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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Got TEAR GASSED last night in Lyon    06/13/24  (35)
NYT interview with JD Vance. He explains how he became MAGA.    06/13/24  (25)
Milo Yiannopoulos just murdered Karlstack    06/13/24  (52)
Japan to give Ukraine $4.5 billion this year - link    06/13/24  (20)
There's NOTHING good abt the US anymore, just propped up by USD    06/13/24  (51)
Rating poasters as books George20 has flung across the room    06/13/24  (60)
Confirmation ATACMS took out another S-400 - link    06/13/24  (18)
Women blabbering at full volume on morning commuter rail is so 180    06/13/24  (3)
former company stock down 7% YTD while market is up 15%. LMAO    06/13/24  (1)
Boom's bald ass is so gaped and wide open you can shove a plunger into it 🪠    06/13/24  (1)
Jew Fraud (((STOCK MARKET))) keeps going up to SPITE me    06/13/24  (31)
Biden making America great again    06/13/24  (2)
Uh no George20, that's not what we mean by "shitpit" please put it away    06/13/24  (17)
Pope Francis: There is too much "faggottness" in seminaries (link)    06/13/24  (36)
I want to smell your womanhood    06/13/24  (1)
Cons won’t like this    06/13/24  (3)
XO Nixon: "What Indians need, what they need really is a mass famine"    06/13/24  (4)
female orgasm is 100% flame, else women would be jacking off 10x daily like men    06/13/24  (3)
Jimmy Carter's grandson dies. Great grandson takes over hospice updates.    06/13/24  (8)
Vote vinyl vs hardwood vs engineered wood in manhattan    06/13/24  (19)
Cons do you like Kari Lake?    06/13/24  (2)
Really sick of this pride shit everywhere    06/13/24  (11)
Most Americans are truly pathetic&accepting this fraud shit with no resistance    06/13/24  (2)
AI will take over the world in 5 years. *posted from my driverless Bentley*    06/13/24  (1)
Found TBF’s Twitter account    06/13/24  (1)
Complete fraud..over 99% or everything is outright fake fraud and pure lies    06/13/24  (3)
Does washing machine add value to your property?    06/13/24  (30)
Men v. women cops stopping terrorists at the congressional baseball game    06/13/24  (1)
Really sick of this fraud world 🌎🌍 &fraud "Humanity! Especially "America"    06/13/24  (1)
Trump tops Biden by 2 points in new national poll https://thehill.com/homenews/c    06/13/24  (1)
Trump is leading    06/13/24  (1)
A dude named Horst Schultz trained his gear to jizz 18 feet.    06/13/24  (5)
Ban all Ukraine posters    06/13/24  (3)
Leopold Aschenbrenner essay on the AI arms race that will change world by 2027    06/13/24  (12)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    06/13/24  (44)
disinterested nearby spider casually mouthing ur exact words as u speak them    06/13/24  (44)
Sitting in cash the last year and a half. LMAO    06/13/24  (11)
Michigan judge rules 'permissibly valid' signature rules = unconstitutional    06/13/24  (10)
can i become a "sugar daddy" even if I don't have any "sugar" (ie, $$$)?    06/13/24  (6)
jewish darkness tp is a ricky alt    06/13/24  (50)
Sexy dragon show is back    06/13/24  (1)
what are they hiding in the "dark ages"?    06/13/24  (2)
OYT/evan39 do you like my 32x threading    06/13/24  (7)
Is Phil Jackson the undisputed GOAT coach of any team sport?    06/13/24  (25)
Jimmy Carter: "I refuse to leave this Earth until doodikoff beats Margit"    06/13/24  (15)
TT and nyuug's argument is that white culture sucks because of brown people    06/13/24  (5)
i have to get away from the screens very soon    06/13/24  (14)
Sitting in poop the last year and a half. (benzo)    06/13/24  (1)
TT Investment Alert/Warning: Just bought 10 shares of NVDA @ 128    06/13/24  (4)
RATE this scene from new Star Wars Acolyte show. Shitcons IRATE (link)    06/13/24  (4)
biglaw is an intellectual feast!    06/13/24  (123)
any1 remember thread discussing MUTE beaner mexican service workers    06/13/24  (4)
“Going outside” is fucking gay    06/13/24  (20)
*smirks and chuckles inwards at funny RSA token number combination*    06/13/24  (1)
Remember when laser pointers were prestigious high tech?    06/13/24  (5)
What music are you currently listening to?    06/13/24  (100)
BREAKING: im still gay    06/13/24  (5)
XO didn't change. The world went mad. But twenty depressed lawyers hold the line    06/13/24  (11)
ok guys let's compile an official list of bugs to help rach    06/13/24  (59)
Russiacucks how do you respond to this?    06/13/24  (17)
Tommy you need a female companion    06/13/24  (6)
rug on wall for greatly home value?    06/13/24  (2)
Rosalynn Carter: "I'm proud to announce we've completed Human Instrumentality"    06/13/24  (9)
Carter on old age: "I do a lot more. Being diapered feels good and you know it."    06/13/24  (17)
Candy Ride = rudolph = obeezy imho    06/13/24  (2)
RSF word cloud top 3: "benzo" and 2 misspellings of "benzo"    06/13/24  (2)
completely normal to poast on this forum with a design from 1997    06/13/24  (36)
Ricky Ricardo: "Mark Cuban? He don't look Cuban to me, Lucy!"    06/13/24  (23)
Pinehurst looks 180, should be a great USO    06/13/24  (1)
If you don’t have at least a few bros you crush on, you're doing things wrong    06/13/24  (1)
If you don’t have at least a few bros you go crush beers with a few times a we    06/13/24  (5)
JJ Redick to coach Lakers    06/13/24  (1)
Russians demand FDIC protection for their bank accounts - link    06/13/24  (1)
RATE the poster for Kathleen Kennedy’s STAR WARS: ACOLYTE    06/13/24  (36)
Uncovering the Link Between Childhood Trauma and Childless Disney Visits    06/13/24  (11)
Fear is a sickness scene from Apocalypto is 180    06/13/24  (51)
proles and tards are all saying "just buy $NVDA stocks bro"    06/13/24  (8)
Disney to allow full nudity, but minimal sexual contact, at Pride Day Magic Ki    06/13/24  (7)
Is there even one photo of Joe Biden and Jeffrey Epstein?    06/13/24  (7)
Does playroom hotdog add value to property? (sp)    06/13/24  (2)
Cons openly rooting for the US dollar’s collapse after Saudi ends petrodollar    06/13/24  (2)
Just got prescribed tirzepatide, taking Q’s.    06/13/24  (15)
does light bulb add value to property?    06/13/24  (1)
SCOTUS tosses abortion drug case 9-0    06/13/24  (3)
Glass versus screen enclosure for balcony in nyc?    06/13/24  (2)
Serious 10-pg Rolling Stone interviews w/ Sting, Annie Lennox, Michael Hutchence    06/13/24  (9)
New Horror Flick: The Hills Have Eyes Glued to Screens    06/13/24  (2)
Yo FizzKidd want to get railed by a 41yo white guy that likes classical music    06/13/24  (23)
RATE my progression toward climbing and summiting Teewinot Mountain    06/13/24  (1)
New FizzKidd LP dropped    06/13/24  (12)
Why won't Tommy just kill himself at this point. What is he even living for    06/13/24  (22)
If the Biden corruption stuff is real why isn’t the House impeaching?    06/13/24  (6)
I have financed a burrito with a 4 month payment plan using the Chipotle app    06/13/24  (103)
Disco..this "work" is not helping..everything looks like shit    06/13/24  (18)
ACRES of abandoned Teslas    06/13/24  (7)
32x threading on the Xbox Series S subreddit    06/13/24  (10)
sent like 10 emails today. exhausted.    06/13/24  (20)
I laugh every time I see a "black bear" Just burst out laughing!!..they=jokes    06/13/24  (24)
Does gamecube add value to property? (cowgod)    06/13/24  (9)
Does refrigerator add value to property? (boor)    06/13/24  (16)
Elliot Page cast as Elliot Rogder in "Supreme Gentleman" biopic (link)    06/13/24  (1)
Israel vs Palestine. Russia vs Ukraine. Xbox vs Playstation.    06/13/24  (2)
Has this season exposed Shohei Ohtani as the biggest fraud in sports history?    06/13/24  (1)
Zoomer women get fucked better than any generation of women in history    06/13/24  (5)
More video of peaceful J6 protesters emerges    06/13/24  (1)
Israel begins using trebuchets (video)    06/13/24  (5)
what russian economy doing?    06/13/24  (5)
Faulkner's 'Their Eyes Were Watching Screens'    06/13/24  (6)
jerked off to insane "taimanin" ero hentai video game today    06/13/24  (5)
The Rock but Hummel reflexively VX gasses San Fran upon waking from 30 year coma    06/13/24  (2)
The election's already gone on so long that some of you are overthinking it.    06/13/24  (4)
essence of 2024: women running buck-fucking-wild, men holding their purses    06/13/24  (1)
"did ju juss assume my yender?"    06/13/24  (1)
how do people jerk off to multiple episode hentai OVA / 2 hour long JAV    06/13/24  (5)
Boom=Mainlining=Evan39 is that it? End of line    06/13/24  (2)
G7 taking $50 billion in russian assets and giving it to Ukraine lmao    06/13/24  (3)
Doctors say JFK made three last pelvic thrusts AFTER he died    06/13/24  (1)
:D was twelve twelve during lolsuit, still in his 20s    06/13/24  (5)
The first pride celebration was held in 1713 B.C.    06/13/24  (1)
screens are what you make of them    06/13/24  (2)
Got TURD GASSED last night in Lahore (DBG's wife)    06/13/24  (2)
There's no money There's no possessions Only obsession I don't need that shit    06/13/24  (1)
Violent lib protesters fighting with cops    06/13/24  (1)
Need Jenny Nicholson to insult my small penis while she fucks another man    06/13/24  (3)
GOAL: to summit Teewinot Mountain within 12 months    06/13/24  (3)
7th grade summer chatting on AIM + MSN 🤙    06/13/24  (10)
is there any legit argument against taking statins?    06/13/24  (2)
Meloni rejects Kiss from Rishi, says Modi my Turdman    06/13/24  (1)
you're old: Damon Albarn looks like a grizzled homeless person    06/13/24  (1)
Asian | feet | only    06/13/24  (1)
Rach naming the xo hamster server the 'Axis Mastercomputer'    06/13/24  (2)
good morning    06/13/24  (4)
"I'm a bottom of the barrel" cried whok    06/13/24  (5)
Cons you gonna help Kyle Rittenhouse’s family?    06/13/24  (1)
No doctor has ever helped me or guided me or pointed me toward a better life.    06/13/24  (12)
ChatGPT saving my life rn, this shit is 180    06/13/24  (3)
Popes have deviant sexual needs. They never go unfulfilled.    06/13/24  (5)
i suggest you listen to the crazy town butterfly insturmental    06/13/24  (6)
when gaza famine    06/13/24  (1)
jerked off to porn like 8x today in my office    06/13/24  (7)
Fuck my dick this Allied Mastercomputer is never going to let us out of here    06/13/24  (11)
good morning future artificial organ wombs and animate silica-songs    06/13/24  (3)
thank you allied mastercomputer    06/13/24  (3)
Reminder: You'll never outwit the Allied Mastercomputer and his tortures    06/13/24  (25)
Dawn of the Dead (1978) music plays as me & Ricky load MP5s    06/13/24  (4)
sure luis has a kid now but who’s the actual father?    06/13/24  (1)

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