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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
"Don't think you'll see any FILTHY NIGGERS here!" winked the realtor in 2025    06/18/24  (4)
I should just accept my EXISTENCE as a SHITTY investor    06/18/24  (1)
Really dont hear store managers announcing stuff on store PA's like you used to    06/18/24  (7)
Jerry Sandusky, butt raper, thinking about Joe Paterno's scrotum and jerking off    06/18/24  (9)
Why is crime down so much nationwide?    06/18/24  (19)
shitlibs: remember BIDEN has another bastard Granddaughter he has never met    06/18/24  (2)
Independence Day Plot Hole: why the fuck did they use shitty missiles at the end    06/18/24  (4)
“NBA Finals?” the realtor laughed. “No, I don’t think anyone here watche    06/18/24  (7)
Biden and his shit-covered dick staring down at America's corpse    06/18/24  (1)
Amazon "The Boys" - why did the suddenly made the French dude super gay?    06/18/24  (10)
TT: Should I add Orange Blossom or Rose Water to Mango Juice Drink?    06/18/24  (1)
How come high status white guys love the NBA so much?    06/18/24  (18)
lob friend wants free seagull advice    06/18/24  (7)
Lob friend says Trout should be removed from ballast    06/18/24  (3)
So we’re all in agreement here, 0% chance disco summits Teewinot    06/18/24  (3)
Hyman, rsf has no job or responsibilities but is still a fat slob. Embarrassing    06/18/24  (11)
Rate this fast food franchisor's plan to catch the Zodiac Killer    06/18/24  (5)
This Juneteenth, Marco Rubio Toyota is emancipating YOU from high prices!    06/18/24  (8)
Golden retrievers make epic pilgrimage to TT and TBFs ancestral homeland (pics)    06/18/24  (73)
President Washington named his dog “Cornwallis”    06/18/24  (1)
Lob friend is just PRETENDING to be cooked so he lowers banquet expectations    06/18/24  (5)
Trump can't win for one simple reason: he vilified mail-in voting    06/18/24  (7)
Where is the best place in the world to live?    06/18/24  (42)
guava tp here. new poaster. first day.    06/18/24  (3)
Tommy, fresh guava juice is the furking goods. I'm drinking it nonstop in Bali    06/18/24  (18)
More Cities Feel Strain as Migrants Move In Seeking Better Prospects(NYT)    06/18/24  (21)
Where is the best place in the world to poast “I’m gay” online?    06/18/24  (4)
Being a slick oral advocate = not having an obstructive internal monologue?    06/18/24  (2)
is it just me or are the Property Brothers creepy as fuck    06/18/24  (28)
literally heard no one at my firm discussing the Autoadmit MPM results    06/18/24  (15)
Is it a thing for middle aged lawyers to get 18-YO girls to be a Muse?    06/18/24  (2)
I don't get people who aren’t "into" ZoZo poasting    06/18/24  (10)
Went training for Teewinot and lost control of my bowel at mile 3    06/18/24  (10)
I’ll just come out and say it: I love men    06/18/24  (19)
gonna start dickmaxing    06/18/24  (3)
Still have no idea wtf a “Hahol” is    06/18/24  (6)
Corporations don't benefit from "Women" in the Workplace, Libs are full of SHIT    06/18/24  (16)
Movie idea: "Armaggeddon" but the crew's job is to make a working Gaza pier    06/18/24  (2)
“enjoy this caprisun, goy” 😹😹😹    06/18/24  (1)
Auto insurance up 42% in 2 years    06/18/24  (47)
unsaid truth: spaceporn is actually on his fifth or sixth adopted asian son.    06/18/24  (4)
Lob friend refuses to be on the same plate as TERFs    06/18/24  (49)
Netanyahu is pissed at lack of US support    06/18/24  (19)
Why is Biden suddenly dominating in all these polls?    06/18/24  (4)
Lob friend telling you that Dems have gone too far, traps are gay    06/18/24  (8)
Do libs still pretend 6 million Venezuelans walked 3,000k miles to get here    06/18/24  (3)
Retook the Myers Briggs after many years, went from ISTJ to INFJ    06/18/24  (5)
Con Air Plot Hole: why were there all those guns in the Airplane cargo bay?    06/18/24  (5)
Disco is the $57 thing a joke or satire?    06/18/24  (12)
lob friend protesting because Jews are being shell-fish    06/18/24  (3)
Hillary on campaign trail: “Do yo dick hang low is one of my favorite songs”    06/18/24  (3)
Trump to give Emilio tp VP nod    06/18/24  (6)
Who was that turd poster that was friends w/CharlesXII and insanely VIRUSBAD?    06/18/24  (10)
Most egregious Jewish propaganda I’ve seen in a while (link)    06/18/24  (20)
Black Lab friend barking furiously about which lives matter    06/18/24  (4)
Coinbase pays 5.15% APY for USDC    06/18/24  (1)
re-enrolling in college at 51. need to lose 80 lbs by orientation week    06/18/24  (13)
** U.S. Pier for Gaza Aid Is Failing **    06/18/24  (3)
Tommy T TedTalk: "And that's why they are all shit: Birdshits, Niggas, Jews, Muz    06/18/24  (4)
Reptile friend refuses to go on all inclusive cruise    06/18/24  (9)
My new black gf is literally a chef (OYT)    06/18/24  (36)
Are F500s Smart To Not Promote Anyone, Or Is It Short Sighted?    06/18/24  (45)
The best part is after the invasion the spelling will go back from Kyiv to Kiev    06/18/24  (3)
So tbf has tucked tail and ran even faster than the Russians from Kyiv?    06/18/24  (3)
"Eating pussy" has become a ridiculous emperor has no clothes situation    06/18/24  (91)
Russia moving forces away from KIEV. Russiamos???    06/18/24  (6)
Pigs in China fed better than the average South Korean    06/18/24  (4)
Russia is only 10 km away from Kiev    06/18/24  (10)
Awesome day...8 hours of race and social justice training!    06/18/24  (10)
Russian Kharkov offensive about to start    06/18/24  (4)
Russian propagandist: the Kharkov front could collapse soon (link)    06/18/24  (8)
Russian advance elements are now 12 miles from Kharkov    06/18/24  (13)
literally heard no one at my firm discussing the NBA finals    06/18/24  (11)
New Russian offensive in Kharkov kicks off latest Ukrainian retreat into city    06/18/24  (5)
Battlefield reports: Kupyansk & Kharkov about to fall to Russia:    06/18/24  (4)
Anders: AssFaggot, Adam: boner police, Blake: jafar    06/18/24  (36)
Do jewish ppl believe anyone buys their "jews are discriminated against: nonsens    06/18/24  (26)
holy fuck i hate managing coders    06/18/24  (15)
Put em all in the fucking oven$! Report to the fucking showers    06/18/24  (1)
Penis implants the best? Know anyone happy whom has one?,    06/18/24  (17)
One of the weird things about growing up in a blue state and turning con    06/18/24  (78)
If you’re not working as a tree feller you’re insane    06/18/24  (9)
POLL: should i coach toddler's t-ball team    06/18/24  (11)
pre-ordered my Surface Pro with Snapdragon Elite X and OLED Screen    06/18/24  (22)
lmao nearly half of summer is already gone    06/18/24  (16)
It's just a hobby, babe. Like being a birdwatcher. But with cocks, not birds.    06/18/24  (12)
DINK (Doodikoff's Income, No Kiss)    06/18/24  (38)
USOC Announces Paris 2024 Fag Bears    06/18/24  (1)
Team USA Opening Ceremony uniform revealed    06/18/24  (5)
James Joyce Jr. rate NY Mag writer Rebecca Traister as a farter    06/18/24  (6)
Time Magazine confirms the election was stolen by a shadowy cabal    06/18/24  (191)
How do so many people raise multiple children? Its expensive AF    06/18/24  (14)
Pajeet Goldberg hasn’t tweeted in a couple days    06/18/24  (5)
WHERE THE FUCK IS TBF    06/18/24  (10)
Unhinged NY Mag piece on Republican womyn    06/18/24  (5)
I have $80K in personal credit card debt, taking questions    06/18/24  (50)
Scanning the crowd at Monster Jam thru binoculars & u see vonoskar staring at u    06/18/24  (14)
I actually not flame think Hillary would do better than Biden in 2024    06/18/24  (16)
what would the most ENTERTAINING scenario leading up to election be?    06/18/24  (2)
fulano, my zoomer gf is legitimately insane. what should i do?    06/18/24  (4)
Took a walk in the park yesterday, cost me $25.12.    06/18/24  (6)
Artsy rock bands that actually sucked    06/18/24  (221)
Board fashion snobs (fulano etc) - thoughts on Daniel Cremieux (Dillards)?    06/18/24  (42)
New sitcom "My Wife's Computer Job" premiering on CBS this Thursday (link)    06/18/24  (5)
Don't hear anyone discussing college world series Omaha or any sports fraud    06/18/24  (1)
Statues have such small penises    06/18/24  (16)
Tommy T btfo: Chinese women are massively feminazi cunts    06/18/24  (15)
You're so fucking old, damn man look at you    06/18/24  (1)
180 that Cslgs fraud doesn’t work for restaurants like it did with pi scam    06/18/24  (18)
we got a real sicko here. *tosses folder on desk* wants to play 'toddler T-ball'    06/18/24  (1)
Sang well at firm karaoke, now known as The Tamil J Timberlake at work 🐶    06/18/24  (5)
They will not get away with stealing your or my life! We will get out lives back    06/18/24  (1)
AZNGirls meet Handsome in China but berate him for being American    06/18/24  (23)
open registration now    06/18/24  (7)
fulano's husband waking him up on sunday morning to get big brunch    06/18/24  (12)
Someone posted 200mb of Kirkland & Ellis client correspondence on Kazaa in 2001    06/18/24  (5)
holy shit @ the last 24 tab. xo really is dying :(    06/18/24  (25)
ya'll xo women need to stfu when fulano is talking    06/18/24  (22)
White supremacist throws pregnant migrant off bus (vid)    06/18/24  (1)
WaPo op-ed: “It’s still HER turn”    06/18/24  (33)
when fulano walks into a thread you see the pumpkin spice lattes go flying    06/18/24  (4)
Waldo Jeffers had reached his limit.    06/18/24  (8)
Nvidia now the most valuable company in the world, overtaking MSFT, AAPL    06/18/24  (3)
*locks all the doors and lets a deer run loose on xo*    06/18/24  (21)
Darude (Sandstorm guy) is a chiseled Chad not flame    06/18/24  (1)
Heist music plays as black 007 puts soda in her water cup @ Burger King    06/18/24  (24)
waldo jeffers tp    06/18/24  (1)
I've shit in 34 different courthouses    06/18/24  (31)
Saul of the Mole Men makes so much more sense now    06/18/24  (3)
“NES: The Nazarene’s Extremist Sanhedrinphobia” (NYT circa AD 33, probably    06/18/24  (1)
how the furk is jamaal bowman not in jail rn???    06/18/24  (10)
I’m going to party like Hunter Biden after TRUMP wins on Tuesday!    06/18/24  (5)
Using the word creepy=you are a jealous fraud and die whore    06/18/24  (1)
Weather looks perfect across the Midwest on Tuesday. Sorry Trumpers.    06/18/24  (15)
emilio did you ever wind up checking out Sandman?    06/18/24  (34)
Bill Belichick making Swift/Kelce Mahomes fraud seem Pedestrian    06/18/24  (4)
Hot Cousin:youre welcome to lick my toffee Shrew GF:coffee is bad for you!    06/18/24  (16)
Frisky Dingo.    06/18/24  (5)
   06/18/24  (4)
Most Americans are truly pathetic&accepting this fraud shit with no resistance    06/18/24  (21)
This world is trash! You're #1 and the only one which matters!    06/18/24  (8)
Take American fraud women to the woods&have ur way with the fraud bitches    06/18/24  (1)
Stop pandering to American "women" they=frauds fucking with u    06/18/24  (1)
I'm saving this place myself..glad to see most of the frauds go! Good riddance    06/18/24  (1)
"Nobody In This Area Puts The Cheese On The Raw Patty," The Realtor Winked    06/18/24  (3)
evan39 a freaking Buc-ee's car was "manager" starts at 125k plus amazing perks    06/18/24  (21)
Funny "inflation" is listed at 3% when it's really between 400 and 500%    06/18/24  (9)
Anne Frank except its DBG family living in his goy-in-laws basement during Covid    06/18/24  (3)
Sports fraud under attack Jobas trophys smashed&in a dumpster ljl 50 years worth    06/18/24  (5)
Lol do Americans realize their nation is a fraud and they have 0 rights?    06/18/24  (6)

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