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I think I could die any day now    05/12/24  (13)
I have no friends    05/12/24  (13)
This is an amazing video of what Amerikkkan life was like 50 years ago    05/12/24  (13)
WaPo: "Our daughter wanted a mommy, so she picked one of her dads"    05/12/24  (12)
Parents Upset Over New Nintendo Console - Super Nintendo - Circa 1991    05/12/24  (6)
Should I ditch my long term BF before traveling?    05/12/24  (6)
Have you ever been so MAF that you fear a heart attack?    05/12/24  (6)
RATE Harry & Meghan's Crooked Seat Labels In Nigeria (PIC)    05/12/24  (5)
They’re trying to gin up a chill new pandemic    05/12/24  (5)
Xo whores now claim 'managing stress' is the problem, lmao    05/12/24  (4)
My 6 year old looked troubled this morning. I said what's up buddy?    05/12/24  (4)
Ukraine fucked by corruption again - link    05/12/24  (4)
You know you can just quit your job if it's stressing you out, right    05/12/24  (4)
Super hot guy 69s his girlfriend (video)    05/12/24  (3)
Lol just what you want your new girlfriend to say    05/12/24  (3)
how old are faggots with HIV and PrEp living till now?    05/12/24  (3)
Boom are women lying whores?    05/12/24  (2)
9+🍆 or Nothing tp    05/12/24  (2)
White 1997 GMC Sierra Nationalism    05/12/24  (2)
Russia blows up its own apartment building for casus belli (video)    05/12/24  (2)
good morning    05/12/24  (2)
Curious George and the Holocaust Museum.    05/12/24  (2)
Everything is prelude to total war with China    05/12/24  (2)
What are your top 5 Italian songs?    05/12/24  (2)
they had daily death counts and forced vaccination & think u will forget it all    05/12/24  (1)
Why have Fighting Games thrives while Arena FPS and RTS haven't?    05/12/24  (1)
does NYT Ed Bd actually say anything about campus protests?    05/12/24  (1)
Should I add my MBA to my LinkedIn?    05/12/24  (1)
I can't wait to get a McDonald's breakfast this morning. Been saving up all year    05/12/24  (1)
So scary for jews    05/12/24  (1)
How many Disciples do you guys have?    05/12/24  (1)
Paul Rudd SNES commercial    05/12/24  (1)
University of Miami not having FB stadium is so retarded    05/12/24  (1)
On Mother's Day, this OtherKin Wonders Which Dad to Call (NYT)    05/12/24  (1)
Will this Saudi "The Line" project ever actually get built    05/12/24  (1)
Can’t believe jews aren’t somehow behind “A Serbian Film”    05/12/24  (1)