  (18)
Avoid DTLA Saturday evening — Biden and Obama are coming to town    06/15/24  (2)
Rate this 300+ lb man who climbed Teewinot Mountain    06/15/24  (1)
Throw the Jew down the well! So my country can be free!    06/15/24  (5)
Fraud fuck fraud fag fraud 🤥    06/15/24  (3)
8 IDF KIKES burned to DET in Rafah including one named "Waseem Mahmoud"    06/15/24  (1)
Don't know shit about guns. What does XO think about the SCOTUS decision today?    06/15/24  (20)
hysterical queer lib articles about trump    06/15/24  (55)
Caitlin Clark demanding you "go hard in the pink"    06/15/24  (6)
🚨🚨🚨 FINALLY: Jimmy Carter is DET. Suspected cause is autoerotic asphyxi    06/15/24  (2)
Scumbag brother had to appear in zoom court for "Disorderly Conduct-Verbal Abuse    06/15/24  (3)
I was tossing and turning all night thinking about Jews    06/15/24  (3)
Hey Jews don't make it bad, take a sad bomb and make it better    06/15/24  (1)
"Your hands are tiny so make that 3 in the pink, 2 in the stink," Caitlin Clark    06/15/24  (1)
When will fortuitous AI end this nonsense concept of "humanity"? :(    06/15/24  (4)
Disco fries, a 300+ lb “man” saying drs are fraud makes me lol.    06/15/24  (3)
Christcuck MPA rushing in to take your hand off your masturbating penis    06/15/24  (18)
US Army officer: Patriot systems in Ukraine have been a disaster    06/15/24  (3)
Tommy, India is the most disgusting country on earth. YOUR ppl should be nuked    06/15/24  (9)
the void of space, totally dead & lifeless makes sense when you experience GC    06/15/24  (18)
Just paid $80 for two entrees at brunch. Fuck you libs    06/15/24  (11)
do any of hunter's laptop pics of drug use coincide with handgun purchase date?    06/15/24  (10)
NYT mild drift to the right tp    06/15/24  (2)

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