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I think the Vance childless women angle is actually genius. There is an inherent    07/26/24  (44)
Are we gonna hysterically politics-post for the next 101 days?    07/26/24  (27)
Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony featured trannies mocking Jesus's Last Supper    07/26/24  (23)
Was Vance always this weird and unlikable?    07/26/24  (19)
JD Vance: ACTUALLY childless cat lady comment was all Usha's fault!    07/26/24  (17)
Jennifer Aniston: "DON'T YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF CHILDLESS CAT LADIES J.D. VANCE"    07/26/24  (17)
I feel like firing up the Weber Kettle tonight. What should I make?    07/26/24  (17)
Vance is what sealed the election for Trump    07/26/24  (16)
the couch stuff is perfect example of lib humor    07/26/24  (16)
w/o deep understanding of ancient Persian mythology, you don't know Christianity    07/26/24  (16)
🇫🇷 Liberté… Égalité… Beyoncé… 🇫🇷    07/26/24  (15)
Normal to feel like you’re always on thin ice with your wife?    07/26/24  (14)
CNN: all this Kamala momentum is fake and gay (link)    07/26/24  (14)
my grandmother would have turned 100 today    07/26/24  (14)
Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok sentenced to nine months in prison (LINK)    07/26/24  (14)
2.8% GDP growth is pretty amazing.    07/26/24  (14)
did someone ever explain why CSLG & Chandler dumped Kenny?    07/26/24  (13)
XO weighs in: Is greed a vice? Or a virtue?    07/26/24  (13)
If you had to live in Washington DC with spouse, 3 young kids, what neighborhood    07/26/24  (12)
Wait, he actually DID fuck a couch?    07/26/24  (12)
78 y/o rapist and 39 y/o couchfucker. The party of family values folks.    07/26/24  (12)
So AIPAC is going to get trump elected    07/26/24  (11)
Did you know the deep state tried to assassinate trump via patsy    07/26/24  (10)
The Consuela/TBF pro-Vance alliance tp    07/26/24  (10)
exceptional song lyrics according to boomers:    07/26/24  (10)
Emilio the poster    07/26/24  (10)
When is Vance’s wife gonna divorce him    07/26/24  (9)
My theory regarding the gunman's motivation    07/26/24  (8)
rate these 3 young women    07/26/24  (8)
Trump wasn't "shot," it's becoming more and more obvious.    07/26/24  (8)
Trump now down in all three BLUE WALL states + AZ/NV, lol Trumpmos    07/26/24  (7)
Trump is getting sentenced on September 18 hth    07/26/24  (7)
🚨🚨🚨Paris Terror Attack Megathread🚨🚨🚨    07/26/24  (7)
High government debt puts U.S. at the mercy of international bankers    07/26/24  (7)
What clique is Vance?    07/26/24  (7)
Michael Bay set to Direct 'Skibidi Toilet' Movie and TV Franchise (link)    07/26/24  (6)
Creepy Donald. Creepy Vance.    07/26/24  (6)
Really does seem like libs are actually into Satanism and not just "haha so edgy    07/26/24  (6)
The origin of autoadmit's Vancian ethos is a shared rejection by Mom    07/26/24  (6)
UGH JD Vance is BAD ok. No I don't have to give a reason he's just BAD    07/26/24  (6)
Most likely that switching to Harris doesn't get the Dems the presidency but    07/26/24  (6)
Kamala at all time high of 48 on PredctIt    07/26/24  (6)
Support your local McDonalds    07/26/24  (6)
"The Republican Party? Ewww. I'd never date THEM"    07/26/24  (6)
ITT Emilio will rate you as a C.S. Lewis character    07/26/24  (5)
If Kamala wins, red states should run like fascist governments&ignore the fed    07/26/24  (5)
I'm going to smash & correct this place but I'm destroying reddit right now    07/26/24  (5)
stalin's youtube channel is 600 attempts at making egg white omelet w/o sticking    07/26/24  (5)
TSINA remains a childless cat lady. How is that possible after all this time?    07/26/24  (5)