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I'll never again experience young love, and it pains me to no end    05/07/24  (36)
Prole tell: using a non-pro version of the iPhone    05/07/24  (16)
we literally have a poaster named faggy salad tp    05/07/24  (12)
Gunnerfag is a fucking retard    05/07/24  (11)
EGYPT prepares to welcome thousands of refugees from Gaza    05/06/24  (11)
Jokic: “They didn’t count to five Herzegovinas”    05/07/24  (10)
"Can I get the Rach." *bartender leaves*    05/07/24  (10)
It is physically possible to vomit up your own shit.    05/06/24  (9)
NY Governor: "black kids in the Bronx don’t know what the word computer means"    05/07/24  (8)
Jew rag, NY Post, claims 20% is now the normal tip    05/07/24  (7)
Nuggets are getting ass reamed    05/06/24  (6)
Rate this NYPD cop’s butt (pic)    05/07/24  (6)
the collective mental illness here is bubbling to the surface early tonight    05/07/24  (6)
Phones are the new cars. Cars are the new homes. Homes are the new boats.    05/07/24  (6)
IRS applied $12k of estimated payments to Q1 2024 instead of Q4 2023    05/06/24  (6)
had the best local steak of my life last night, perfectly rendered fat    05/07/24  (6)
Jews and Muzzies brawling on the streets of NYC now (video)    05/07/24  (6)
Giving my account to a group of 15 year old Mexicans I met on Discord    05/07/24  (6)
We are all fags    05/06/24  (5)
My God, the conversation in the Trump tower with Michael Cohen!    05/07/24  (5)
How much could you risk?    05/07/24  (5)
Am I insane for wondering why the jury is involved at all in this Trump NY case?    05/06/24  (5)
seems like the Chiefs will threepeat as Super Bowl champs    05/06/24  (4)
How much time do you have?    05/07/24  (4)
Are there direct flights from South Korea to Vladivostok?    05/06/24  (4)
Question: Will Orange Bitch Boi look good in an orange jumpsuit?    05/06/24  (4)
Megan Fox literally drinks blood (not flame, video)    05/07/24  (4)
All I care about is anal sex.    05/06/24  (4)
Jokic: "I choose now to live as a gay Slav."    05/06/24  (3)
Anyone seen The Roastbeef of FizzKidd yet?    05/07/24  (3)
RATE the newly elected City Councillor of Leeds (UK).    05/07/24  (3)
Went to my parent's house and they still have the breadbox I made in 7th grade    05/07/24  (3)
Wherever Drake Mallard is, he's still a fag    05/06/24  (3)
it's crazy to me that humans think things get better lol    05/06/24  (3)
Who’s the better actor? Jeff Bridges or Tom Selleck?    05/06/24  (3)
ohtani is playing out of his mind    05/07/24  (3)
We are all atheists    05/06/24  (3)
lol whok, Wolves buttfuckin Jokic like Jinx does to u    05/07/24  (3)
Jokic: "Having achieved nothing in my career I now formally declare war on Croat    05/06/24  (3)
Sad how easy it is to get away with all the rigged fraud    05/07/24  (3)
Need advice with negative equity on Turo car    05/07/24  (3)
The Fascinating State of Nintendo    05/07/24  (3)
Mavs Wolves WCF will be 180.    05/07/24  (2)
Rugpulls: goy trap or necessary part of the economy?    05/07/24  (2)
Turo fleet aging. Refinance and update?    05/06/24  (2)
remember scanning old forums for posts relevant to you?    05/07/24  (2)
It's all a bunch of forces flame BS which people follow    05/06/24  (1)
Shogun times (hulu) seem way better than "this"    05/06/24  (1)
Nothing makes any sense or is adding up&quickly passing us by    05/06/24  (1)