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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Burn this site down    05/21/24  (1)
Imagine being the faggot who ran Red Lobster into the ground    05/21/24  (64)
400 lb crying, cringy, CSLG-stalking disco fries: "my SMV is high, right guys?"    05/21/24  (5)
The more I post, the more I realize we need to bully consuela    05/21/24  (4)
"self made" billionaires    05/21/24  (1)
you are old: spaceporn stopped returning his son's calls    05/21/24  (91)
friends w/ CSLG irl. hes losing his mind from $$ & pimping wife out at sex parti    05/21/24  (66)
Help me understand Lewontin's Fallacy (if it is a fallacy)    05/21/24  (43)
Been seeing a ton of people who look like they staple their faces on in morning    05/21/24  (4)
Why does it matter that he already has a house in Jew Jersey?    05/21/24  (1)
Epstein had a small, egg shaped penis. Regardless, I wish we'd been friends.    05/21/24  (1)
“Financial Advisors” are worthless hucksters, right?    05/21/24  (12)
You'll get screwed by American postal&private delivery services    05/21/24  (1)
America is a joke..the mail system&private delivery systems r awful    05/21/24  (2)
Disco this is all fraud and doesn't add up    05/21/24  (16)
Which COUNTRY has the MOST spies in the United States?    05/21/24  (62)
Anyone actually read Schmitt "Concept of the Political"?    05/21/24  (11)
What will be next to go after Red Lobster? Chili's? Applebee's? IHOP?    05/21/24  (9)
A Foid in Full    05/21/24  (2)
CR career choice = become "Librarian"?    05/21/24  (39)
Newsweek: Jack White Trashes Joe Rogan    05/21/24  (24)
Do power plants convert water into steam in 'batches' or at a continuous rate?    05/21/24  (9)
Avoid the Foid    05/21/24  (5)
seems like every workplace now is toxic & all smart ppl despise their jobs    05/21/24  (75)
"The nearby Red Lobster just closed, but neighbors don't miss it," the realtor    05/21/24  (4)
Obese WOC in emergency exit seat delays flight bc “I ain’t helpin no one”    05/21/24  (31)
Musk throwing temper tantrum if he doesn't get massive bonus    05/21/24  (12)
MTG's "bleach blonde bad built butch body" now part of Congressional Record    05/21/24  (5)
NIGGER!    05/21/24  (1)
lmao they got Michael Cohen to admit that he stole from Trump on the stand??    05/21/24  (15)
"I'm an influencer" "Oh wow. Profesional narcissism sounds like a tough gig."    05/21/24  (3)
Why would Open AI choose Scarlet Johannson's voice?    05/21/24  (9)
why do "libs" care so much about what someone said on "Joe Rogan"    05/21/24  (1)
Trump will be convicted and imprisoned pending appeal    05/21/24  (2)
ITT we list all the different types of vote fraud that occurred in 2020    05/21/24  (15)
Rate Terrence Howard's Proof that 1 x 1 = 2 (link)    05/21/24  (19)
Biden will issue pardons to everyone Trump plans to go after    05/21/24  (7)
someone needs to come ravish my ass    05/21/24  (2)
Are proud atheists a dying breed?    05/21/24  (35)
New intern at the office looks like a 19-yo clone of my wife    05/21/24  (8)
Hedge Fund releases 294 page review of Olive Garden (not flame)    05/21/24  (234)
Why haven’t they remade Back to the Future yet?    05/21/24  (25)
GAY!    05/21/24  (1)
niggers w schizophrenia get 2hrs+ of earnest jre head nodding    05/21/24  (10)
XO predictions for stock market the next 2 years?    05/21/24  (2)
I've gotten word that the iranian government has recruited TT as head of propaga    05/21/24  (2)
joe rogan explaining how having children is like an insane DMT trip man    05/21/24  (5)
Tommy getting tortured: “lol look how easy it is to rile u up!”    05/21/24  (6)
Tommy really setting a high MPM bar with Iran torture death arc    05/21/24  (5)
TT:"i'm not jewish" abdullah:"prove it" TT:"i sold my boat at a loss"    05/21/24  (18)
zero hp lovecraft: "please pretty please stop naming the jew"    05/21/24  (21)
bloodline curse to the tune of surfin bird    05/21/24  (7)
To the asshole driving around Tehran blasting The Who's rock opera    05/21/24  (4)
captive Tommy on TV blinking “D I E B I R D S H I T J U I C E” in Morse code    05/21/24  (15)
Top 20 items purchased with food stamps    05/21/24  (66)
leftist rag Jacobin goes after Wal-Mart, gets destroyed by comm. notes    05/21/24  (23)
All of Bama's Heisman winners are totally forgettable.    05/21/24  (9)
Non-religious Americans have plateaued    05/21/24  (8)
Passenger on flight from London killed by extreme turbulence    05/21/24  (18)
Came in luis’s butt, he squealed like a pig then I slit his throat    05/21/24  (14)
4 poasters chilling in a random thread. *SP and gunnerattt enter*    05/21/24  (11)
Bill Clinton flying SP and Gunnerattt out to Camp David    05/21/24  (3)
Eisenhower said his life’s greatest disappointment was not making    05/21/24  (6)
lol shitskin "correction" tp is fuming MAF for being shitmodded    05/21/24  (35)
Men’s SMV peaks at 40, women’s at 18    05/21/24  (49)
Video of dispute resolution in the ghetto. (Bitch starts slamming skulls w/ rock    05/21/24  (3)
I fell asleep watching terrence howard on joe rogan talking about alchemy    05/21/24  (11)
when I pay for parking at the mall I forget my cars registration    05/21/24  (2)
Cons do you think this time Donald will follow through on any promises?    05/21/24  (1)
There's no US Embassy in Iran--    05/21/24  (1)
what made Israelis so insane and genocidal?    05/21/24  (2)
I wish I could be disco fries to Jeffrey Epstein's CSLG    05/21/24  (1)
Prole Goes Cruising to CocoCay; Faces Financial Ruin Upon Return    05/21/24  (2)
Biglaw, “The 36th Chamber of Shaolin” film is really good    05/21/24  (5)
Amnesty International investigating reports Tommy T forced to watch Longhorn Net    05/21/24  (2)
NSAM walks into a Pizza Hut. "The Mafia runs this place"    05/21/24  (7)
Tucker goes full retard. Runs show on Russia 24, state TV.    05/21/24  (1)
“Segregation Explorer” map shows how much ur old school demographics changed    05/21/24  (60)
I'm 90% sure TT is actually in iranian police custody right now    05/21/24  (23)
Under what circumstances is it OK to buttfuck your brother?    05/21/24  (3)
But what's that got to do with pussy? - Jeff Epstein    05/21/24  (2)
Iran proposes exchange: If we take TT back, can have 5 prisoners of our choice    05/21/24  (4)
180 Cam'ron interview on CNN    05/21/24  (6)
great idea: just take Gazans into US!    05/21/24  (1)
Joint Indo-Pak task force The Really Dirty Dozen rescuing TT from Iran    05/21/24  (1)
Iranian agents shaking head as they read The Ransom of Red Chief    05/21/24  (1)
GOP cucks introduce bill to extend military benefits for Americans in IDF    05/21/24  (15)
Puppy pic - link    05/21/24  (5)
We will bump this thread every day until DrakeMallard returns to xoxo    05/21/24  (157)
Is my online sex fling holding me back from dating IRL? (NYT)    05/21/24  (4)
Cool centuries old ethnic grievance Sergei. Want to take it to the white house?    05/21/24  (2)
Poasters with Obese Wives- do you ever actually have sex with them?    05/21/24  (1)
I really want to fuck a lumpy shrew obsessed w Taylor swift and Bridgerton    05/21/24  (2)
Mavs looking like shit huh Whok?    05/21/24  (25)
Rate the daughter and wife of the Iranian crown prince - link    05/21/24  (28)
Doc Brown backing Cyber Truck out, amid smoking dry ice    05/21/24  (2)
TT probably just busy having 3somes with those chinks    05/21/24  (1)
If you were training a child to be a mechanic, what would you start him on?    05/21/24  (50)
hey Boom, ever use Turtle Wax on your bald head?    05/21/24  (1)
When Tommy T is released, he'll come back to a USA that doesn't have red lobster    05/21/24  (1)
opportunistic homosexual rape    05/21/24  (3)
To which generations do the different Simpsons characters belong?    05/21/24  (11)
1800000 they're remaking The Last Samurai with Denzel Washington    05/21/24  (1)
Pour a bag of shrimp out for your boy    05/21/24  (2)
dun dun dun nu na BILLING IN THE NAME OF    05/21/24  (152)
What if depopulation is the BIG EVENT of the 21st C    05/21/24  (24)
More Than 800,000 Have Fled City in Gaza’s South, U.N. Official Says    05/21/24  (1)
why again is DNC deathly afraid of sitting POTUS biden debating w ppl present    05/21/24  (3)
Nippon u watching baseball? The Huskers have great shot at Big 10 title    05/21/24  (3)
Why haven't they remade Twink Slammers 4 yet?    05/21/24  (1)
Tommy T recording anti-US propaganda for Iran. No script needed, he'll improv    05/21/24  (12)
Imagine being the faggot who beat Dan Rather into the ground    05/21/24  (1)
Jay Z next?    05/21/24  (2)
CIA puzzled by new jihad leader “al Amerikkkani”    05/21/24  (3)
ETH moon    05/21/24  (1)
Not outting but does TT have ww2-ish first name? NYT has list of Americans held    05/21/24  (1)
Rate this IVF political ad    05/21/24  (2)
“Black on black” (EPAH describing his bull)    05/21/24  (1)
Russian propagandist: the Kharkov front could collapse soon (link)    05/21/24  (5)
Mike Brown    05/21/24  (2)
There hasn't been a special cfb team since 2019 LSU.    05/21/24  (3)
Kikey    05/21/24  (1)
What an actual mafia-owned business looks like    05/21/24  (50)
Kikestack    05/21/24  (1)
Kikespace    05/21/24  (1)
A typical American elementary school in 2014 (pic inside):    05/21/24  (32)
NSAM poasts into an empty online chatbort. "The Mafia runs this place"    05/21/24  (4)
FYI: this is one of the most liked tweets in the history of twitter (link)    05/21/24  (3)
can someone pls just murder nyuug tp already    05/21/24  (1)
Only thing I’ve thought about all day every single day of my life is Black Pus    05/21/24  (1)
Woman lies about sexual assault, gets innocent man locked up for a month    05/21/24  (2)
parasocial contacts tp    05/21/24  (4)
Go Luka!    05/21/24  (2)
Rate this Ryan Garcia video with his best friend.    05/21/24  (1)
Ayo, this place is fucking back btw    05/21/24  (6)
Gen X reddit poverty subthread    05/21/24  (1)
PE did this    05/21/24  (2)
good morning    05/21/24  (4)
friends ignoring me    05/21/24  (11)
so many guys in this hostel are snoring    05/21/24  (13)
another black chimps out on Spirit Airlines (video)    05/21/24  (10)
tommy tp, blink "T-O-R-T-U-R-E" in morse code to us if you're okay    05/21/24  (1)
ALL HAIL    05/21/24  (1)
curb stomp all kikes for being jews    05/21/24  (1)
rate this negro helicopter    05/21/24  (4)
rating posters as torture techniques being used by Revolutionary Guard on TT    05/21/24  (27)
My wife is obese    05/21/24  (18)
G'Kar actor from Babylon 5 has been dead for 20 years    05/21/24  (13)
Should I bill an hour or fuck your mom's butthole?    05/21/24  (2)

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