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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
How to go from $100,000,000 to bankruptcy," by Antonio Brown    02/07/25  (3)
USAF Plane Crashes In Philippines Rice Paddy, Killing 4 Troops (PICS) #TT    02/07/25  (5)
Going to MOTHERFUCKIN' CHILI'S tonight    02/07/25  (5)
I won my state spelling bee when i was a kid    02/07/25  (19)
GERMANY to send troops to Greenland to defend against US INVASION    02/07/25  (25)
First they came for the DEI employees and I did not speak out    02/07/25  (1)
Valentine’s Day is coming up 😔 (OYT)    02/07/25  (6)
uper-Earth discovery reveals an exoplanet potentially capable of sustaining life    02/07/25  (1)
Really underdiscussed how Halloween is dying YoY    02/07/25  (13)
Wife's NOWAG Direct Report Went Psycho On Her. Should She Report To HR?    02/07/25  (17)
Trump proposes 0% tax on overtime. Lawyers exempt.    02/07/25  (3)
if you have an attached garage your car is basically living in the house like a    02/07/25  (14)
Rate Luigi's Death Penalty Counsel Avi Markowitz    02/07/25  (3)
uSAID spent $98 MILLION trying to overthrow Venezuela POTUS xo MADURO:    02/07/25  (1)
Huge market selloff starting Monday    02/07/25  (60)
USAID paid Pizza Hut $150 million to renovate and modernize in 1997    02/07/25  (111)
"Let me show u how a REAL Republican does it," said MASE cupping the balls    02/07/25  (23)
Wilbur Mercer taking Qs on poverty and being working class    02/07/25  (27)
🚨🚨🚨INCEL ALERT: New Dream Theater released today 🚨🚨🚨    02/07/25  (1)
All the media I’ve ever consumed was produced by the cia and mossad?    02/07/25  (12)
The current fraud environment is unlike anything 10 years ago    02/07/25  (30)
Kanye tweeting about Jews again    02/07/25  (3)
Men in their 40s who never logged off now build rich online worlds (NYTimes)    02/07/25  (78)
What do OnlyFans whores do after they turn 30?    02/07/25  (29)
xo Sanders: "Tell me how folks with an IQ of 85 can succeed at Yale. Please."    02/07/25  (6)
People who have money complain about poors — why? You exploit them for $$$    02/07/25  (4)
marry, fuck, kill: Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, President's Day    02/07/25  (2)
My road rage has gotten much worse the past year    02/07/25  (14)
Small Commercial Plane Crashes In Alaska, 10 Det    02/07/25  (1)
NFL back to endorsing racism for the Super Bowl    02/07/25  (4)
rate this twitter community note at Elizabeth Warren    02/07/25  (8)
I'm Happily Married. I Just Want to Sleep With Another Man Before I Die.    02/07/25  (1)
USAID spent $100k on lizard repopulation program in Vietnam beach    02/07/25  (5)
Whatever happened to "build a wall?"    02/07/25  (7)
Ben Stiller was paid $4,000,000 to have these pics taken with Zelensky    02/07/25  (49)
Why are East Asians good at math?    02/07/25  (8)
ITT: Africans try to open a bottle of Coca-Cola    02/07/25  (5)
USAID paid Angelina Jolie $20MILLION to 'visit' Zelensky:    02/07/25  (11)
Trumo not condemning land to build a wall. Dickless and weak POTUS    02/07/25  (1)
remember when emma watson was hot    02/07/25  (3)
DrakeMallardxoFuckingxo    02/07/25  (9)
They don't make ads like this anymore    02/07/25  (2)
butt cheeks: I see you drivin, sportscar, aint hittin the throttle    02/07/25  (2)
butt cheeks cum ITT please    02/07/25  (3)
xo Sanders: "We should in fact build many walls. Around the negro districts."    02/07/25  (3)
xo Sanders: "If y're going to call something the final solution, u best deliver"    02/07/25  (7)
Summon: butt cheeks    02/07/25  (10)
xo Sanders: I'm not saying black lives don't matter, they don't matter as much    02/07/25  (8)
butt cheeks come ITT bro    02/07/25  (5)
xo Sanders: 'In the end, what isolates the negro, is the concept of civility.    02/07/25  (5)
butt cheeks: call me    02/07/25  (2)
iPhone just said "ITS NIGGER TIME" and everyone around started eeking and ooking    02/07/25  (16)
TBF's twitter account outed    02/07/25  (1)
Tough talkers for Trump    02/07/25  (1)
what do i do when an autistic coder spazzes out over a poor raise and no bonus    02/07/25  (7)
USAID's Transexual Acceptance Program in Syria isn't working out so well    02/07/25  (7)
USAID spent $757,998 Alleviating Loneliness In Migrant Garment Workers in India    02/07/25  (2)
Humans were meant to SEGREGATE arnd their Gender + Ethnicity    02/07/25  (2)
BREAKING: Trump-Ukraine Peace Plan LEAKED - Does TDNW approve?    02/07/25  (60)
Phil Spencer and the 32X: The Curse of Half-Measures    02/07/25  (2)
good morning    02/07/25  (5)
New Interview with Phil Spencer    02/07/25  (2)
E.T. is like a Jew's perspective on the Gospels    02/07/25  (4)
St Diapering Day is coming up    02/07/25  (1)
My life is turning into one giant pile of diapers. 180.    02/07/25  (6)
xo is a queer space    02/07/25  (1)
Libs all complain about “anti-intellectualism&rdqu
o; but I’ve never seen an exam
   02/07/25  (1)
why does America have third-world level corruption. is it blacks?    02/07/25  (9)
some people say i’m gay, some think i’m stupid, i think i’m gay and stupid    02/07/25  (1)
i’m trans    02/07/25  (3)
Terrifying Ray Dalio interview    02/07/25  (16)
Going to cover up a really gay tattoo on my chest with a swastika    02/07/25  (9)
Cucumbers, would you fuck a midget in his asshold?    02/07/25  (12)
Fuck sandwich with fresh penis spread    02/07/25  (1)
I shitted    02/07/25  (1)
Colombian President cancels oil investment in the US    02/07/25  (1)
OYT 2/7 megathread    02/07/25  (1)
Liking this thing where Trump does stuff and doesn’t wait on Congress    02/07/25  (2)
Senior Fellow @ManhattanInstitute troons out, changes name from Brian to Jessica    02/07/25  (23)
Pam Bondi & Kristi Noem to star in "Mar-e-Lago MILFs: Make Anal Great Again"    02/07/25  (3)
*cue original non-DLC civ5 theme as you try tranny bussy for the first time*    02/07/25  (4)
Kanye is literally a genius    02/07/25  (7)
Took date’s shirt off, tag was Brandy Melville    02/07/25  (7)
USAID Bought 6 Million $12 Water Bottles From LA Sushi Restaurant & Sent To Laos    02/07/25  (25)
Mr Jinx in Tweety Bird panties: "I Tawt I Taw A BussyTAT"    02/07/25  (4)
pissing and shitting everwhere all over the place    02/07/25  (48)
Full On Dick In Bussy (FODIB)    02/07/25  (2)
AP to capitalize Bussy when referring to black boy pussy in buck breaking covera    02/07/25  (9)
AFAB gf calls it her "trans-bussy"    02/07/25  (2)
shitting, pissing, and farting    02/07/25  (1)
how tf did they convince young men to become trannies    02/07/25  (27)
More Persian Affection    02/07/25  (1)
hey! what’s up guys?    02/07/25  (16)
Stuff is going on with "tech" that severely hampers agency    02/07/25  (4)
The journalist who combed through that kid at DOGE's social media history should    02/07/25  (10)
real art is supposed to make you ask questions (smug where's waldo illustrator)    02/07/25  (7)
BREAKING: Karlstack's last tweet before dying in shootout with Maine State Polic    02/07/25  (14)
Do Cons truly believe that WWII wasn't about the Jews?    02/07/25  (2)
so "Shot Caller" is just the gay male version of 50 shades of Grey?    02/07/25  (2)
Do Cons truly believe the Civil War wasn't about slavery?    02/07/25  (105)
Waiting for a flight at LGA surrounded by at least 100 nubile hot cheerleaders    02/07/25  (45)
russians now using donkeys on the frontlines (link)    02/07/25  (5)
New Golden Trump Statue Unveiled at Mar-e-Lago    02/07/25  (1)
sending angry e-mails to opposing counsel at 5 pm on friday tp    02/07/25  (6)
SEEKING ARRANGEMENT UPDATE NO. 4???    02/07/25  (64)
Tiffany Trump shouting "I need my shoes!" as you boot her out of your apt    02/07/25  (19)
Honest Q: Why are asian people so concerned with test scores?    02/07/25  (5)
Oliver Darcy’s hands trembling as he opens a thin envelope from Chapman Univer    02/07/25  (148)
Can scarcely even imagine the depths of depravity these libs were stooping to    02/07/25  (4)
*sips coffee* "Ah" *smiles and settles in for another mentally ill Friday*    02/07/25  (548)
Trump should give Biden an ultimatum    02/07/25  (3)
HAPPY FRIDAY, NIGGERS!    02/07/25  (767)
The Civil War was fought over slavery: T/F?    02/07/25  (111)
Trump fighting EPAH in Somalia (BBC)    02/07/25  (1)
The greatest tragedy of Brussels is if it is used by hateful ideologues to    02/07/25  (10)
Crazy that the post-war ideological landscape is still defined by the failures    02/07/25  (1)
Colbie Smulders: would u date/fuck?    02/07/25  (14)
ZoZo is like a Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Band/Chapter    02/07/25  (12)
The souls of the many are at stake    02/07/25  (1)
Any low cost of living areas with educated people...and jobs?    02/07/25  (62)
Junior v50 biglaw partner on reddit: $850k not enough to maek it in NYC    02/07/25  (34)
Down with warlocks    02/07/25  (1)
Keep it up    02/07/25  (1)
Comedy is a form of exorcism    02/07/25  (1)
Satan is a fucking faggot    02/07/25  (1)
Cannot sleep because my foot and leg hurt so badly    02/07/25  (15)
Yes the U.S. Constitution was an ingenious document when written but    02/07/25  (8)
It's a massive scandal for the Jews seeing an anti-Semite proven right    02/07/25  (1)
non-farm gayholes    02/07/25  (1)
Seems like a "war crime" to basically weaponize kabbalah    02/07/25  (1)
Are bottom 1% Asians smarter than top 1% of blacks?    02/07/25  (15)
Kash Patel is dating a 26yo Birdshit Hottie Slimepit (don't click Birdshits!)    02/07/25  (32)
I’ve been up for literally 3 days straight not a second of sleep    02/07/25  (1)
Niggers at top schools have SAT scores 450 points lower (out of 1600) than azns    02/07/25  (85)
Birdshits brag about being smarter than blacks but cry when Azns style on them?    02/07/25  (7)
Blacks are just as smart if not smarter than Asians and whites.    02/07/25  (14)
Northeast Asians are smarter than whites    02/07/25  (16)
daily reminder: AZNs are less intelligent than other races    02/07/25  (8)
I'm shorting Bitcoin, here's how I'll do it    02/07/25  (1)
Azns: good at math, but pretty fucking shitty at rocket science    02/07/25  (5)
east asian spatial/verbal IQ split explains a lot    02/07/25  (3)
a dumpster fire of drunk nigger & deranged gook spam, if you can keep it    02/07/25  (2)
Local man scores perfect on SAT, ACT, LSAT, and MCAT but did not attend college    02/07/25  (1)
Any datafags here?    02/07/25  (3)
*breaks open fortune cookie* "it's over"    02/07/25  (9)
College admissions should be 100% SAT scores    02/07/25  (53)
Jeff Garlin CANNED from tv show    02/07/25  (86)
reminder: AZNs aren't smarter; they just cheat on everything    02/07/25  (35)

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